/export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_hrs /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.xml /export/starexec/sandbox/output/output_files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES ******** General Schema criterion ******** Found constructors: 0, cons, nil, s Checking type order >>OK Checking positivity of constructors >>OK Checking function dependency >>OK Checking (1) 0 + X => X (meta X)[is acc in 0,X] [is positive in 0] [is acc in X] >>True Checking (2) s(Y) + U => s(Y + U) (fun plus>s) (fun plus=plus) subterm comparison of args w. LR LR (meta Y)[is acc in s(Y),U] [is positive in s(Y)] [is acc in Y] (meta U)[is acc in s(Y),U] [is positive in s(Y)] [is acc in U] >>True Checking (3) sumwith(H,nil) => nil (fun sumwith>nil) >>True Checking (4) sumwith(I,cons(P,X1)) => I[P] + sumwith(I,X1) (fun sumwith>plus) (meta I)[is acc in I,cons(P,X1)] [is acc in I] (meta P)[is acc in I,cons(P,X1)] [is positive in cons(P,X1)] [is acc in P] (fun sumwith=sumwith) subterm comparison of args w. LR LR (meta I)[is acc in I,cons(P,X1)] [is acc in I] (meta X1)[is acc in I,cons(P,X1)] [is positive in cons(P,X1)] [is acc in X1] >>True #SN! ******** Signature ******** 0 : b cons : (a,b) -> b nil : b plus : (b,b) -> b s : b -> b sumwith : ((a -> b),b) -> b ******** Computation Rules ******** (1) 0 + X => X (2) s(Y) + U => s(Y + U) (3) sumwith(H,nil) => nil (4) sumwith(I,cons(P,X1)) => I[P] + sumwith(I,X1) YES