
attribute value
owner Akihisa Yamada
uploaded 2020-06-20 22:49:25.0
disk size 834 Bytes
downloadable true
attribute value
name no_type
processor id 1
description this is the default benchmark type for rejected benchmarks and benchmarks that are not associated with a type.
owning community none
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(VAR x y zs ys)
isprime(x) -> mem(x, primes(x))
mem(x, nil) -> FALSE
mem(x, cons(y, zs)) -> TRUE :|: x = y
mem(x, cons(y, zs)) -> mem(x, zs) :|: y > x
mem(x, cons(y, zs)) -> mem(x, zs) :|: x > y
primes(x) -> sieve(nats(2, x))
nats(x, y) -> nil :|: x > y
nats(x, y) -> cons(x, nil) :|: x = y
nats(x, y) -> cons(x, nats(x + 1, y)) :|: y > x
sieve(nil) -> nil
sieve(cons(x, ys)) -> cons(x, sieve(filter(x, ys)))
filter(x, nil) -> nil
filter(x, cons(y, zs)) -> if_1(isdiv(x, y), x, y, zs)
if_1(TRUE, x, y, zs) -> filter(x, zs)
filter(x, cons(y, zs)) -> if_2(isdiv(x, y), x, y, zs)
if_2(FALSE, x, y, zs) -> cons(x, filter(x, zs))
isdiv(x, 0) -> TRUE :|: x > 0
isdiv(x, y) -> FALSE :|: x > y && y > 0
isdiv(x, y) -> isdiv(x, (-x) + y) :|: y >= x && x > 0
isdiv(x, y) -> isdiv(x, -y) :|: 0 > y
isdiv(x, y) -> isdiv(-x, y) :|: 0 > x

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