
attribute value
owner Akihisa Yamada
uploaded 2020-06-20 22:49:00.0
disk size 263.92 KB
downloadable true
attribute value
name no_type
processor id 1
description this is the default benchmark type for rejected benchmarks and benchmarks that are not associated with a type.
owning community none
loading contents
(declare-sort Loc 0)
(declare-const l0 Loc)
(declare-const l1 Loc)
(declare-const l2 Loc)
(declare-const l3 Loc)
(declare-const l4 Loc)
(declare-const l5 Loc)
(declare-const l6 Loc)
(declare-const l7 Loc)
(declare-const l8 Loc)
(declare-const l9 Loc)
(declare-const l10 Loc)
(declare-const l11 Loc)
(declare-const l12 Loc)
(declare-const l13 Loc)
(declare-const l14 Loc)
(declare-const l15 Loc)
(declare-const l16 Loc)
(declare-const l17 Loc)
(declare-const l18 Loc)
(declare-const l19 Loc)
(declare-const l20 Loc)
(declare-const l21 Loc)
(declare-const l22 Loc)
(declare-const l23 Loc)
(declare-const l24 Loc)
(declare-const l25 Loc)
(declare-const l26 Loc)
(declare-const l27 Loc)
(declare-const l28 Loc)
(declare-const l29 Loc)
(declare-const l30 Loc)
(declare-const l31 Loc)
(declare-const l32 Loc)
(declare-const l33 Loc)
(declare-const l34 Loc)
(declare-const l35 Loc)
(declare-const l36 Loc)
(declare-const l37 Loc)
(declare-const l38 Loc)
(declare-const l39 Loc)
(assert (distinct l0 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 l10 l11 l12 l13 l14 l15 l16 l17 l18 l19 l20 l21 l22 l23 l24 l25 l26 l27 l28 l29 l30 l31 l32 l33 l34 l35 l36 l37 l38 l39))

(define-fun cfg_init ( (pc Loc) (src Loc) (rel Bool) ) Bool
  (and (= pc src) rel))

(define-fun cfg_trans2 ( (pc Loc) (src Loc)
                         (pc1 Loc) (dst Loc)
                         (rel Bool) ) Bool
  (and (= pc src) (= pc1 dst) rel))

(define-fun cfg_trans3 ( (pc Loc) (exit Loc)
                         (pc1 Loc) (call Loc)
                         (pc2 Loc) (return Loc)
                         (rel Bool) ) Bool
  (and (= pc exit) (= pc1 call) (= pc2 return) rel))

(define-fun init_main ( (pc^0 Loc) (NL1818^0 Int) (NL2727^0 Int) (NL4444^0 Int) (NL5656^0 Int) (SER4343^0 Int) (SER5555^0 Int) (___rho_1_^0 Int) (___rho_2_^0 Int) (___rho_4_^0 Int) (a3434^0 Int) (a5252^0 Int) (a5959^0 Int) (a6262^0 Int) (a6767^0 Int) (a7171^0 Int) (a7373^0 Int) (a7878^0 Int) (allocator___01414^0 Int) (allocator___01919^0 Int) (allocator___02020^0 Int) (ap_daemons_limit^0 Int) (ap_daemons_max_free^0 Int) (ap_daemons_min_free^0 Int) (ap_daemons_to_start^0 Int) (ap_listeners^0 Int) (ap_lock_fname^0 Int) (ap_lock_fname___03030^0 Int) (ap_max_mem_free^0 Int) (ap_max_mem_free___01515^0 Int) (ap_max_requests_per_child^0 Int) (ap_my_generation^0 Int) (ap_my_pid^0 Int) (ap_server_conf___01212^0 Int) (ap_server_conf___03737^0 Int) (ap_threads_per_child^0 Int) (child_num_arg^0 Int) (csd7676^0 Int) (current_conn^0 Int) (current_conn___07575^0 Int) (current_conn___07777^0 Int) (die_now^0 Int) (do_ACCEPT^0 Int) (first_server_limit^0 Int) (handled_conn^0 Int) (i^0 Int) (last_poll_idx^0 Int) (lr^0 Int) (mpm_state^0 Int) (my_child_num^0 Int) (my_child_num___04040^0 Int) (num_listensocks^0 Int) (num_listensocks___04646^0 Int) (numdesc___05^0 Int) (one_process^0 Int) (pchild___02121^0 Int) (pchild___02323^0 Int) (pchild___02626^0 Int) (pchild___03131^0 Int) (pchild___03636^0 Int) (pchild___03939^0 Int) (pchild___04747^0 Int) (pconf___01717^0 Int) (pfd___01^0 Int) (pfd_client_data^0 Int) (pfd_desc_s^0 Int) (pfd_desc_type^0 Int) (pfd_reqevents^0 Int) (pollset___04949^0 Int) (pollset___06161^0 Int) (ptrans___02424^0 Int) (ptrans___05151^0 Int) (requests_this_child^0 Int) (ret_accept_mutex_off7070^0 Int) (ret_accept_mutex_on5858^0 Int) (ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^0 Int) (ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^0 Int) (ret_getpid1111^0 Int) (sbh___04242^0 Int) (sbh___05454^0 Int) (server_limit^0 Int) (shutdown_pending^0 Int) (status^0 Int) (tmp1010^0 Int) (tmp3232^0 Int) (tmp3535^0 Int) (tmp3^0 Int) (tmp5353^0 Int) (tmp5757^0 Int) (tmp6060^0 Int) (tmp6565^0 Int) (tmp6868^0 Int) (tmp6969^0 Int) (tmp7272^0 Int) (tmp7474^0 Int) (tmp7979^0 Int) (tmp___04^0 Int) (tmp___18^0 Int) (z2828^0 Int) (z4141^0 Int) (z4848^0 Int) ) Bool
  (cfg_init pc^0 l39 true))

(define-fun next_main (
                 (pc^0 Loc) (NL1818^0 Int) (NL2727^0 Int) (NL4444^0 Int) (NL5656^0 Int) (SER4343^0 Int) (SER5555^0 Int) (___rho_1_^0 Int) (___rho_2_^0 Int) (___rho_4_^0 Int) (a3434^0 Int) (a5252^0 Int) (a5959^0 Int) (a6262^0 Int) (a6767^0 Int) (a7171^0 Int) (a7373^0 Int) (a7878^0 Int) (allocator___01414^0 Int) (allocator___01919^0 Int) (allocator___02020^0 Int) (ap_daemons_limit^0 Int) (ap_daemons_max_free^0 Int) (ap_daemons_min_free^0 Int) (ap_daemons_to_start^0 Int) (ap_listeners^0 Int) (ap_lock_fname^0 Int) (ap_lock_fname___03030^0 Int) (ap_max_mem_free^0 Int) (ap_max_mem_free___01515^0 Int) (ap_max_requests_per_child^0 Int) (ap_my_generation^0 Int) (ap_my_pid^0 Int) (ap_server_conf___01212^0 Int) (ap_server_conf___03737^0 Int) (ap_threads_per_child^0 Int) (child_num_arg^0 Int) (csd7676^0 Int) (current_conn^0 Int) (current_conn___07575^0 Int) (current_conn___07777^0 Int) (die_now^0 Int) (do_ACCEPT^0 Int) (first_server_limit^0 Int) (handled_conn^0 Int) (i^0 Int) (last_poll_idx^0 Int) (lr^0 Int) (mpm_state^0 Int) (my_child_num^0 Int) (my_child_num___04040^0 Int) (num_listensocks^0 Int) (num_listensocks___04646^0 Int) (numdesc___05^0 Int) (one_process^0 Int) (pchild___02121^0 Int) (pchild___02323^0 Int) (pchild___02626^0 Int) (pchild___03131^0 Int) (pchild___03636^0 Int) (pchild___03939^0 Int) (pchild___04747^0 Int) (pconf___01717^0 Int) (pfd___01^0 Int) (pfd_client_data^0 Int) (pfd_desc_s^0 Int) (pfd_desc_type^0 Int) (pfd_reqevents^0 Int) (pollset___04949^0 Int) (pollset___06161^0 Int) (ptrans___02424^0 Int) (ptrans___05151^0 Int) (requests_this_child^0 Int) (ret_accept_mutex_off7070^0 Int) (ret_accept_mutex_on5858^0 Int) (ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^0 Int) (ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^0 Int) (ret_getpid1111^0 Int) (sbh___04242^0 Int) (sbh___05454^0 Int) (server_limit^0 Int) (shutdown_pending^0 Int) (status^0 Int) (tmp1010^0 Int) (tmp3232^0 Int) (tmp3535^0 Int) (tmp3^0 Int) (tmp5353^0 Int) (tmp5757^0 Int) (tmp6060^0 Int) (tmp6565^0 Int) (tmp6868^0 Int) (tmp6969^0 Int) (tmp7272^0 Int) (tmp7474^0 Int) (tmp7979^0 Int) (tmp___04^0 Int) (tmp___18^0 Int) (z2828^0 Int) (z4141^0 Int) (z4848^0 Int)
                 (pc^post Loc) (NL1818^post Int) (NL2727^post Int) (NL4444^post Int) (NL5656^post Int) (SER4343^post Int) (SER5555^post Int) (___rho_1_^post Int) (___rho_2_^post Int) (___rho_4_^post Int) (a3434^post Int) (a5252^post Int) (a5959^post Int) (a6262^post Int) (a6767^post Int) (a7171^post Int) (a7373^post Int) (a7878^post Int) (allocator___01414^post Int) (allocator___01919^post Int) (allocator___02020^post Int) (ap_daemons_limit^post Int) (ap_daemons_max_free^post Int) (ap_daemons_min_free^post Int) (ap_daemons_to_start^post Int) (ap_listeners^post Int) (ap_lock_fname^post Int) (ap_lock_fname___03030^post Int) (ap_max_mem_free^post Int) (ap_max_mem_free___01515^post Int) (ap_max_requests_per_child^post Int) (ap_my_generation^post Int) (ap_my_pid^post Int) (ap_server_conf___01212^post Int) (ap_server_conf___03737^post Int) (ap_threads_per_child^post Int) (child_num_arg^post Int) (csd7676^post Int) (current_conn^post Int) (current_conn___07575^post Int) (current_conn___07777^post Int) (die_now^post Int) (do_ACCEPT^post Int) (first_server_limit^post Int) (handled_conn^post Int) (i^post Int) (last_poll_idx^post Int) (lr^post Int) (mpm_state^post Int) (my_child_num^post Int) (my_child_num___04040^post Int) (num_listensocks^post Int) (num_listensocks___04646^post Int) (numdesc___05^post Int) (one_process^post Int) (pchild___02121^post Int) (pchild___02323^post Int) (pchild___02626^post Int) (pchild___03131^post Int) (pchild___03636^post Int) (pchild___03939^post Int) (pchild___04747^post Int) (pconf___01717^post Int) (pfd___01^post Int) (pfd_client_data^post Int) (pfd_desc_s^post Int) (pfd_desc_type^post Int) (pfd_reqevents^post Int) (pollset___04949^post Int) (pollset___06161^post Int) (ptrans___02424^post Int) (ptrans___05151^post Int) (requests_this_child^post Int) (ret_accept_mutex_off7070^post Int) (ret_accept_mutex_on5858^post Int) (ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^post Int) (ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^post Int) (ret_getpid1111^post Int) (sbh___04242^post Int) (sbh___05454^post Int) (server_limit^post Int) (shutdown_pending^post Int) (status^post Int) (tmp1010^post Int) (tmp3232^post Int) (tmp3535^post Int) (tmp3^post Int) (tmp5353^post Int) (tmp5757^post Int) (tmp6060^post Int) (tmp6565^post Int) (tmp6868^post Int) (tmp6969^post Int) (tmp7272^post Int) (tmp7474^post Int) (tmp7979^post Int) (tmp___04^post Int) (tmp___18^post Int) (z2828^post Int) (z4141^post Int) (z4848^post Int)
             ) Bool
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l0 pc^post l1 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= pchild___03636^post pchild___03636^post) (= ap_server_conf___03737^post ap_server_conf___03737^post)) (= pchild___03939^post pchild___03939^post)) (= my_child_num___04040^post (+ 0 my_child_num^0))) (= z4141^post 0)) (= sbh___04242^post sbh___04242^post)) (= SER4343^post 1)) (= NL4444^post 0)) (= num_listensocks___04646^post (+ 0 num_listensocks^0))) (= pchild___04747^post pchild___04747^post)) (= z4848^post 0)) (= num_listensocks^post num_listensocks^post)) (<= 1 (+ 0 num_listensocks^post))) (= lr^post (+ 0 ap_listeners^0))) (= i^post (+ 0 num_listensocks^post))) (= NL1818^0 NL1818^post)) (= NL2727^0 NL2727^post)) (= NL5656^0 NL5656^post)) (= SER5555^0 SER5555^post)) (= ___rho_1_^0 ___rho_1_^post)) (= ___rho_2_^0 ___rho_2_^post)) (= ___rho_4_^0 ___rho_4_^post)) (= a3434^0 a3434^post)) (= a5252^0 a5252^post)) (= a5959^0 a5959^post)) (= a6262^0 a6262^post)) (= a6767^0 a6767^post)) (= a7171^0 a7171^post)) (= a7373^0 a7373^post)) (= a7878^0 a7878^post)) (= allocator___01414^0 allocator___01414^post)) (= allocator___01919^0 allocator___01919^post)) (= allocator___02020^0 allocator___02020^post)) (= ap_daemons_limit^0 ap_daemons_limit^post)) (= ap_daemons_max_free^0 ap_daemons_max_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_min_free^0 ap_daemons_min_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_to_start^0 ap_daemons_to_start^post)) (= ap_listeners^0 ap_listeners^post)) (= ap_lock_fname^0 ap_lock_fname^post)) (= ap_lock_fname___03030^0 ap_lock_fname___03030^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free^0 ap_max_mem_free^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free___01515^0 ap_max_mem_free___01515^post)) (= ap_max_requests_per_child^0 ap_max_requests_per_child^post)) (= ap_my_generation^0 ap_my_generation^post)) (= ap_my_pid^0 ap_my_pid^post)) (= ap_server_conf___01212^0 ap_server_conf___01212^post)) (= ap_threads_per_child^0 ap_threads_per_child^post)) (= child_num_arg^0 child_num_arg^post)) (= csd7676^0 csd7676^post)) (= current_conn^0 current_conn^post)) (= current_conn___07575^0 current_conn___07575^post)) (= current_conn___07777^0 current_conn___07777^post)) (= die_now^0 die_now^post)) (= do_ACCEPT^0 do_ACCEPT^post)) (= first_server_limit^0 first_server_limit^post)) (= handled_conn^0 handled_conn^post)) (= last_poll_idx^0 last_poll_idx^post)) (= mpm_state^0 mpm_state^post)) (= my_child_num^0 my_child_num^post)) (= numdesc___05^0 numdesc___05^post)) (= one_process^0 one_process^post)) (= pchild___02121^0 pchild___02121^post)) (= pchild___02323^0 pchild___02323^post)) (= pchild___02626^0 pchild___02626^post)) (= pchild___03131^0 pchild___03131^post)) (= pconf___01717^0 pconf___01717^post)) (= pfd___01^0 pfd___01^post)) (= pfd_client_data^0 pfd_client_data^post)) (= pfd_desc_s^0 pfd_desc_s^post)) (= pfd_desc_type^0 pfd_desc_type^post)) (= pfd_reqevents^0 pfd_reqevents^post)) (= pollset___04949^0 pollset___04949^post)) (= pollset___06161^0 pollset___06161^post)) (= ptrans___02424^0 ptrans___02424^post)) (= ptrans___05151^0 ptrans___05151^post)) (= requests_this_child^0 requests_this_child^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_off7070^0 ret_accept_mutex_off7070^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_on5858^0 ret_accept_mutex_on5858^post)) (= ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^0 ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^post)) (= ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^0 ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^post)) (= ret_getpid1111^0 ret_getpid1111^post)) (= sbh___05454^0 sbh___05454^post)) (= server_limit^0 server_limit^post)) (= shutdown_pending^0 shutdown_pending^post)) (= status^0 status^post)) (= tmp1010^0 tmp1010^post)) (= tmp3^0 tmp3^post)) (= tmp3232^0 tmp3232^post)) (= tmp3535^0 tmp3535^post)) (= tmp5353^0 tmp5353^post)) (= tmp5757^0 tmp5757^post)) (= tmp6060^0 tmp6060^post)) (= tmp6565^0 tmp6565^post)) (= tmp6868^0 tmp6868^post)) (= tmp6969^0 tmp6969^post)) (= tmp7272^0 tmp7272^post)) (= tmp7474^0 tmp7474^post)) (= tmp7979^0 tmp7979^post)) (= tmp___04^0 tmp___04^post)) (= tmp___18^0 tmp___18^post)) (= z2828^0 z2828^post)))
    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l2 pc^post l0 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= a3434^post 1) (= tmp3535^post tmp3535^post)) (= NL1818^0 NL1818^post)) (= NL2727^0 NL2727^post)) (= NL4444^0 NL4444^post)) (= NL5656^0 NL5656^post)) (= SER4343^0 SER4343^post)) (= SER5555^0 SER5555^post)) (= ___rho_1_^0 ___rho_1_^post)) (= ___rho_2_^0 ___rho_2_^post)) (= ___rho_4_^0 ___rho_4_^post)) (= a5252^0 a5252^post)) (= a5959^0 a5959^post)) (= a6262^0 a6262^post)) (= a6767^0 a6767^post)) (= a7171^0 a7171^post)) (= a7373^0 a7373^post)) (= a7878^0 a7878^post)) (= allocator___01414^0 allocator___01414^post)) (= allocator___01919^0 allocator___01919^post)) (= allocator___02020^0 allocator___02020^post)) (= ap_daemons_limit^0 ap_daemons_limit^post)) (= ap_daemons_max_free^0 ap_daemons_max_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_min_free^0 ap_daemons_min_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_to_start^0 ap_daemons_to_start^post)) (= ap_listeners^0 ap_listeners^post)) (= ap_lock_fname^0 ap_lock_fname^post)) (= ap_lock_fname___03030^0 ap_lock_fname___03030^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free^0 ap_max_mem_free^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free___01515^0 ap_max_mem_free___01515^post)) (= ap_max_requests_per_child^0 ap_max_requests_per_child^post)) (= ap_my_generation^0 ap_my_generation^post)) (= ap_my_pid^0 ap_my_pid^post)) (= ap_server_conf___01212^0 ap_server_conf___01212^post)) (= ap_server_conf___03737^0 ap_server_conf___03737^post)) (= ap_threads_per_child^0 ap_threads_per_child^post)) (= child_num_arg^0 child_num_arg^post)) (= csd7676^0 csd7676^post)) (= current_conn^0 current_conn^post)) (= current_conn___07575^0 current_conn___07575^post)) (= current_conn___07777^0 current_conn___07777^post)) (= die_now^0 die_now^post)) (= do_ACCEPT^0 do_ACCEPT^post)) (= first_server_limit^0 first_server_limit^post)) (= handled_conn^0 handled_conn^post)) (= i^0 i^post)) (= last_poll_idx^0 last_poll_idx^post)) (= lr^0 lr^post)) (= mpm_state^0 mpm_state^post)) (= my_child_num^0 my_child_num^post)) (= my_child_num___04040^0 my_child_num___04040^post)) (= num_listensocks^0 num_listensocks^post)) (= num_listensocks___04646^0 num_listensocks___04646^post)) (= numdesc___05^0 numdesc___05^post)) (= one_process^0 one_process^post)) (= pchild___02121^0 pchild___02121^post)) (= pchild___02323^0 pchild___02323^post)) (= pchild___02626^0 pchild___02626^post)) (= pchild___03131^0 pchild___03131^post)) (= pchild___03636^0 pchild___03636^post)) (= pchild___03939^0 pchild___03939^post)) (= pchild___04747^0 pchild___04747^post)) (= pconf___01717^0 pconf___01717^post)) (= pfd___01^0 pfd___01^post)) (= pfd_client_data^0 pfd_client_data^post)) (= pfd_desc_s^0 pfd_desc_s^post)) (= pfd_desc_type^0 pfd_desc_type^post)) (= pfd_reqevents^0 pfd_reqevents^post)) (= pollset___04949^0 pollset___04949^post)) (= pollset___06161^0 pollset___06161^post)) (= ptrans___02424^0 ptrans___02424^post)) (= ptrans___05151^0 ptrans___05151^post)) (= requests_this_child^0 requests_this_child^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_off7070^0 ret_accept_mutex_off7070^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_on5858^0 ret_accept_mutex_on5858^post)) (= ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^0 ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^post)) (= ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^0 ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^post)) (= ret_getpid1111^0 ret_getpid1111^post)) (= sbh___04242^0 sbh___04242^post)) (= sbh___05454^0 sbh___05454^post)) (= server_limit^0 server_limit^post)) (= shutdown_pending^0 shutdown_pending^post)) (= status^0 status^post)) (= tmp1010^0 tmp1010^post)) (= tmp3^0 tmp3^post)) (= tmp3232^0 tmp3232^post)) (= tmp5353^0 tmp5353^post)) (= tmp5757^0 tmp5757^post)) (= tmp6060^0 tmp6060^post)) (= tmp6565^0 tmp6565^post)) (= tmp6868^0 tmp6868^post)) (= tmp6969^0 tmp6969^post)) (= tmp7272^0 tmp7272^post)) (= tmp7474^0 tmp7474^post)) (= tmp7979^0 tmp7979^post)) (= tmp___04^0 tmp___04^post)) (= tmp___18^0 tmp___18^post)) (= z2828^0 z2828^post)) (= z4141^0 z4141^post)) (= z4848^0 z4848^post)))
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    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l7 pc^post l8 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (= pollset___06161^post pollset___06161^post) (= a6262^post -1)) (= tmp6565^post tmp6565^post)) (= ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^post (+ 0 tmp6565^post))) (= status^post (+ 0 ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^post))) (= NL1818^0 NL1818^post)) (= NL2727^0 NL2727^post)) (= NL4444^0 NL4444^post)) (= NL5656^0 NL5656^post)) (= SER4343^0 SER4343^post)) (= SER5555^0 SER5555^post)) (= ___rho_1_^0 ___rho_1_^post)) (= ___rho_2_^0 ___rho_2_^post)) (= ___rho_4_^0 ___rho_4_^post)) (= a3434^0 a3434^post)) (= a5252^0 a5252^post)) (= a5959^0 a5959^post)) (= a6767^0 a6767^post)) (= a7171^0 a7171^post)) (= a7373^0 a7373^post)) (= a7878^0 a7878^post)) (= allocator___01414^0 allocator___01414^post)) (= allocator___01919^0 allocator___01919^post)) (= allocator___02020^0 allocator___02020^post)) (= ap_daemons_limit^0 ap_daemons_limit^post)) (= ap_daemons_max_free^0 ap_daemons_max_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_min_free^0 ap_daemons_min_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_to_start^0 ap_daemons_to_start^post)) (= ap_listeners^0 ap_listeners^post)) (= ap_lock_fname^0 ap_lock_fname^post)) (= ap_lock_fname___03030^0 ap_lock_fname___03030^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free^0 ap_max_mem_free^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free___01515^0 ap_max_mem_free___01515^post)) (= ap_max_requests_per_child^0 ap_max_requests_per_child^post)) (= ap_my_generation^0 ap_my_generation^post)) (= ap_my_pid^0 ap_my_pid^post)) (= ap_server_conf___01212^0 ap_server_conf___01212^post)) (= ap_server_conf___03737^0 ap_server_conf___03737^post)) (= ap_threads_per_child^0 ap_threads_per_child^post)) (= child_num_arg^0 child_num_arg^post)) (= csd7676^0 csd7676^post)) (= current_conn^0 current_conn^post)) (= current_conn___07575^0 current_conn___07575^post)) (= current_conn___07777^0 current_conn___07777^post)) (= die_now^0 die_now^post)) (= do_ACCEPT^0 do_ACCEPT^post)) (= first_server_limit^0 first_server_limit^post)) (= handled_conn^0 handled_conn^post)) (= i^0 i^post)) (= last_poll_idx^0 last_poll_idx^post)) (= lr^0 lr^post)) (= mpm_state^0 mpm_state^post)) (= my_child_num^0 my_child_num^post)) (= my_child_num___04040^0 my_child_num___04040^post)) (= num_listensocks^0 num_listensocks^post)) (= num_listensocks___04646^0 num_listensocks___04646^post)) (= numdesc___05^0 numdesc___05^post)) (= one_process^0 one_process^post)) (= pchild___02121^0 pchild___02121^post)) (= pchild___02323^0 pchild___02323^post)) (= pchild___02626^0 pchild___02626^post)) (= pchild___03131^0 pchild___03131^post)) (= pchild___03636^0 pchild___03636^post)) (= pchild___03939^0 pchild___03939^post)) (= pchild___04747^0 pchild___04747^post)) (= pconf___01717^0 pconf___01717^post)) (= pfd___01^0 pfd___01^post)) (= pfd_client_data^0 pfd_client_data^post)) (= pfd_desc_s^0 pfd_desc_s^post)) (= pfd_desc_type^0 pfd_desc_type^post)) (= pfd_reqevents^0 pfd_reqevents^post)) (= pollset___04949^0 pollset___04949^post)) (= ptrans___02424^0 ptrans___02424^post)) (= ptrans___05151^0 ptrans___05151^post)) (= requests_this_child^0 requests_this_child^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_off7070^0 ret_accept_mutex_off7070^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_on5858^0 ret_accept_mutex_on5858^post)) (= ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^0 ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^post)) (= ret_getpid1111^0 ret_getpid1111^post)) (= sbh___04242^0 sbh___04242^post)) (= sbh___05454^0 sbh___05454^post)) (= server_limit^0 server_limit^post)) (= shutdown_pending^0 shutdown_pending^post)) (= tmp1010^0 tmp1010^post)) (= tmp3^0 tmp3^post)) (= tmp3232^0 tmp3232^post)) (= tmp3535^0 tmp3535^post)) (= tmp5353^0 tmp5353^post)) (= tmp5757^0 tmp5757^post)) (= tmp6060^0 tmp6060^post)) (= tmp6868^0 tmp6868^post)) (= tmp6969^0 tmp6969^post)) (= tmp7272^0 tmp7272^post)) (= tmp7474^0 tmp7474^post)) (= tmp7979^0 tmp7979^post)) (= tmp___04^0 tmp___04^post)) (= tmp___18^0 tmp___18^post)) (= z2828^0 z2828^post)) (= z4141^0 z4141^post)) (= z4848^0 z4848^post)))
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    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l22 pc^post l23 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (<= (+ 0 status^0) 7) (<= 7 (+ 0 status^0))) (= NL1818^0 NL1818^post)) (= NL2727^0 NL2727^post)) (= NL4444^0 NL4444^post)) (= NL5656^0 NL5656^post)) (= SER4343^0 SER4343^post)) (= SER5555^0 SER5555^post)) (= ___rho_1_^0 ___rho_1_^post)) (= ___rho_2_^0 ___rho_2_^post)) (= ___rho_4_^0 ___rho_4_^post)) (= a3434^0 a3434^post)) (= a5252^0 a5252^post)) (= a5959^0 a5959^post)) (= a6262^0 a6262^post)) (= a6767^0 a6767^post)) (= a7171^0 a7171^post)) (= a7373^0 a7373^post)) (= a7878^0 a7878^post)) (= allocator___01414^0 allocator___01414^post)) (= allocator___01919^0 allocator___01919^post)) (= allocator___02020^0 allocator___02020^post)) (= ap_daemons_limit^0 ap_daemons_limit^post)) (= ap_daemons_max_free^0 ap_daemons_max_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_min_free^0 ap_daemons_min_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_to_start^0 ap_daemons_to_start^post)) (= ap_listeners^0 ap_listeners^post)) (= ap_lock_fname^0 ap_lock_fname^post)) (= ap_lock_fname___03030^0 ap_lock_fname___03030^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free^0 ap_max_mem_free^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free___01515^0 ap_max_mem_free___01515^post)) (= ap_max_requests_per_child^0 ap_max_requests_per_child^post)) (= ap_my_generation^0 ap_my_generation^post)) (= ap_my_pid^0 ap_my_pid^post)) (= ap_server_conf___01212^0 ap_server_conf___01212^post)) (= ap_server_conf___03737^0 ap_server_conf___03737^post)) (= ap_threads_per_child^0 ap_threads_per_child^post)) (= child_num_arg^0 child_num_arg^post)) (= csd7676^0 csd7676^post)) (= current_conn^0 current_conn^post)) (= current_conn___07575^0 current_conn___07575^post)) (= current_conn___07777^0 current_conn___07777^post)) (= die_now^0 die_now^post)) (= do_ACCEPT^0 do_ACCEPT^post)) (= first_server_limit^0 first_server_limit^post)) (= handled_conn^0 handled_conn^post)) (= i^0 i^post)) (= last_poll_idx^0 last_poll_idx^post)) (= lr^0 lr^post)) (= mpm_state^0 mpm_state^post)) (= my_child_num^0 my_child_num^post)) (= my_child_num___04040^0 my_child_num___04040^post)) (= num_listensocks^0 num_listensocks^post)) (= num_listensocks___04646^0 num_listensocks___04646^post)) (= numdesc___05^0 numdesc___05^post)) (= one_process^0 one_process^post)) (= pchild___02121^0 pchild___02121^post)) (= pchild___02323^0 pchild___02323^post)) (= pchild___02626^0 pchild___02626^post)) (= pchild___03131^0 pchild___03131^post)) (= pchild___03636^0 pchild___03636^post)) (= pchild___03939^0 pchild___03939^post)) (= pchild___04747^0 pchild___04747^post)) (= pconf___01717^0 pconf___01717^post)) (= pfd___01^0 pfd___01^post)) (= pfd_client_data^0 pfd_client_data^post)) (= pfd_desc_s^0 pfd_desc_s^post)) (= pfd_desc_type^0 pfd_desc_type^post)) (= pfd_reqevents^0 pfd_reqevents^post)) (= pollset___04949^0 pollset___04949^post)) (= pollset___06161^0 pollset___06161^post)) (= ptrans___02424^0 ptrans___02424^post)) (= ptrans___05151^0 ptrans___05151^post)) (= requests_this_child^0 requests_this_child^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_off7070^0 ret_accept_mutex_off7070^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_on5858^0 ret_accept_mutex_on5858^post)) (= ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^0 ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^post)) (= ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^0 ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^post)) (= ret_getpid1111^0 ret_getpid1111^post)) (= sbh___04242^0 sbh___04242^post)) (= sbh___05454^0 sbh___05454^post)) (= server_limit^0 server_limit^post)) (= shutdown_pending^0 shutdown_pending^post)) (= status^0 status^post)) (= tmp1010^0 tmp1010^post)) (= tmp3^0 tmp3^post)) (= tmp3232^0 tmp3232^post)) (= tmp3535^0 tmp3535^post)) (= tmp5353^0 tmp5353^post)) (= tmp5757^0 tmp5757^post)) (= tmp6060^0 tmp6060^post)) (= tmp6565^0 tmp6565^post)) (= tmp6868^0 tmp6868^post)) (= tmp6969^0 tmp6969^post)) (= tmp7272^0 tmp7272^post)) (= tmp7474^0 tmp7474^post)) (= tmp7979^0 tmp7979^post)) (= tmp___04^0 tmp___04^post)) (= tmp___18^0 tmp___18^post)) (= z2828^0 z2828^post)) (= z4141^0 z4141^post)) (= z4848^0 z4848^post)))
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    (cfg_trans2 pc^0 l24 pc^post l23 (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (<= (+ 0 status^0) 4) (<= 4 (+ 0 status^0))) (= a7373^post 1)) (= tmp7474^post tmp7474^post)) (= NL1818^0 NL1818^post)) (= NL2727^0 NL2727^post)) (= NL4444^0 NL4444^post)) (= NL5656^0 NL5656^post)) (= SER4343^0 SER4343^post)) (= SER5555^0 SER5555^post)) (= ___rho_1_^0 ___rho_1_^post)) (= ___rho_2_^0 ___rho_2_^post)) (= ___rho_4_^0 ___rho_4_^post)) (= a3434^0 a3434^post)) (= a5252^0 a5252^post)) (= a5959^0 a5959^post)) (= a6262^0 a6262^post)) (= a6767^0 a6767^post)) (= a7171^0 a7171^post)) (= a7878^0 a7878^post)) (= allocator___01414^0 allocator___01414^post)) (= allocator___01919^0 allocator___01919^post)) (= allocator___02020^0 allocator___02020^post)) (= ap_daemons_limit^0 ap_daemons_limit^post)) (= ap_daemons_max_free^0 ap_daemons_max_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_min_free^0 ap_daemons_min_free^post)) (= ap_daemons_to_start^0 ap_daemons_to_start^post)) (= ap_listeners^0 ap_listeners^post)) (= ap_lock_fname^0 ap_lock_fname^post)) (= ap_lock_fname___03030^0 ap_lock_fname___03030^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free^0 ap_max_mem_free^post)) (= ap_max_mem_free___01515^0 ap_max_mem_free___01515^post)) (= ap_max_requests_per_child^0 ap_max_requests_per_child^post)) (= ap_my_generation^0 ap_my_generation^post)) (= ap_my_pid^0 ap_my_pid^post)) (= ap_server_conf___01212^0 ap_server_conf___01212^post)) (= ap_server_conf___03737^0 ap_server_conf___03737^post)) (= ap_threads_per_child^0 ap_threads_per_child^post)) (= child_num_arg^0 child_num_arg^post)) (= csd7676^0 csd7676^post)) (= current_conn^0 current_conn^post)) (= current_conn___07575^0 current_conn___07575^post)) (= current_conn___07777^0 current_conn___07777^post)) (= die_now^0 die_now^post)) (= do_ACCEPT^0 do_ACCEPT^post)) (= first_server_limit^0 first_server_limit^post)) (= handled_conn^0 handled_conn^post)) (= i^0 i^post)) (= last_poll_idx^0 last_poll_idx^post)) (= lr^0 lr^post)) (= mpm_state^0 mpm_state^post)) (= my_child_num^0 my_child_num^post)) (= my_child_num___04040^0 my_child_num___04040^post)) (= num_listensocks^0 num_listensocks^post)) (= num_listensocks___04646^0 num_listensocks___04646^post)) (= numdesc___05^0 numdesc___05^post)) (= one_process^0 one_process^post)) (= pchild___02121^0 pchild___02121^post)) (= pchild___02323^0 pchild___02323^post)) (= pchild___02626^0 pchild___02626^post)) (= pchild___03131^0 pchild___03131^post)) (= pchild___03636^0 pchild___03636^post)) (= pchild___03939^0 pchild___03939^post)) (= pchild___04747^0 pchild___04747^post)) (= pconf___01717^0 pconf___01717^post)) (= pfd___01^0 pfd___01^post)) (= pfd_client_data^0 pfd_client_data^post)) (= pfd_desc_s^0 pfd_desc_s^post)) (= pfd_desc_type^0 pfd_desc_type^post)) (= pfd_reqevents^0 pfd_reqevents^post)) (= pollset___04949^0 pollset___04949^post)) (= pollset___06161^0 pollset___06161^post)) (= ptrans___02424^0 ptrans___02424^post)) (= ptrans___05151^0 ptrans___05151^post)) (= requests_this_child^0 requests_this_child^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_off7070^0 ret_accept_mutex_off7070^post)) (= ret_accept_mutex_on5858^0 ret_accept_mutex_on5858^post)) (= ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^0 ret_apr_pollset_poll6666^post)) (= ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^0 ret_apr_proc_mutex_child_init3333^post)) (= ret_getpid1111^0 ret_getpid1111^post)) (= sbh___04242^0 sbh___04242^post)) (= sbh___05454^0 sbh___05454^post)) (= server_limit^0 server_limit^post)) (= shutdown_pending^0 shutdown_pending^post)) (= status^0 status^post)) (= tmp1010^0 tmp1010^post)) (= tmp3^0 tmp3^post)) (= tmp3232^0 tmp3232^post)) (= tmp3535^0 tmp3535^post)) (= tmp5353^0 tmp5353^post)) (= tmp5757^0 tmp5757^post)) (= tmp6060^0 tmp6060^post)) (= tmp6565^0 tmp6565^post)) (= tmp6868^0 tmp6868^post)) (= tmp6969^0 tmp6969^post)) (= tmp7272^0 tmp7272^post)) (= tmp7979^0 tmp7979^post)) (= tmp___04^0 tmp___04^post)) (= tmp___18^0 tmp___18^post)) (= z2828^0 z2828^post)) (= z4141^0 z4141^post)) (= z4848^0 z4848^post)))
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