
attribute value
owner Johannes Waldmann
uploaded 2017-08-17 03:45:00.0
disk size 942 Bytes
downloadable true
attribute value
name no_type
processor id 1
description this is the default benchmark type for rejected benchmarks and benchmarks that are not associated with a type.
owning community none
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{-# htermination (compareMyBool :: MyBool  ->  MyBool  ->  Ordering) #-} 
import qualified Prelude 
data MyBool = MyTrue | MyFalse 
data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil 
data Ordering = LT  | EQ  | GT ;

compare0 x y MyTrue = GT;

otherwise :: MyBool;
otherwise = MyTrue;

compare1 x y MyTrue = LT;
compare1 x y MyFalse = compare0 x y otherwise;

ltEsMyBool :: MyBool  ->  MyBool  ->  MyBool
ltEsMyBool MyFalse MyFalse = MyTrue;
ltEsMyBool MyFalse MyTrue = MyTrue;
ltEsMyBool MyTrue MyFalse = MyFalse;
ltEsMyBool MyTrue MyTrue = MyTrue;

compare2 x y MyTrue = EQ;
compare2 x y MyFalse = compare1 x y (ltEsMyBool x y);

esEsMyBool :: MyBool  ->  MyBool  ->  MyBool
esEsMyBool MyFalse MyFalse = MyTrue;
esEsMyBool MyFalse MyTrue = MyFalse;
esEsMyBool MyTrue MyFalse = MyFalse;
esEsMyBool MyTrue MyTrue = MyTrue;

compare3 x y = compare2 x y (esEsMyBool x y);

compareMyBool :: MyBool  ->  MyBool  ->  Ordering
compareMyBool x y = compare3 x y;


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