
attribute value
owner Johannes Waldmann
uploaded 2017-08-17 03:45:15.0
disk size 86.12 KB
downloadable true
attribute value
name no_type
processor id 1
description this is the default benchmark type for rejected benchmarks and benchmarks that are not associated with a type.
owning community none
loading contents
extern void __VERIFIER_error() __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));

extern int __VERIFIER_nondet_int(void);
/* Generated by CIL v. 1.3.7 */
/* print_CIL_Input is true */

#line 2 "libacc.c"
struct JoinPoint {
   void **(*fp)(struct JoinPoint * ) ;
   void **args ;
   int argsCount ;
   char const   **argsType ;
   void *(*arg)(int  , struct JoinPoint * ) ;
   char const   *(*argType)(int  , struct JoinPoint * ) ;
   void **retValue ;
   char const   *retType ;
   char const   *funcName ;
   char const   *targetName ;
   char const   *fileName ;
   char const   *kind ;
   void *excep_return ;
#line 18 "libacc.c"
struct __UTAC__CFLOW_FUNC {
   int (*func)(int  , int  ) ;
   int val ;
   struct __UTAC__CFLOW_FUNC *next ;
#line 18 "libacc.c"
struct __UTAC__EXCEPTION {
   void *jumpbuf ;
   unsigned long long prtValue ;
   int pops ;
   struct __UTAC__CFLOW_FUNC *cflowfuncs ;
#line 211 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4.5/include/stddef.h"
typedef unsigned long size_t;
#line 76 "libacc.c"
struct __ACC__ERR {
   void *v ;
   struct __ACC__ERR *next ;
#line 1 "wsllib_check.o"
#pragma merger(0,"wsllib_check.i","")
#line 3 "wsllib_check.c"
void __automaton_fail(void) 

  ERROR: __VERIFIER_error();
#line 53 "wsllib_check.c"
#line 1 "Elevator.o"
#pragma merger(0,"Elevator.i","")
#line 359 "/usr/include/stdio.h"
extern int printf(char const   * __restrict  __format  , ...) ;
#line 14 "Person.h"
int getDestination(int person ) ;
#line 16
void enterElevator(int p ) ;
#line 12 "Floor.h"
int isFloorCalling(int floorID ) ;
#line 14
void resetCallOnFloor(int floorID ) ;
#line 18
int isPersonOnFloor(int person , int floor ) ;
#line 22
void removePersonFromFloor(int person , int floor ) ;
#line 24
int isTopFloor(int floorID ) ;
#line 28
void initFloors(void) ;
#line 14 "Elevator.h"
void timeShift(void) ;
#line 16
int isBlocked(void) ;
#line 18
void printState(void) ;
#line 20
int isEmpty(void) ;
#line 22
int isAnyLiftButtonPressed(void) ;
#line 24
int buttonForFloorIsPressed(int floorID ) ;
#line 27
void initTopDown(void) ;
#line 29
void initBottomUp(void) ;
#line 32
int areDoorsOpen(void) ;
#line 34
int getCurrentFloorID(void) ;
#line 36
int isIdle(void) ;
#line 18 "Elevator.c"
int currentHeading  =    1;
#line 20 "Elevator.c"
int currentFloorID  =    0;

content may be truncated. 'popout' for larger text window.

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