
attribute value
owner Akihisa Yamada
uploaded 2020-06-20 22:48:56.0
disk size 10.56 KB
downloadable true
attribute value
name no_type
processor id 1
description this is the default benchmark type for rejected benchmarks and benchmarks that are not associated with a type.
owning community none
loading contents
(declare-sort Loc 0)
(declare-const l0 Loc)
(declare-const l1 Loc)
(declare-const l3 Loc)
(declare-const l4 Loc)
(declare-const l2 Loc)
(declare-const l5 Loc)
(declare-const l6 Loc)
(declare-const l7 Loc)
(declare-const l8 Loc)
(assert (distinct l0 l1 l3 l4 l2 l5 l6 l7 l8))

(define-fun cfg_init ( (pc Loc) (src Loc) (rel Bool) ) Bool
  (and (= pc src) rel))

(define-fun cfg_trans2 ( (pc Loc) (src Loc)
                         (pc1 Loc) (dst Loc)
                         (rel Bool) ) Bool
  (and (= pc src) (= pc1 dst) rel))

(define-fun cfg_trans3 ( (pc Loc) (exit Loc)
                         (pc1 Loc) (call Loc)
                         (pc2 Loc) (return Loc)
                         (rel Bool) ) Bool
  (and (= pc exit) (= pc1 call) (= pc2 return) rel))

(define-fun init_main ( (pc^0 Loc) (Dc_6^0 Int) (InterfaceType_5^0 Int) (MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 Int) (Result_4^0 Int) (___cil_tmp2_11^0 Int) (___retres1_10^0 Int) (cnt_27^0 Int) (cnt_32^0 Int) (ct_15^0 Int) (ct_49^0 Int) (fdoExtension_7^0 Int) (lt_12^0 Int) (lt_13^0 Int) (lt_14^0 Int) (lt_16^0 Int) (lt_17^0 Int) (lt_18^0 Int) (ntStatus_8^0 Int) ) Bool
  (cfg_init pc^0 l8 true))

(define-fun next_main (
                 (pc^0 Loc) (Dc_6^0 Int) (InterfaceType_5^0 Int) (MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 Int) (Result_4^0 Int) (___cil_tmp2_11^0 Int) (___retres1_10^0 Int) (cnt_27^0 Int) (cnt_32^0 Int) (ct_15^0 Int) (ct_49^0 Int) (fdoExtension_7^0 Int) (lt_12^0 Int) (lt_13^0 Int) (lt_14^0 Int) (lt_16^0 Int) (lt_17^0 Int) (lt_18^0 Int) (ntStatus_8^0 Int)
                 (pc^post Loc) (Dc_6^post Int) (InterfaceType_5^post Int) (MaximumInterfaceType_9^post Int) (Result_4^post Int) (___cil_tmp2_11^post Int) (___retres1_10^post Int) (cnt_27^post Int) (cnt_32^post Int) (ct_15^post Int) (ct_49^post Int) (fdoExtension_7^post Int) (lt_12^post Int) (lt_13^post Int) (lt_14^post Int) (lt_16^post Int) (lt_17^post Int) (lt_18^post Int) (ntStatus_8^post Int)
             ) Bool
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l0 pc^post l1 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^post MaximumInterfaceType_9^post) (= ntStatus_8^post ntStatus_8^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^post fdoExtension_7^post)) (= Dc_6^post Dc_6^post)) (= InterfaceType_5^post InterfaceType_5^post)) (= Result_4^0 Result_4^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post)) (= ___retres1_10^0 ___retres1_10^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_15^0 ct_15^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= lt_13^0 lt_13^post)) (= lt_14^0 lt_14^post)) (= lt_16^0 lt_16^post)) (= lt_17^0 lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^0 lt_18^post)))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l1 pc^post l3 (exists ( (ct_15^1 Int) (lt_14^1 Int) (lt_16^1 Int) (lt_17^1 Int) (lt_18^1 Int) ) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= lt_17^1 (+ 0 cnt_27^0)) (= lt_18^1 (+ 0 cnt_32^0))) (<= 0 (+ (+ -1 (* -1 lt_17^1)) lt_18^1))) (= lt_17^post lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^post lt_18^post)) (= lt_16^1 (+ 0 cnt_27^0))) (= lt_16^post lt_16^post)) (= ct_15^1 ct_15^1)) (= ct_15^post ct_15^post)) (= lt_14^1 (+ 0 ct_49^0))) (<= 0 (+ -1 lt_14^1))) (= lt_14^post lt_14^post)) (= lt_13^post (+ 0 ct_49^0))) (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post)) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= Result_4^0 Result_4^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post)) (= ___retres1_10^0 ___retres1_10^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post))))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l3 pc^post l4 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (<= (+ 1 lt_13^0) 256) (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post)) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= Result_4^0 Result_4^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post)) (= ___retres1_10^0 ___retres1_10^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_15^0 ct_15^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= lt_13^0 lt_13^post)) (= lt_14^0 lt_14^post)) (= lt_16^0 lt_16^post)) (= lt_17^0 lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^0 lt_18^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post)))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l3 pc^post l4 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (<= 257 (+ 0 lt_13^0)) (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post)) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= Result_4^0 Result_4^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post)) (= ___retres1_10^0 ___retres1_10^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_15^0 ct_15^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= lt_13^0 lt_13^post)) (= lt_14^0 lt_14^post)) (= lt_16^0 lt_16^post)) (= lt_17^0 lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^0 lt_18^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post)))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l4 pc^post l2 (exists ( (lt_12^1 Int) ) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= lt_13^post lt_13^post) (= lt_12^1 (+ 0 ct_49^0))) (= ___retres1_10^post (+ 0 lt_12^1))) (= lt_12^post lt_12^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^post (+ 0 ___retres1_10^post))) (= Result_4^post (+ 0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post))) (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post)) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_15^0 ct_15^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_14^0 lt_14^post)) (= lt_16^0 lt_16^post)) (= lt_17^0 lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^0 lt_18^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post))))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l1 pc^post l5 (exists ( (ct_15^1 Int) (lt_14^1 Int) (lt_16^1 Int) (lt_17^1 Int) (lt_18^1 Int) ) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= lt_17^1 (+ 0 cnt_27^0)) (= lt_18^1 (+ 0 cnt_32^0))) (<= 0 (+ (+ -1 (* -1 lt_17^1)) lt_18^1))) (= lt_17^post lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^post lt_18^post)) (= lt_16^1 (+ 0 cnt_27^0))) (= lt_16^post lt_16^post)) (= ct_15^1 ct_15^1)) (= ct_15^post ct_15^post)) (= lt_14^1 (+ 0 ct_49^0))) (<= (+ 0 lt_14^1) 0)) (= lt_14^post lt_14^post)) (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post)) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= Result_4^0 Result_4^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post)) (= ___retres1_10^0 ___retres1_10^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= lt_13^0 lt_13^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post))))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l5 pc^post l1 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= Result_4^0 Result_4^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post)) (= ___retres1_10^0 ___retres1_10^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_15^0 ct_15^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= lt_13^0 lt_13^post)) (= lt_14^0 lt_14^post)) (= lt_16^0 lt_16^post)) (= lt_17^0 lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^0 lt_18^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post)))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l1 pc^post l6 (exists ( (ct_15^1 Int) (lt_13^1 Int) (lt_14^1 Int) (lt_16^1 Int) (lt_17^1 Int) (lt_18^1 Int) ) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= lt_17^1 (+ 0 cnt_27^0)) (= lt_18^1 (+ 0 cnt_32^0))) (<= 0 (+ (+ -1 (* -1 lt_17^1)) lt_18^1))) (= lt_17^post lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^post lt_18^post)) (= lt_16^1 (+ 0 cnt_27^0))) (= lt_16^post lt_16^post)) (= ct_15^1 ct_15^1)) (= ct_15^post ct_15^post)) (= lt_14^1 (+ 0 ct_49^0))) (<= 0 (+ -1 lt_14^1))) (= lt_14^post lt_14^post)) (= lt_13^1 (+ 0 ct_49^0))) (<= (+ 0 lt_13^1) 256)) (<= 256 (+ 0 lt_13^1))) (= lt_13^post lt_13^post)) (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post)) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= Result_4^0 Result_4^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post)) (= ___retres1_10^0 ___retres1_10^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post))))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l6 pc^post l1 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= Result_4^0 Result_4^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post)) (= ___retres1_10^0 ___retres1_10^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_15^0 ct_15^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= lt_13^0 lt_13^post)) (= lt_14^0 lt_14^post)) (= lt_16^0 lt_16^post)) (= lt_17^0 lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^0 lt_18^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post)))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l1 pc^post l7 (exists ( (lt_17^1 Int) (lt_18^1 Int) ) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= lt_17^1 (+ 0 cnt_27^0)) (= lt_18^1 (+ 0 cnt_32^0))) (<= (+ (+ 0 (* -1 lt_17^1)) lt_18^1) 0)) (= lt_17^post lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^post lt_18^post)) (= ___retres1_10^post 0)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^post (+ 0 ___retres1_10^post))) (= Result_4^post (+ 0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post))) (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post)) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_15^0 ct_15^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= lt_13^0 lt_13^post)) (= lt_14^0 lt_14^post)) (= lt_16^0 lt_16^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post))))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l8 pc^post l0 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= Dc_6^0 Dc_6^post) (= InterfaceType_5^0 InterfaceType_5^post)) (= MaximumInterfaceType_9^0 MaximumInterfaceType_9^post)) (= Result_4^0 Result_4^post)) (= ___cil_tmp2_11^0 ___cil_tmp2_11^post)) (= ___retres1_10^0 ___retres1_10^post)) (= cnt_27^0 cnt_27^post)) (= cnt_32^0 cnt_32^post)) (= ct_15^0 ct_15^post)) (= ct_49^0 ct_49^post)) (= fdoExtension_7^0 fdoExtension_7^post)) (= lt_12^0 lt_12^post)) (= lt_13^0 lt_13^post)) (= lt_14^0 lt_14^post)) (= lt_16^0 lt_16^post)) (= lt_17^0 lt_17^post)) (= lt_18^0 lt_18^post)) (= ntStatus_8^0 ntStatus_8^post)))

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