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owner Johannes Waldmann
uploaded 2017-08-17 03:45:08.0
disk size 12.99 KB
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name no_type
processor id 1
description this is the default benchmark type for rejected benchmarks and benchmarks that are not associated with a type.
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%query: parse(i,o).

%   File   : READ.PL
%   Author : D.H.D.Warren + Richard O'Keefe
%   Updated: 5 July 1984
%   Purpose: Read Prolog terms in Dec-10 syntax.
%   Modified by Alan Mycroft to regularise the functor modes.
%   This is both easier to understand (there are no more '?'s),
%   and also fixes bugs concerning the curious interaction of cut with
%   the state of parameter instantiation.

%   Since this file doesn't provide "metaread", it is considerably
%   simplified.  The token list format has been changed somewhat, see
%   the comments in the RDTOK file.

%   I have added the rule X(...) -> apply(X,[...]) for Alan Mycroft.
% -1

%:- entry(parse(X,Y),[share([[Y]]),free([Y]),ground([X])]).

goal :- parse([some, tokens, here], ParseTree).

%check_operator_declaration :-
%	( current_op(1200, xfx, <-) -> true
%               ;
%          op(1200, xfx, [ <- ])         % alternate implication symbol        
%        ),
%	( current_op(1000, xfy, &) -> true
%               ;
%          op(1000, xfy, [ & ])          % alternate conjunction symbol 
%        ).
%:- check_operator_declaration.
% 1
parse(Tokens, Answer) :-
	(   read(Tokens, 1200, Term, LeftOver), all_read(LeftOver)
	  ; syntax_error(Tokens)
	Answer = Term.

%   all_read(+Tokens)
%   checks that there are no unparsed tokens left over.
% 2 & 3
all_read([]) :- !.
all_read(S) :-
	syntax_error([operator,expected,after,expression], S).

%   expect(Token, TokensIn, TokensOut)
%   reads the next token, checking that it is the one expected, and
%   giving an error message if it is not.  It is used to look for
%   right brackets of various sorts, as they're all we can be sure of.
% 4 & 5
expect(Token, [Token|Rest], Rest) :- !.
expect(Token, S0, _M) :-
	syntax_error([Token,or,operator,expected], S0).

%   I want to experiment with having the operator information held as
%   ordinary Prolog facts.  For the moment the following predicates
%   remain as interfaces to current_op.
%   prefixop(O -> Self, Rarg)
%   postfixop(O -> Larg, Self)
%   infixop(O -> Larg, Self, Rarg)

% 6 & 7
prefixop(Op, Prec, Prec) :-
	current_op(Prec, fy, Op), !.
prefixop(Op, Prec, Less) :-
	current_op(Prec, fx, Op), !,
	Less is Prec-1.

% 8 & 9
postfixop(Op, Prec, Prec) :-
	current_op(Prec, yf, Op), !.
postfixop(Op, Less, Prec) :-
	current_op(Prec, xf, Op), !, Less is Prec-1.

% 10, 11, 12
infixop(Op, Less, Prec, Less) :-
	current_op(Prec, xfx, Op), !, Less is Prec-1.
infixop(Op, Less, Prec, Prec) :-
	current_op(Prec, xfy, Op), !, Less is Prec-1.
infixop(Op, Prec, Prec, Less) :-
	current_op(Prec, yfx, Op), !, Less is Prec-1.

% 13
ambigop(F, L1, O1, R1, L2, O2) :-
	postfixop(F, L2, O2),
	infixop(F, L1, O1, R1), !.

%   read(+TokenList, +Precedence, -Term, -LeftOver)
%   parses a Token List in a context of given Precedence,
%   returning a Term and the unread Left Over tokens.


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