%query: goal. % Simple sentence parser. The parse tree of a sentence is s(Num,Noun,Verb) % where Num is 's' for singular or 'p' for plural. % This program should be run to see how well we're doing with nonground % structures. The noun phrase recognizer returns a partial structure with an % unbound variable for the verb; the verb phrase recognizer succeeds only % if the verb agrees in number with the determiner and noun. % The top level call has an unbound variable for the input sentence; since % this is a finite grammar, this call returns all valid sentences and % their parse trees. A sample output: % S = s(p,book,fall), % S1 = [the,books,fall|X], (i.e. "the books fall" is a good start % S2 = [fall|X], to a sentence...) % S3 = X. %:- entry(parse(X,Y),[share([[X],[Y]]),free([Y]),linear([X,Y])]). goal :- np(S1,S2,S) , verb(S2,S3,S). % goal :- parse([the,boxes,fly],S). parse(S0,Meaning) :- np(S0,S1,Meaning) , verb(S1,[],Meaning). parse(S0,Meaning) :- np(S0,S1,Meaning) , verb(S1,S2,Meaning) , S2 = []. % The grammar: np(Si,So,S) :- det(Si,St,T) , noun(St,So,N) , comb(T,N,S). comb(a,N-s,s(s,N,V)). % a sentence with determiner "a" must be singular comb(the,N-P,s(P,N,V)). % with determiner "the" it can be plural or singular det([a|S],S,a). det([the|S],S,the). noun([book|S],S,book-s). noun([books|S],S,book-p). noun([box|S],S,box-s). noun([boxes|S],S,box-p). verb([falls|So],So,s(s,N,fall)). verb([fall|So], So,s(p,N,fall)). verb([flies|So],So,s(s,N,fly)). verb([fly|So], So,s(p,N,fly)). /* :- noparallelize. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This piece has been included for the simulation process % no_trace_main:- time(_), np(S1,S2,S), verb(S2,S3,S), time(T), write('Executed in '), write(T), write(' mS.'), nl, write('Result '), write((S1,S2,S3,S)), nl. trace_main(Eventfile):- start_event_trace, np(S1,S2,S), verb(S2,S3,S), stop_event_trace, save_trace(Eventfile), write('Result '), write((S1,S2,S3,S)), nl. save_trace(X) :- write('Saving trace in file '), write(X), write('... '), open(X,write,Y), save_event_trace(Y), close(X), write('done.'), nl. time(T) :- statistics(runtime,[_,T]). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */