U101 tt A B _xor_ _and_ A B _xor_ A B U11 tt A A U111 tt false U121 tt A A U131 tt B U' U132 equal _isNotEqualTo_ B true true U' U132 tt U' U' U141 tt U U U151 tt A _xor_ A true U21 tt A B C _xor_ _and_ A B _and_ A C U31 tt false U41 tt A A U51 tt A B not_ _xor_ A _and_ A B U61 tt U' U U62 equal _isNotEqualTo_ U U' true U62 tt false U71 tt true U81 tt U' U if_then_else_fi _isEqualTo_ U U' false true U91 tt false _and_ A A U11 isBool A A _and_ A _xor_ B C U21 and isBool A and isBool B isBool C A B C _and_ false A U31 isBool A _and_ true A U41 isBool A A _implies_ A B U51 and isBool A isBool B A B _isEqualTo_ U U' U61 and isS U' isS U U' U _isEqualTo_ U U U71 isS U _isNotEqualTo_ U U' U81 and isS U' isS U U' U _isNotEqualTo_ U U U91 isS U _or_ A B U101 and isBool A isBool B A B _xor_ A A U111 isBool A _xor_ false A U121 isBool A A and tt X X equal X X tt if_then_else_fi B U U' U131 and isBool B and isS U' isS U B U' if_then_else_fi true U U' U141 and isS U' isS U U isBool false tt isBool true tt isBool _and_ V1 V2 and isBool V1 isBool V2 isBool _implies_ V1 V2 and isBool V1 isBool V2 isBool _isEqualTo_ V1 V2 and isUniversal V1 isUniversal V2 isBool _isNotEqualTo_ V1 V2 and isUniversal V1 isUniversal V2 isBool _or_ V1 V2 and isBool V1 isBool V2 isBool _xor_ V1 V2 and isBool V1 isBool V2 isBool not_ V1 isBool V1 not_ A U151 isBool A A not_ false true not_ true false U101 3 tt 0 _xor_ 2 AC _and_ 2 AC U11 2 U111 1 false 0 U121 2 U131 3 U132 2 equal 2 _isNotEqualTo_ 2 true 0 U141 2 U151 2 U21 4 U31 1 U41 2 U51 3 not_ 1 U61 3 U62 1 U71 1 U81 3 if_then_else_fi 3 _isEqualTo_ 2 U91 1 isBool 1 and 2 _implies_ 2 isS 1 _or_ 2 AC isUniversal 1 FULL ./TRS/CSR_Maude/bool/RENAMED-BOOL_nokinds.trs