/export/starexec/sandbox2/solver/bin/starexec_run_standard /export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.hs /export/starexec/sandbox2/output/output_files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES proof of /export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.hs # AProVE Commit ID: 48fb2092695e11cc9f56e44b17a92a5f88ffb256 marcel 20180622 unpublished dirty H-Termination with start terms of the given HASKELL could be proven: (0) HASKELL (1) BR [EQUIVALENT, 0 ms] (2) HASKELL (3) COR [EQUIVALENT, 0 ms] (4) HASKELL (5) Narrow [SOUND, 0 ms] (6) AND (7) QDP (8) QDPSizeChangeProof [EQUIVALENT, 0 ms] (9) YES (10) QDP (11) QDPSizeChangeProof [EQUIVALENT, 0 ms] (12) YES ---------------------------------------- (0) Obligation: mainModule Main module Main where { import qualified Prelude; data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil ; data MyBool = MyTrue | MyFalse ; data MyInt = Pos Main.Nat | Neg Main.Nat ; data Main.Nat = Succ Main.Nat | Zero ; data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT ; data Tup2 a b = Tup2 a b ; data Main.WHNF a = WHNF a ; asAs :: MyBool -> MyBool -> MyBool; asAs MyFalse x = MyFalse; asAs MyTrue x = x; compare0 x y MyTrue = GT; compare1 x y MyTrue = LT; compare1 x y MyFalse = compare0 x y otherwise; compare2 x y MyTrue = EQ; compare2 x y MyFalse = compare1 x y (ltEsOrdering x y); compare3 x y = compare2 x y (esEsOrdering x y); compareOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering; compareOrdering x y = compare3 x y; concat :: List (List a) -> List a; concat = foldr psPs Nil; concatMap :: (b -> List a) -> List b -> List a; concatMap f = pt concat (map f); dsEm :: (b -> a) -> b -> a; dsEm f x = Main.seq x (f x); enforceWHNF :: Main.WHNF b -> a -> a; enforceWHNF (Main.WHNF x) y = y; error :: a; error = stop MyTrue; esEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; esEsOrdering LT LT = MyTrue; esEsOrdering LT EQ = MyFalse; esEsOrdering LT GT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering EQ LT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering EQ EQ = MyTrue; esEsOrdering EQ GT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering GT LT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering GT EQ = MyFalse; esEsOrdering GT GT = MyTrue; foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> List b -> a; foldl' f a Nil = a; foldl' f a (Cons x xs) = dsEm (foldl' f) (f a x) xs; foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b; foldr f z Nil = z; foldr f z (Cons x xs) = f x (foldr f z xs); fromIntMyInt :: MyInt -> MyInt; fromIntMyInt x = x; fsEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; fsEsOrdering x y = not (esEsOrdering x y); gtEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; gtEsOrdering x y = fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering x y) LT; gtOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; gtOrdering x y = esEsOrdering (compareOrdering x y) GT; index0 y s = index00 (gtOrdering y s); index00 MyTrue = Main.Pos (Main.Succ Main.Zero); index00 MyFalse = Main.Pos Main.Zero; index1 y x MyTrue = sumMyInt (map (index0 y) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 x y))); index1 y x MyFalse = Main.error; indexOrdering :: Tup2 Ordering Ordering -> Ordering -> MyInt; indexOrdering (Tup2 x y) z = index1 y x (asAs (gtEsOrdering y z) (gtEsOrdering z x)); ltEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; ltEsOrdering LT LT = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering LT EQ = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering LT GT = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering EQ LT = MyFalse; ltEsOrdering EQ EQ = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering EQ GT = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering GT LT = MyFalse; ltEsOrdering GT EQ = MyFalse; ltEsOrdering GT GT = MyTrue; map :: (b -> a) -> List b -> List a; map f Nil = Nil; map f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (map f xs); not :: MyBool -> MyBool; not MyTrue = MyFalse; not MyFalse = MyTrue; otherwise :: MyBool; otherwise = MyTrue; primMinusNat :: Main.Nat -> Main.Nat -> MyInt; primMinusNat Main.Zero Main.Zero = Main.Pos Main.Zero; primMinusNat Main.Zero (Main.Succ y) = Main.Neg (Main.Succ y); primMinusNat (Main.Succ x) Main.Zero = Main.Pos (Main.Succ x); primMinusNat (Main.Succ x) (Main.Succ y) = primMinusNat x y; primPlusInt :: MyInt -> MyInt -> MyInt; primPlusInt (Main.Pos x) (Main.Neg y) = primMinusNat x y; primPlusInt (Main.Neg x) (Main.Pos y) = primMinusNat y x; primPlusInt (Main.Neg x) (Main.Neg y) = Main.Neg (primPlusNat x y); primPlusInt (Main.Pos x) (Main.Pos y) = Main.Pos (primPlusNat x y); primPlusNat :: Main.Nat -> Main.Nat -> Main.Nat; primPlusNat Main.Zero Main.Zero = Main.Zero; primPlusNat Main.Zero (Main.Succ y) = Main.Succ y; primPlusNat (Main.Succ x) Main.Zero = Main.Succ x; primPlusNat (Main.Succ x) (Main.Succ y) = Main.Succ (Main.Succ (primPlusNat x y)); psMyInt :: MyInt -> MyInt -> MyInt; psMyInt = primPlusInt; psPs :: List a -> List a -> List a; psPs Nil ys = ys; psPs (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (psPs xs ys); pt :: (c -> b) -> (a -> c) -> a -> b; pt f g x = f (g x); range0 y x z = range00 z (asAs (gtEsOrdering y z) (gtEsOrdering z x)); range00 z MyTrue = Cons z Nil; range00 z MyFalse = Nil; rangeOrdering :: Tup2 Ordering Ordering -> List Ordering; rangeOrdering (Tup2 x y) = concatMap (range0 y x) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))); seq :: b -> a -> a; seq x y = Main.enforceWHNF (Main.WHNF x) y; stop :: MyBool -> a; stop MyFalse = stop MyFalse; sumMyInt :: List MyInt -> MyInt; sumMyInt = foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Main.Pos Main.Zero)); } ---------------------------------------- (1) BR (EQUIVALENT) Replaced joker patterns by fresh variables and removed binding patterns. ---------------------------------------- (2) Obligation: mainModule Main module Main where { import qualified Prelude; data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil ; data MyBool = MyTrue | MyFalse ; data MyInt = Pos Main.Nat | Neg Main.Nat ; data Main.Nat = Succ Main.Nat | Zero ; data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT ; data Tup2 a b = Tup2 a b ; data Main.WHNF a = WHNF a ; asAs :: MyBool -> MyBool -> MyBool; asAs MyFalse x = MyFalse; asAs MyTrue x = x; compare0 x y MyTrue = GT; compare1 x y MyTrue = LT; compare1 x y MyFalse = compare0 x y otherwise; compare2 x y MyTrue = EQ; compare2 x y MyFalse = compare1 x y (ltEsOrdering x y); compare3 x y = compare2 x y (esEsOrdering x y); compareOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering; compareOrdering x y = compare3 x y; concat :: List (List a) -> List a; concat = foldr psPs Nil; concatMap :: (b -> List a) -> List b -> List a; concatMap f = pt concat (map f); dsEm :: (a -> b) -> a -> b; dsEm f x = Main.seq x (f x); enforceWHNF :: Main.WHNF a -> b -> b; enforceWHNF (Main.WHNF x) y = y; error :: a; error = stop MyTrue; esEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; esEsOrdering LT LT = MyTrue; esEsOrdering LT EQ = MyFalse; esEsOrdering LT GT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering EQ LT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering EQ EQ = MyTrue; esEsOrdering EQ GT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering GT LT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering GT EQ = MyFalse; esEsOrdering GT GT = MyTrue; foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> List b -> a; foldl' f a Nil = a; foldl' f a (Cons x xs) = dsEm (foldl' f) (f a x) xs; foldr :: (b -> a -> a) -> a -> List b -> a; foldr f z Nil = z; foldr f z (Cons x xs) = f x (foldr f z xs); fromIntMyInt :: MyInt -> MyInt; fromIntMyInt x = x; fsEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; fsEsOrdering x y = not (esEsOrdering x y); gtEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; gtEsOrdering x y = fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering x y) LT; gtOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; gtOrdering x y = esEsOrdering (compareOrdering x y) GT; index0 y s = index00 (gtOrdering y s); index00 MyTrue = Main.Pos (Main.Succ Main.Zero); index00 MyFalse = Main.Pos Main.Zero; index1 y x MyTrue = sumMyInt (map (index0 y) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 x y))); index1 y x MyFalse = Main.error; indexOrdering :: Tup2 Ordering Ordering -> Ordering -> MyInt; indexOrdering (Tup2 x y) z = index1 y x (asAs (gtEsOrdering y z) (gtEsOrdering z x)); ltEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; ltEsOrdering LT LT = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering LT EQ = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering LT GT = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering EQ LT = MyFalse; ltEsOrdering EQ EQ = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering EQ GT = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering GT LT = MyFalse; ltEsOrdering GT EQ = MyFalse; ltEsOrdering GT GT = MyTrue; map :: (b -> a) -> List b -> List a; map f Nil = Nil; map f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (map f xs); not :: MyBool -> MyBool; not MyTrue = MyFalse; not MyFalse = MyTrue; otherwise :: MyBool; otherwise = MyTrue; primMinusNat :: Main.Nat -> Main.Nat -> MyInt; primMinusNat Main.Zero Main.Zero = Main.Pos Main.Zero; primMinusNat Main.Zero (Main.Succ y) = Main.Neg (Main.Succ y); primMinusNat (Main.Succ x) Main.Zero = Main.Pos (Main.Succ x); primMinusNat (Main.Succ x) (Main.Succ y) = primMinusNat x y; primPlusInt :: MyInt -> MyInt -> MyInt; primPlusInt (Main.Pos x) (Main.Neg y) = primMinusNat x y; primPlusInt (Main.Neg x) (Main.Pos y) = primMinusNat y x; primPlusInt (Main.Neg x) (Main.Neg y) = Main.Neg (primPlusNat x y); primPlusInt (Main.Pos x) (Main.Pos y) = Main.Pos (primPlusNat x y); primPlusNat :: Main.Nat -> Main.Nat -> Main.Nat; primPlusNat Main.Zero Main.Zero = Main.Zero; primPlusNat Main.Zero (Main.Succ y) = Main.Succ y; primPlusNat (Main.Succ x) Main.Zero = Main.Succ x; primPlusNat (Main.Succ x) (Main.Succ y) = Main.Succ (Main.Succ (primPlusNat x y)); psMyInt :: MyInt -> MyInt -> MyInt; psMyInt = primPlusInt; psPs :: List a -> List a -> List a; psPs Nil ys = ys; psPs (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (psPs xs ys); pt :: (a -> c) -> (b -> a) -> b -> c; pt f g x = f (g x); range0 y x z = range00 z (asAs (gtEsOrdering y z) (gtEsOrdering z x)); range00 z MyTrue = Cons z Nil; range00 z MyFalse = Nil; rangeOrdering :: Tup2 Ordering Ordering -> List Ordering; rangeOrdering (Tup2 x y) = concatMap (range0 y x) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))); seq :: a -> b -> b; seq x y = Main.enforceWHNF (Main.WHNF x) y; stop :: MyBool -> a; stop MyFalse = stop MyFalse; sumMyInt :: List MyInt -> MyInt; sumMyInt = foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Main.Pos Main.Zero)); } ---------------------------------------- (3) COR (EQUIVALENT) Cond Reductions: The following Function with conditions "undefined |Falseundefined; " is transformed to "undefined = undefined1; " "undefined0 True = undefined; " "undefined1 = undefined0 False; " ---------------------------------------- (4) Obligation: mainModule Main module Main where { import qualified Prelude; data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil ; data MyBool = MyTrue | MyFalse ; data MyInt = Pos Main.Nat | Neg Main.Nat ; data Main.Nat = Succ Main.Nat | Zero ; data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT ; data Tup2 b a = Tup2 b a ; data Main.WHNF a = WHNF a ; asAs :: MyBool -> MyBool -> MyBool; asAs MyFalse x = MyFalse; asAs MyTrue x = x; compare0 x y MyTrue = GT; compare1 x y MyTrue = LT; compare1 x y MyFalse = compare0 x y otherwise; compare2 x y MyTrue = EQ; compare2 x y MyFalse = compare1 x y (ltEsOrdering x y); compare3 x y = compare2 x y (esEsOrdering x y); compareOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering; compareOrdering x y = compare3 x y; concat :: List (List a) -> List a; concat = foldr psPs Nil; concatMap :: (a -> List b) -> List a -> List b; concatMap f = pt concat (map f); dsEm :: (a -> b) -> a -> b; dsEm f x = Main.seq x (f x); enforceWHNF :: Main.WHNF b -> a -> a; enforceWHNF (Main.WHNF x) y = y; error :: a; error = stop MyTrue; esEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; esEsOrdering LT LT = MyTrue; esEsOrdering LT EQ = MyFalse; esEsOrdering LT GT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering EQ LT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering EQ EQ = MyTrue; esEsOrdering EQ GT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering GT LT = MyFalse; esEsOrdering GT EQ = MyFalse; esEsOrdering GT GT = MyTrue; foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> List b -> a; foldl' f a Nil = a; foldl' f a (Cons x xs) = dsEm (foldl' f) (f a x) xs; foldr :: (b -> a -> a) -> a -> List b -> a; foldr f z Nil = z; foldr f z (Cons x xs) = f x (foldr f z xs); fromIntMyInt :: MyInt -> MyInt; fromIntMyInt x = x; fsEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; fsEsOrdering x y = not (esEsOrdering x y); gtEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; gtEsOrdering x y = fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering x y) LT; gtOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; gtOrdering x y = esEsOrdering (compareOrdering x y) GT; index0 y s = index00 (gtOrdering y s); index00 MyTrue = Main.Pos (Main.Succ Main.Zero); index00 MyFalse = Main.Pos Main.Zero; index1 y x MyTrue = sumMyInt (map (index0 y) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 x y))); index1 y x MyFalse = Main.error; indexOrdering :: Tup2 Ordering Ordering -> Ordering -> MyInt; indexOrdering (Tup2 x y) z = index1 y x (asAs (gtEsOrdering y z) (gtEsOrdering z x)); ltEsOrdering :: Ordering -> Ordering -> MyBool; ltEsOrdering LT LT = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering LT EQ = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering LT GT = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering EQ LT = MyFalse; ltEsOrdering EQ EQ = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering EQ GT = MyTrue; ltEsOrdering GT LT = MyFalse; ltEsOrdering GT EQ = MyFalse; ltEsOrdering GT GT = MyTrue; map :: (b -> a) -> List b -> List a; map f Nil = Nil; map f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (map f xs); not :: MyBool -> MyBool; not MyTrue = MyFalse; not MyFalse = MyTrue; otherwise :: MyBool; otherwise = MyTrue; primMinusNat :: Main.Nat -> Main.Nat -> MyInt; primMinusNat Main.Zero Main.Zero = Main.Pos Main.Zero; primMinusNat Main.Zero (Main.Succ y) = Main.Neg (Main.Succ y); primMinusNat (Main.Succ x) Main.Zero = Main.Pos (Main.Succ x); primMinusNat (Main.Succ x) (Main.Succ y) = primMinusNat x y; primPlusInt :: MyInt -> MyInt -> MyInt; primPlusInt (Main.Pos x) (Main.Neg y) = primMinusNat x y; primPlusInt (Main.Neg x) (Main.Pos y) = primMinusNat y x; primPlusInt (Main.Neg x) (Main.Neg y) = Main.Neg (primPlusNat x y); primPlusInt (Main.Pos x) (Main.Pos y) = Main.Pos (primPlusNat x y); primPlusNat :: Main.Nat -> Main.Nat -> Main.Nat; primPlusNat Main.Zero Main.Zero = Main.Zero; primPlusNat Main.Zero (Main.Succ y) = Main.Succ y; primPlusNat (Main.Succ x) Main.Zero = Main.Succ x; primPlusNat (Main.Succ x) (Main.Succ y) = Main.Succ (Main.Succ (primPlusNat x y)); psMyInt :: MyInt -> MyInt -> MyInt; psMyInt = primPlusInt; psPs :: List a -> List a -> List a; psPs Nil ys = ys; psPs (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (psPs xs ys); pt :: (a -> c) -> (b -> a) -> b -> c; pt f g x = f (g x); range0 y x z = range00 z (asAs (gtEsOrdering y z) (gtEsOrdering z x)); range00 z MyTrue = Cons z Nil; range00 z MyFalse = Nil; rangeOrdering :: Tup2 Ordering Ordering -> List Ordering; rangeOrdering (Tup2 x y) = concatMap (range0 y x) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))); seq :: b -> a -> a; seq x y = Main.enforceWHNF (Main.WHNF x) y; stop :: MyBool -> a; stop MyFalse = stop MyFalse; sumMyInt :: List MyInt -> MyInt; sumMyInt = foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Main.Pos Main.Zero)); } ---------------------------------------- (5) Narrow (SOUND) Haskell To QDPs digraph dp_graph { node [outthreshold=100, inthreshold=100];1[label="indexOrdering",fontsize=16,color="grey",shape="box"];1 -> 3[label="",style="dashed", color="grey", weight=3]; 3[label="indexOrdering vx3",fontsize=16,color="grey",shape="box"];3 -> 4[label="",style="dashed", color="grey", weight=3]; 4[label="indexOrdering vx3 vx4",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="triangle"];928[label="vx3/Tup2 vx30 vx31",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];4 -> 928[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 928 -> 5[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 5[label="indexOrdering (Tup2 vx30 vx31) vx4",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];5 -> 6[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 6[label="index1 vx31 vx30 (asAs (gtEsOrdering vx31 vx4) (gtEsOrdering vx4 vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];6 -> 7[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 7[label="index1 vx31 vx30 (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering vx31 vx4) LT) (gtEsOrdering vx4 vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];7 -> 8[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 8[label="index1 vx31 vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering vx31 vx4) LT)) (gtEsOrdering vx4 vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];8 -> 9[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 9[label="index1 vx31 vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 vx31 vx4) LT)) (gtEsOrdering vx4 vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];9 -> 10[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 10[label="index1 vx31 vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 vx31 vx4 (esEsOrdering vx31 vx4)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering vx4 vx30))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];929[label="vx31/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];10 -> 929[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 929 -> 11[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 930[label="vx31/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];10 -> 930[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 930 -> 12[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 931[label="vx31/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];10 -> 931[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 931 -> 13[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 11[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT vx4 (esEsOrdering LT vx4)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering vx4 vx30))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];932[label="vx4/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];11 -> 932[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 932 -> 14[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 933[label="vx4/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];11 -> 933[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 933 -> 15[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 934[label="vx4/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];11 -> 934[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 934 -> 16[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 12[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ vx4 (esEsOrdering EQ vx4)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering vx4 vx30))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];935[label="vx4/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];12 -> 935[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 935 -> 17[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 936[label="vx4/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];12 -> 936[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 936 -> 18[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 937[label="vx4/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];12 -> 937[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 937 -> 19[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 13[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT vx4 (esEsOrdering GT vx4)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering vx4 vx30))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];938[label="vx4/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];13 -> 938[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 938 -> 20[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 939[label="vx4/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];13 -> 939[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 939 -> 21[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 940[label="vx4/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];13 -> 940[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 940 -> 22[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 14[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT (esEsOrdering LT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];14 -> 23[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 15[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ (esEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];15 -> 24[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 16[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT (esEsOrdering LT GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];16 -> 25[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 17[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];17 -> 26[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 18[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ (esEsOrdering EQ EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];18 -> 27[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 19[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT (esEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];19 -> 28[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 20[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT (esEsOrdering GT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];20 -> 29[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 21[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ (esEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];21 -> 30[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 22[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT (esEsOrdering GT GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];22 -> 31[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 23[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];23 -> 32[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 24[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];24 -> 33[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 25[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];25 -> 34[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 26[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];26 -> 35[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 27[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];27 -> 36[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 28[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];28 -> 37[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 29[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];29 -> 38[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 30[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];30 -> 39[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 31[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];31 -> 40[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 32[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];32 -> 41[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 33[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ (ltEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];33 -> 42[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 34[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT (ltEsOrdering LT GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];34 -> 43[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 35[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT (ltEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];35 -> 44[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 36[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];36 -> 45[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 37[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT (ltEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];37 -> 46[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 38[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT (ltEsOrdering GT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];38 -> 47[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 39[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ (ltEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];39 -> 48[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 40[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];40 -> 49[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 41[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];41 -> 50[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 42[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];42 -> 51[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 43[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];43 -> 52[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 44[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];44 -> 53[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 45[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];45 -> 54[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 46[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];46 -> 55[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 47[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];47 -> 56[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 48[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];48 -> 57[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 49[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];49 -> 58[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 50[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];50 -> 59[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 51[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering LT LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];51 -> 60[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 52[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering LT LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];52 -> 61[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 53[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];53 -> 62[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 54[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];54 -> 63[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 55[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering LT LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];55 -> 64[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 56[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];56 -> 65[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 57[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];57 -> 66[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 58[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];58 -> 67[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 59[label="index1 LT vx30 (gtEsOrdering LT vx30)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];59 -> 68[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 60[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not MyTrue) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];60 -> 69[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 61[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs (not MyTrue) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];61 -> 70[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 62[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];62 -> 71[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 63[label="index1 EQ vx30 (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];63 -> 72[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 64[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not MyTrue) (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];64 -> 73[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 65[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];65 -> 74[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 66[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];66 -> 75[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 67[label="index1 GT vx30 (gtEsOrdering GT vx30)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];67 -> 76[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 68[label="index1 LT vx30 (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT vx30) LT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];68 -> 77[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 69[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs MyFalse (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];69 -> 78[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 70[label="index1 LT vx30 (asAs MyFalse (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];70 -> 79[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 71[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];71 -> 80[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 72[label="index1 EQ vx30 (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ vx30) LT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];72 -> 81[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 73[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs MyFalse (gtEsOrdering GT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];73 -> 82[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 74[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];74 -> 83[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 75[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];75 -> 84[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 76[label="index1 GT vx30 (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT vx30) LT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];76 -> 85[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 77[label="index1 LT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];77 -> 86[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 78[label="index1 LT vx30 MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];78 -> 87[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 79 -> 78[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 79[label="index1 LT vx30 MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];80[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];80 -> 88[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 81[label="index1 EQ vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];81 -> 89[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 82[label="index1 EQ vx30 MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];82 -> 90[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 83[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];83 -> 91[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 84[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];84 -> 92[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 85[label="index1 GT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];85 -> 93[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 86[label="index1 LT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];86 -> 94[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 87[label="error",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];87 -> 95[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 88[label="index1 EQ vx30 (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];88 -> 96[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 89[label="index1 EQ vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];89 -> 97[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 90 -> 87[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 90[label="error",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];91[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering LT vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];91 -> 98[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 92[label="index1 GT vx30 (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];92 -> 99[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 93[label="index1 GT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];93 -> 100[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 94[label="index1 LT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT vx30 (esEsOrdering LT vx30)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];941[label="vx30/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];94 -> 941[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 941 -> 101[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 942[label="vx30/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];94 -> 942[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 942 -> 102[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 943[label="vx30/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];94 -> 943[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 943 -> 103[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 95[label="stop MyTrue",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];95 -> 104[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 96[label="index1 EQ vx30 (gtEsOrdering LT vx30)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];96 -> 105[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 97[label="index1 EQ vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ vx30 (esEsOrdering EQ vx30)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];944[label="vx30/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];97 -> 944[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 944 -> 106[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 945[label="vx30/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];97 -> 945[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 945 -> 107[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 946[label="vx30/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];97 -> 946[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 946 -> 108[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 98[label="index1 GT vx30 (gtEsOrdering LT vx30)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];98 -> 109[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 99[label="index1 GT vx30 (gtEsOrdering EQ vx30)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];99 -> 110[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 100[label="index1 GT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT vx30 (esEsOrdering GT vx30)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];947[label="vx30/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];100 -> 947[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 947 -> 111[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 948[label="vx30/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];100 -> 948[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 948 -> 112[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 949[label="vx30/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];100 -> 949[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 949 -> 113[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 101[label="index1 LT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT (esEsOrdering LT LT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];101 -> 114[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 102[label="index1 LT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ (esEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];102 -> 115[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 103[label="index1 LT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT (esEsOrdering LT GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];103 -> 116[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 104[label="error []",fontsize=16,color="red",shape="box"];105[label="index1 EQ vx30 (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT vx30) LT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];105 -> 117[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 106[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];106 -> 118[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 107[label="index1 EQ EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ (esEsOrdering EQ EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];107 -> 119[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 108[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT (esEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];108 -> 120[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 109[label="index1 GT vx30 (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT vx30) LT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];109 -> 121[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 110[label="index1 GT vx30 (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ vx30) LT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];110 -> 122[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 111[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT (esEsOrdering GT LT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];111 -> 123[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 112[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ (esEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];112 -> 124[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 113[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT (esEsOrdering GT GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];113 -> 125[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 114[label="index1 LT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];114 -> 126[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 115[label="index1 LT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];115 -> 127[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 116[label="index1 LT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];116 -> 128[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 117[label="index1 EQ vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];117 -> 129[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 118[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];118 -> 130[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 119[label="index1 EQ EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];119 -> 131[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 120[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];120 -> 132[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 121[label="index1 GT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];121 -> 133[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 122[label="index1 GT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];122 -> 134[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 123[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];123 -> 135[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 124[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];124 -> 136[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 125[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];125 -> 137[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 126[label="index1 LT LT (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];126 -> 138[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 127[label="index1 LT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ (ltEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];127 -> 139[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 128[label="index1 LT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT (ltEsOrdering LT GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];128 -> 140[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 129[label="index1 EQ vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];129 -> 141[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 130[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT (ltEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];130 -> 142[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 131[label="index1 EQ EQ (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];131 -> 143[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 132[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT (ltEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];132 -> 144[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 133[label="index1 GT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];133 -> 145[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 134[label="index1 GT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ vx30) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];134 -> 146[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 135[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT (ltEsOrdering GT LT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];135 -> 147[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 136[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ (ltEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];136 -> 148[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 137[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];137 -> 149[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 138[label="index1 LT LT (not MyFalse)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];138 -> 150[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 139[label="index1 LT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];139 -> 151[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 140[label="index1 LT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];140 -> 152[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 141[label="index1 EQ vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT vx30 (esEsOrdering LT vx30)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];950[label="vx30/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];141 -> 950[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 950 -> 153[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 951[label="vx30/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];141 -> 951[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 951 -> 154[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 952[label="vx30/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];141 -> 952[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 952 -> 155[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 142[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];142 -> 156[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 143[label="index1 EQ EQ (not MyFalse)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];143 -> 157[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 144[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];144 -> 158[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 145[label="index1 GT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT vx30 (esEsOrdering LT vx30)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];953[label="vx30/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];145 -> 953[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 953 -> 159[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 954[label="vx30/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];145 -> 954[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 954 -> 160[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 955[label="vx30/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];145 -> 955[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 955 -> 161[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 146[label="index1 GT vx30 (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ vx30 (esEsOrdering EQ vx30)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];956[label="vx30/LT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];146 -> 956[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 956 -> 162[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 957[label="vx30/EQ",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];146 -> 957[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 957 -> 163[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 958[label="vx30/GT",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];146 -> 958[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 958 -> 164[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 147[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];147 -> 165[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 148[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];148 -> 166[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 149[label="index1 GT GT (not MyFalse)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];149 -> 167[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 150[label="index1 LT LT MyTrue",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];150 -> 168[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 151[label="index1 LT EQ (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];151 -> 169[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 152[label="index1 LT GT (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];152 -> 170[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 153[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT (esEsOrdering LT LT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];153 -> 171[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 154[label="index1 EQ EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ (esEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];154 -> 172[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 155[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT (esEsOrdering LT GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];155 -> 173[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 156[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT otherwise) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];156 -> 174[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 157[label="index1 EQ EQ MyTrue",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];157 -> 175[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 158[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];158 -> 176[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 159[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT (esEsOrdering LT LT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];159 -> 177[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 160[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ (esEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];160 -> 178[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 161[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT (esEsOrdering LT GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];161 -> 179[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 162[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];162 -> 180[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 163[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ (esEsOrdering EQ EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];163 -> 181[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 164[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT (esEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];164 -> 182[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 165[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT otherwise) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];165 -> 183[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 166[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ otherwise) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];166 -> 184[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 167[label="index1 GT GT MyTrue",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];167 -> 185[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 168[label="sumMyInt (map (index0 LT) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 LT LT)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];168 -> 186[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 169[label="index1 LT EQ (not MyTrue)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];169 -> 187[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 170[label="index1 LT GT (not MyTrue)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];170 -> 188[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 171[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];171 -> 189[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 172[label="index1 EQ EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];172 -> 190[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 173[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];173 -> 191[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 174[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];174 -> 192[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 175[label="sumMyInt (map (index0 EQ) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 EQ EQ)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];175 -> 193[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 176[label="index1 EQ GT (not MyTrue)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];176 -> 194[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 177[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];177 -> 195[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 178[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];178 -> 196[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 179[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];179 -> 197[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 180[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];180 -> 198[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 181[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];181 -> 199[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 182[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];182 -> 200[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 183[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];183 -> 201[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 184[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];184 -> 202[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 185[label="sumMyInt (map (index0 GT) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 GT GT)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];185 -> 203[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 186[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 LT LT)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];186 -> 204[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 187 -> 78[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 187[label="index1 LT EQ MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];187 -> 205[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 188 -> 78[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 188[label="index1 LT GT MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];188 -> 206[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 189[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];189 -> 207[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 190[label="index1 EQ EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ (ltEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];190 -> 208[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 191[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT (ltEsOrdering LT GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];191 -> 209[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 192[label="index1 EQ LT (not (esEsOrdering GT LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];192 -> 210[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 193[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 EQ EQ)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];193 -> 211[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 194 -> 82[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 194[label="index1 EQ GT MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];194 -> 212[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 195[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];195 -> 213[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 196[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ (ltEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];196 -> 214[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 197[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT (ltEsOrdering LT GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];197 -> 215[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 198[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT (ltEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];198 -> 216[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 199[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];199 -> 217[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 200[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT (ltEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];200 -> 218[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 201[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering GT LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];201 -> 219[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 202[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering GT LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];202 -> 220[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 203[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 GT GT)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];203 -> 221[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 204[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (concatMap (range0 LT LT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];204 -> 222[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 205[label="EQ",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];206[label="GT",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];207[label="index1 EQ LT (not MyFalse)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];207 -> 223[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 208[label="index1 EQ EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];208 -> 224[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 209[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];209 -> 225[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 210 -> 207[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 210[label="index1 EQ LT (not MyFalse)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];211[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (concatMap (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];211 -> 226[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 212[label="GT",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];213[label="index1 GT LT (not MyFalse)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];213 -> 227[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 214[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];214 -> 228[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 215[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];215 -> 229[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 216[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT MyFalse) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];216 -> 230[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 217[label="index1 GT EQ (not MyFalse)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];217 -> 231[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 218[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];218 -> 232[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 219 -> 213[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 219[label="index1 GT LT (not MyFalse)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];220 -> 217[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 220[label="index1 GT EQ (not MyFalse)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];221[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (concatMap (range0 GT GT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];221 -> 233[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 222[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (pt concat (map (range0 LT LT)) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];222 -> 234[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 223[label="index1 EQ LT MyTrue",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];223 -> 235[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 224[label="index1 EQ EQ (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];224 -> 236[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 225 -> 158[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 225[label="index1 EQ GT (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];226[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (pt concat (map (range0 EQ EQ)) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];226 -> 237[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 227[label="index1 GT LT MyTrue",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];227 -> 238[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 228[label="index1 GT EQ (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];228 -> 239[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 229[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];229 -> 240[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 230[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT otherwise) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];230 -> 241[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 231[label="index1 GT EQ MyTrue",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];231 -> 242[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 232 -> 229[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 232[label="index1 GT GT (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];233[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (pt concat (map (range0 GT GT)) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];233 -> 243[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 234[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (concat (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];234 -> 244[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 235[label="sumMyInt (map (index0 EQ) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 LT EQ)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];235 -> 245[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 236[label="index1 EQ EQ (not MyTrue)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];236 -> 246[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 237[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (concat (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];237 -> 247[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 238[label="sumMyInt (map (index0 GT) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 LT GT)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];238 -> 248[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 239[label="index1 GT EQ (not MyTrue)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];239 -> 249[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 240[label="index1 GT GT (not MyTrue)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];240 -> 250[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 241[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT MyTrue) LT))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];241 -> 251[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 242[label="sumMyInt (map (index0 GT) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 EQ GT)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];242 -> 252[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 243[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (concat (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];243 -> 253[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 244[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];244 -> 254[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 245[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 LT EQ)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];245 -> 255[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 246 -> 82[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 246[label="index1 EQ EQ MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];246 -> 256[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 247[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];247 -> 257[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 248[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 LT GT)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];248 -> 258[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 249[label="index1 GT EQ MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];249 -> 259[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 250[label="index1 GT GT MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];250 -> 260[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 251 -> 201[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 251[label="index1 GT LT (not (esEsOrdering GT LT))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];252[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (rangeOrdering (Tup2 EQ GT)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];252 -> 261[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 253[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];253 -> 262[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 254[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 LT LT LT) (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];254 -> 263[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 255[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (concatMap (range0 EQ LT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];255 -> 264[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 256[label="EQ",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];257[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 EQ EQ LT) (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];257 -> 265[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 258[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (concatMap (range0 GT LT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];258 -> 266[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 259 -> 87[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 259[label="error",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];260 -> 87[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 260[label="error",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];261[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (concatMap (range0 GT EQ) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];261 -> 267[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 262[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 GT GT LT) (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];262 -> 268[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 263[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range0 LT LT LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];263 -> 269[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 264[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (pt concat (map (range0 EQ LT)) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];264 -> 270[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 265[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range0 EQ EQ LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];265 -> 271[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 266[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (pt concat (map (range0 GT LT)) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];266 -> 272[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 267[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (pt concat (map (range0 GT EQ)) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];267 -> 273[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 268[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range0 GT GT LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];268 -> 274[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 269[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (gtEsOrdering LT LT) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];269 -> 275[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 270[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (concat (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];270 -> 276[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 271[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (gtEsOrdering EQ LT) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];271 -> 277[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 272[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (concat (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];272 -> 278[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 273[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (concat (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];273 -> 279[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 274[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT LT) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];274 -> 280[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 275[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT LT) LT) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];275 -> 281[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 276[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];276 -> 282[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 277[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ LT) LT) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];277 -> 283[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 278[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];278 -> 284[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 279[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons LT (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];279 -> 285[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 280[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT LT) LT) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];280 -> 286[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 281[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];281 -> 287[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 282[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 EQ LT LT) (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];282 -> 288[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 283[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];283 -> 289[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 284[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 GT LT LT) (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];284 -> 290[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 285[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 GT EQ LT) (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];285 -> 291[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 286[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];286 -> 292[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 287[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];287 -> 293[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 288[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range0 EQ LT LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];288 -> 294[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 289[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];289 -> 295[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 290[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range0 GT LT LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];290 -> 296[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 291[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range0 GT EQ LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];291 -> 297[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 292[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];292 -> 298[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 293[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT (esEsOrdering LT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];293 -> 299[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 294[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (gtEsOrdering EQ LT) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];294 -> 300[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 295[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];295 -> 301[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 296[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT LT) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];296 -> 302[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 297[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT LT) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];297 -> 303[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 298[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT (esEsOrdering GT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];298 -> 304[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 299[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];299 -> 305[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 300[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ LT) LT) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];300 -> 306[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 301[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];301 -> 307[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 302[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT LT) LT) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];302 -> 308[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 303[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT LT) LT) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];303 -> 309[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 304[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];304 -> 310[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 305[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];305 -> 311[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 306[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];306 -> 312[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 307[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT (ltEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];307 -> 313[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 308[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];308 -> 314[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 309[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];309 -> 315[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 310[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT (ltEsOrdering GT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];310 -> 316[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 311[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];311 -> 317[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 312[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];312 -> 318[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 313[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];313 -> 319[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 314[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];314 -> 320[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 315[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT LT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];315 -> 321[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 316[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];316 -> 322[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 317[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];317 -> 323[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 318[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];318 -> 324[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 319[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];319 -> 325[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 320[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT (esEsOrdering GT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];320 -> 326[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 321[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT (esEsOrdering GT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];321 -> 327[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 322[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];322 -> 328[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 323[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (gtEsOrdering LT LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];323 -> 329[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 324[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];324 -> 330[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 325[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];325 -> 331[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 326[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];326 -> 332[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 327[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];327 -> 333[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 328[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];328 -> 334[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 329[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT LT) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];329 -> 335[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 330[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT (ltEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];330 -> 336[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 331[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];331 -> 337[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 332[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT (ltEsOrdering GT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];332 -> 338[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 333[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT (ltEsOrdering GT LT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];333 -> 339[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 334[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];334 -> 340[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 335[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];335 -> 341[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 336[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];336 -> 342[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 337[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];337 -> 343[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 338[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];338 -> 344[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 339[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];339 -> 345[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 340[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];340 -> 346[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 341[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];341 -> 347[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 342[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];342 -> 348[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 343[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];343 -> 349[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 344[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];344 -> 350[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 345[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];345 -> 351[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 346[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering LT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];346 -> 352[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 347[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT (esEsOrdering LT LT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];347 -> 353[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 348[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];348 -> 354[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 349[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (gtEsOrdering LT EQ)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];349 -> 355[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 350[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];350 -> 356[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 351[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];351 -> 357[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 352[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (gtEsOrdering LT GT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];352 -> 358[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 353[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];353 -> 359[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 354[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];354 -> 360[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 355[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT EQ) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];355 -> 361[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 356[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];356 -> 362[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 357[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];357 -> 363[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 358[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT GT) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];358 -> 364[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 359[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];359 -> 365[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 360[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];360 -> 366[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 361[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];361 -> 367[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 362[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];362 -> 368[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 363[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];363 -> 369[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 364[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT GT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];364 -> 370[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 365[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];365 -> 371[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 366[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];366 -> 372[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 367[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];367 -> 373[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 368[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];368 -> 374[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 369[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering LT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];369 -> 375[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 370[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT GT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];370 -> 376[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 371[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 LT MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];371 -> 377[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 372[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (gtEsOrdering LT LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];372 -> 378[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 373[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ (esEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];373 -> 379[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 374[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (gtEsOrdering LT LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];374 -> 380[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 375[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (gtEsOrdering LT EQ)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];375 -> 381[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 376[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT (esEsOrdering LT GT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];376 -> 382[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 377[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (Cons LT Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];377 -> 383[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 378[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT LT) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];378 -> 384[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 379[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];379 -> 385[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 380[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT LT) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];380 -> 386[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 381[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT EQ) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];381 -> 387[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 382[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];382 -> 388[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 383[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 LT) (Cons LT (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];383 -> 389[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 384[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];384 -> 390[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 385[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ (ltEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];385 -> 391[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 386[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];386 -> 392[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 387[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];387 -> 393[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 388[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT (ltEsOrdering LT GT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];388 -> 394[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 389[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (Cons (index0 LT LT) (map (index0 LT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];389 -> 395[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 390[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];390 -> 396[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 391[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];391 -> 397[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 392[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];392 -> 398[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 393[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];393 -> 399[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 394[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];394 -> 400[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 395[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];395 -> 401[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 396[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT (esEsOrdering LT LT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];396 -> 402[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 397[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];397 -> 403[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 398[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT (esEsOrdering LT LT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];398 -> 404[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 399[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ (esEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];399 -> 405[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 400[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];400 -> 406[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 401[label="seq (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT))) (map (index0 LT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];401 -> 407[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 402[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];402 -> 408[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 403[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not MyTrue)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];403 -> 409[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 404[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];404 -> 410[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 405[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];405 -> 411[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 406[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not MyTrue)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];406 -> 412[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 407[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT))) (foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT))) (map (index0 LT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];407 -> 413[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 408[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];408 -> 414[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 409[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT MyFalse) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];409 -> 415[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 410[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];410 -> 416[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 411[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ (ltEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];411 -> 417[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 412[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT MyFalse) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];412 -> 418[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 413[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];413 -> 419[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 414[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];414 -> 420[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 415[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];415 -> 421[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 416[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];416 -> 422[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 417[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];417 -> 423[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 418[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];418 -> 424[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 419[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];419 -> 425[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 420[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 LT MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];420 -> 426[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 421[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];421 -> 427[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 422[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];422 -> 428[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 423[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];423 -> 429[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 424[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];424 -> 430[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 425[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 LT LT EQ) (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];425 -> 431[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 426[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (Cons LT Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];426 -> 432[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 427[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 EQ EQ EQ) (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];427 -> 433[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 428[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (Cons LT Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];428 -> 434[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 429[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT (not MyTrue)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];429 -> 435[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 430[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 GT GT EQ) (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];430 -> 436[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 431[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range0 LT LT EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];431 -> 437[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 432[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (Cons LT (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];432 -> 438[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 433[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range0 EQ EQ EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];433 -> 439[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 434[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (Cons LT (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];434 -> 440[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 435[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 LT MyFalse) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];435 -> 441[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 436[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range0 GT GT EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];436 -> 442[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 437[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (gtEsOrdering LT EQ) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];437 -> 443[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 438[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (Cons (index0 EQ LT) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];438 -> 444[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 439[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];439 -> 445[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 440[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (Cons (index0 GT LT) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];440 -> 446[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 441[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];441 -> 447[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 442 -> 448[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 442[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT EQ) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];442 -> 449[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 443[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT EQ) LT) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];443 -> 450[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 444[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 EQ LT)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];444 -> 451[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 445[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ EQ) LT) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];445 -> 452[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 446[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 GT LT)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];446 -> 453[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 447[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];447 -> 454[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 449[label="psMyInt",fontsize=16,color="grey",shape="box"];449 -> 455[label="",style="dashed", color="grey", weight=3]; 448[label="foldl' vx6 (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT EQ) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];448 -> 456[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 450[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];450 -> 457[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 451[label="seq (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 EQ LT)) (foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 EQ LT))) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];451 -> 458[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 452[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];452 -> 459[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 453[label="seq (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 GT LT)) (foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 GT LT))) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];453 -> 460[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 454[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 GT EQ EQ) (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];454 -> 461[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 455[label="psMyInt vx7",fontsize=16,color="grey",shape="box"];455 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="grey", weight=3]; 456[label="foldl' vx6 (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) LT) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];456 -> 463[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 457[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];457 -> 464[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 458[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 EQ LT))) (foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 EQ LT))) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];458 -> 465[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 459[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];459 -> 466[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 460[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 GT LT))) (foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 GT LT))) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];460 -> 467[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 461[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range0 GT EQ EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];461 -> 468[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 462[label="psMyInt vx7 vx8",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];462 -> 469[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 463[label="foldl' vx6 (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];463 -> 470[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 464 -> 471[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 464[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)) (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ (esEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];464 -> 472[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 465 -> 473[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 465[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 EQ LT)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];465 -> 474[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 466[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ (esEsOrdering EQ EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];466 -> 475[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 467 -> 476[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 467[label="foldl' psMyInt (psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 GT LT)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];467 -> 477[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 468[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT EQ) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];468 -> 478[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 469[label="primPlusInt vx7 vx8",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];959[label="vx7/Pos vx70",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];469 -> 959[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 959 -> 479[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 960[label="vx7/Neg vx70",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];469 -> 960[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 960 -> 480[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 470[label="foldl' vx6 (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];470 -> 481[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 472 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 472[label="psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 LT LT)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];472 -> 482[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 472 -> 483[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 471[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ (esEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];471 -> 484[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 474 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 474[label="psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 EQ LT)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];474 -> 485[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 474 -> 486[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 473[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];473 -> 487[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 475[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];475 -> 488[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 477 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 477[label="psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (index0 GT LT)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];477 -> 489[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 477 -> 490[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 476[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];476 -> 491[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 478[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) LT) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];478 -> 492[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 479[label="primPlusInt (Pos vx70) vx8",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];961[label="vx8/Pos vx80",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];479 -> 961[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 961 -> 493[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 962[label="vx8/Neg vx80",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];479 -> 962[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 962 -> 494[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 480[label="primPlusInt (Neg vx70) vx8",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];963[label="vx8/Pos vx80",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];480 -> 963[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 963 -> 495[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 964[label="vx8/Neg vx80",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];480 -> 964[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 964 -> 496[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 481[label="foldl' vx6 (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ (esEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];481 -> 497[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 482[label="fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];482 -> 498[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 483[label="index0 LT LT",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];483 -> 499[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 484[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];484 -> 500[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 485 -> 482[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 485[label="fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];486[label="index0 EQ LT",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];486 -> 501[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 487[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];487 -> 502[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 488 -> 503[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 488[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];488 -> 504[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 489 -> 482[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 489[label="fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];490[label="index0 GT LT",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];490 -> 505[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 491[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons EQ (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];491 -> 506[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 492 -> 507[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 492[label="foldl' psMyInt (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];492 -> 508[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 493[label="primPlusInt (Pos vx70) (Pos vx80)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];493 -> 509[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 494[label="primPlusInt (Pos vx70) (Neg vx80)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];494 -> 510[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 495[label="primPlusInt (Neg vx70) (Pos vx80)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];495 -> 511[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 496[label="primPlusInt (Neg vx70) (Neg vx80)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];496 -> 512[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 497 -> 513[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 497[label="foldl' vx6 (fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];497 -> 514[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 498[label="Pos Zero",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];499[label="index00 (gtOrdering LT LT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];499 -> 515[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 500[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ (ltEsOrdering LT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];500 -> 516[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 501[label="index00 (gtOrdering EQ LT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];501 -> 517[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 502[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 EQ LT EQ) (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];502 -> 518[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 504 -> 482[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 504[label="fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];503[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];503 -> 519[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 505[label="index00 (gtOrdering GT LT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];505 -> 520[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 506[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 GT LT EQ) (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];506 -> 521[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 508 -> 482[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 508[label="fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];507[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];507 -> 522[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 509[label="Pos (primPlusNat vx70 vx80)",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];509 -> 523[label="",style="dashed", color="green", weight=3]; 510[label="primMinusNat vx70 vx80",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="triangle"];965[label="vx70/Succ vx700",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];510 -> 965[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 965 -> 524[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 966[label="vx70/Zero",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];510 -> 966[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 966 -> 525[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 511 -> 510[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 511[label="primMinusNat vx80 vx70",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];511 -> 526[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 511 -> 527[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 512[label="Neg (primPlusNat vx70 vx80)",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];512 -> 528[label="",style="dashed", color="green", weight=3]; 514 -> 482[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 514[label="fromIntMyInt (Pos Zero)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];513[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];513 -> 529[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 515[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT LT) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];515 -> 530[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 516[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT EQ MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];516 -> 531[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 517[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ LT) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];517 -> 532[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 518[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range0 EQ LT EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];518 -> 533[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 519[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];519 -> 534[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 520[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT LT) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];520 -> 535[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 521[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range0 GT LT EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];521 -> 536[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 522[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];522 -> 537[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 523[label="primPlusNat vx70 vx80",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="triangle"];967[label="vx70/Succ vx700",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];523 -> 967[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 967 -> 538[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 968[label="vx70/Zero",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];523 -> 968[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 968 -> 539[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 524[label="primMinusNat (Succ vx700) vx80",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];969[label="vx80/Succ vx800",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];524 -> 969[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 969 -> 540[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 970[label="vx80/Zero",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];524 -> 970[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 970 -> 541[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 525[label="primMinusNat Zero vx80",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];971[label="vx80/Succ vx800",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];525 -> 971[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 971 -> 542[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 972[label="vx80/Zero",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];525 -> 972[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 972 -> 543[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 526[label="vx70",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];527[label="vx80",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];528 -> 523[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 528[label="primPlusNat vx70 vx80",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];528 -> 544[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 528 -> 545[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 529[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ (ltEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];529 -> 546[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 530[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT LT) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];530 -> 547[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 531[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering LT LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];531 -> 548[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 532[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ LT) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];532 -> 549[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 533[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];533 -> 550[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 534[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];534 -> 551[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 535[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT LT) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];535 -> 552[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 536[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT EQ) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];536 -> 553[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 537[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ (esEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];537 -> 554[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 538[label="primPlusNat (Succ vx700) vx80",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];973[label="vx80/Succ vx800",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];538 -> 973[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 973 -> 555[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 974[label="vx80/Zero",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];538 -> 974[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 974 -> 556[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 539[label="primPlusNat Zero vx80",fontsize=16,color="burlywood",shape="box"];975[label="vx80/Succ vx800",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];539 -> 975[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 975 -> 557[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 976[label="vx80/Zero",fontsize=10,color="white",style="solid",shape="box"];539 -> 976[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=9]; 976 -> 558[label="",style="solid", color="burlywood", weight=3]; 540[label="primMinusNat (Succ vx700) (Succ vx800)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];540 -> 559[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 541[label="primMinusNat (Succ vx700) Zero",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];541 -> 560[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 542[label="primMinusNat Zero (Succ vx800)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];542 -> 561[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 543[label="primMinusNat Zero Zero",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];543 -> 562[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 544[label="vx80",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];545[label="vx70",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];546[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];546 -> 563[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 547[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT (esEsOrdering LT LT)) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];547 -> 564[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 548[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not MyTrue) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];548 -> 565[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 549[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];549 -> 566[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 550[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ EQ) LT) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];550 -> 567[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 551[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];551 -> 568[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 552[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT (esEsOrdering GT LT)) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];552 -> 569[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 553[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) LT) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];553 -> 570[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 554[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];554 -> 571[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 555[label="primPlusNat (Succ vx700) (Succ vx800)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];555 -> 572[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 556[label="primPlusNat (Succ vx700) Zero",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];556 -> 573[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 557[label="primPlusNat Zero (Succ vx800)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];557 -> 574[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 558[label="primPlusNat Zero Zero",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];558 -> 575[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 559 -> 510[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 559[label="primMinusNat vx700 vx800",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];559 -> 576[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 559 -> 577[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 560[label="Pos (Succ vx700)",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];561[label="Neg (Succ vx800)",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];562[label="Pos Zero",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];563[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];563 -> 578[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 564[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT LT MyTrue) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];564 -> 579[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 565[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs MyFalse (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];565 -> 580[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 566[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT MyFalse) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];566 -> 581[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 567[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];567 -> 582[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 568[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ EQ) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];568 -> 583[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 569[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT MyFalse) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];569 -> 584[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 570[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];570 -> 585[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 571[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ (ltEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];571 -> 586[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 572[label="Succ (Succ (primPlusNat vx700 vx800))",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];572 -> 587[label="",style="dashed", color="green", weight=3]; 573[label="Succ vx700",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];574[label="Succ vx800",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];575[label="Zero",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];576[label="vx800",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];577[label="vx700",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];578[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];578 -> 588[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 579[label="index00 (esEsOrdering EQ GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];579 -> 589[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 580[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 EQ MyFalse) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];580 -> 590[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 581[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT (ltEsOrdering EQ LT)) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];581 -> 591[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 582[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];582 -> 592[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 583[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];583 -> 593[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 584[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT (ltEsOrdering GT LT)) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];584 -> 594[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 585[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT EQ) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];585 -> 595[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 586[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];586 -> 596[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 587 -> 523[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 587[label="primPlusNat vx700 vx800",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];587 -> 597[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 587 -> 598[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 588[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];588 -> 599[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 589[label="index00 MyFalse",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];589 -> 600[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 590[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];590 -> 601[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 591[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT MyFalse) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];591 -> 602[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 592[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ (esEsOrdering EQ EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];592 -> 603[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 593[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];593 -> 604[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 594[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT MyFalse) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];594 -> 605[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 595[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ (esEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];595 -> 606[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 596[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];596 -> 607[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 597[label="vx800",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];598[label="vx700",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];599[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];599 -> 608[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 600[label="Pos Zero",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];601[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) (Cons GT Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];601 -> 609[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 602[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT otherwise) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];602 -> 610[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 603[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];603 -> 611[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 604[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ (esEsOrdering EQ EQ)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];604 -> 612[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 605[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT otherwise) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];605 -> 613[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 606[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];606 -> 614[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 607[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];607 -> 615[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 608[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering EQ GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];608 -> 616[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 609[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 LT LT GT) (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];609 -> 617[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 610[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT MyTrue) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];610 -> 618[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 611[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];611 -> 619[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 612[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];612 -> 620[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 613[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT MyTrue) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];613 -> 621[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 614[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ (ltEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];614 -> 622[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 615[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];615 -> 623[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 616[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (gtEsOrdering EQ GT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];616 -> 624[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 617[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range0 LT LT GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];617 -> 625[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 618[label="index00 (esEsOrdering GT GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];618 -> 626[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 619[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];619 -> 627[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 620[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];620 -> 628[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 621 -> 618[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 621[label="index00 (esEsOrdering GT GT)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];622[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];622 -> 629[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 623[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];623 -> 630[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 624[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ GT) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];624 -> 631[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 625[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (gtEsOrdering LT GT) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];625 -> 632[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 626[label="index00 MyTrue",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];626 -> 633[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 627[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];627 -> 634[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 628[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];628 -> 635[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 629[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ otherwise) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];629 -> 636[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 630[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];630 -> 637[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 631[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ GT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];631 -> 638[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 632[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT GT) LT) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];632 -> 639[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 633[label="Pos (Succ Zero)",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];634[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (gtEsOrdering EQ LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];634 -> 640[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 635[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];635 -> 641[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 636[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];636 -> 642[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 637[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (gtEsOrdering EQ EQ)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];637 -> 643[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 638[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ GT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];638 -> 644[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 639[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering LT GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];639 -> 645[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 640[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ LT) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];640 -> 646[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 641[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (Cons EQ Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];641 -> 647[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 642[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not (esEsOrdering GT LT)) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];642 -> 648[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 643[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ EQ) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];643 -> 649[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 644[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT (esEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];644 -> 650[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 645[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 LT GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];645 -> 651[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 646[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];646 -> 652[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 647[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (map (index0 EQ) (Cons EQ (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];647 -> 653[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 648[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];648 -> 654[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 649[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];649 -> 655[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 650[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];650 -> 656[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 651[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT (esEsOrdering LT GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];651 -> 657[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 652[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];652 -> 658[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 653[label="foldl' psMyInt vx12 (Cons (index0 EQ EQ) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];653 -> 659[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 654[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];654 -> 660[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 655[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];655 -> 661[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 656[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT (ltEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];656 -> 662[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 657[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 LT GT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];657 -> 663[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 658[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];658 -> 664[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 659 -> 665[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 659[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) (psMyInt vx12 (index0 EQ EQ)) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];659 -> 666[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 660[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (gtEsOrdering EQ LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];660 -> 667[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 661[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ (esEsOrdering EQ EQ)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];661 -> 668[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 662[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];662 -> 669[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 663[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT (ltEsOrdering LT GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];663 -> 670[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 664[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];664 -> 671[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 666 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 666[label="psMyInt vx12 (index0 EQ EQ)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];666 -> 672[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 666 -> 673[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 665[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];665 -> 674[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 667[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ LT) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];667 -> 675[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 668[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];668 -> 676[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 669[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering LT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];669 -> 677[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 670[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 LT GT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];670 -> 678[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 671[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT (ltEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];671 -> 679[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 672[label="vx12",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];673[label="index0 EQ EQ",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];673 -> 680[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 674[label="seq vx15 (foldl' psMyInt vx15) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];674 -> 681[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 675[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];675 -> 682[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 676[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];676 -> 683[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 677[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not MyTrue)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];677 -> 684[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 678[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering LT LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];678 -> 685[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 679[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];679 -> 686[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 680[label="index00 (gtOrdering EQ EQ)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];680 -> 687[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 681[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF vx15) (foldl' psMyInt vx15) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];681 -> 688[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 682[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];682 -> 689[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 683[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];683 -> 690[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 684[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ MyFalse) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];684 -> 691[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 685[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not MyTrue) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];685 -> 692[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 686[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT otherwise) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];686 -> 693[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 687[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ EQ) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];687 -> 694[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 688[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];688 -> 695[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 689[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];689 -> 696[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 690[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];690 -> 697[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 691[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];691 -> 698[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 692[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs MyFalse (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];692 -> 699[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 693[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];693 -> 700[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 694[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ EQ) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];694 -> 701[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 695[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) (Cons GT Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];695 -> 702[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 696[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ LT MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];696 -> 703[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 697[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (Cons EQ Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];697 -> 704[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 698[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) (Cons GT Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];698 -> 705[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 699[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs (range00 GT MyFalse) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];699 -> 706[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 700[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];700 -> 707[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 701[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ (esEsOrdering EQ EQ)) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];701 -> 708[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 702[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 EQ EQ GT) (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];702 -> 709[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 703[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT (ltEsOrdering EQ LT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];703 -> 710[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 704[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (map (index0 GT) (Cons EQ (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];704 -> 711[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 705[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 GT GT GT) (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];705 -> 712[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 706[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];706 -> 713[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 707[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];707 -> 714[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 708[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ EQ MyTrue) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];708 -> 715[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 709[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range0 EQ EQ GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];709 -> 716[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 710[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ LT MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];710 -> 717[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 711[label="foldl' psMyInt vx13 (Cons (index0 GT EQ) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];711 -> 718[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 712[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range0 GT GT GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];712 -> 719[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 713[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 LT LT) Nil)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];713 -> 720[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 714[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 EQ MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];714 -> 721[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 715 -> 579[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 715[label="index00 (esEsOrdering EQ GT)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];716[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (gtEsOrdering EQ GT) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];716 -> 722[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 717[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT otherwise) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];717 -> 723[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 718 -> 724[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 718[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) (psMyInt vx13 (index0 GT EQ)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];718 -> 725[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 719[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT GT) (gtEsOrdering GT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];719 -> 726[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 720[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) (foldr psPs Nil Nil))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];720 -> 727[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 721[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (Cons EQ Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];721 -> 728[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 722[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ GT) LT) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];722 -> 729[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 723[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 EQ LT MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];723 -> 730[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 725 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 725[label="psMyInt vx13 (index0 GT EQ)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];725 -> 731[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 725 -> 732[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 724[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];724 -> 733[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 726[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT GT) LT) (gtEsOrdering GT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];726 -> 734[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 727[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 (map (index0 LT) Nil)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];727 -> 735[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 728[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (map (index0 EQ) (Cons EQ (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];728 -> 736[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 729[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];729 -> 737[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 730[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not (esEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];730 -> 738[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 731[label="vx13",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];732[label="index0 GT EQ",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];732 -> 739[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 733[label="seq vx16 (foldl' psMyInt vx16) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];733 -> 740[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 734[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];734 -> 741[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 735[label="foldl' psMyInt vx9 Nil",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];735 -> 742[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 736 -> 743[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 736[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (Cons (index0 EQ EQ) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];736 -> 744[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 737[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];737 -> 745[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 738[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];738 -> 746[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 739[label="index00 (gtOrdering GT EQ)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];739 -> 747[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 740[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF vx16) (foldl' psMyInt vx16) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];740 -> 748[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 741[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];741 -> 749[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 742[label="vx9",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];744 -> 673[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 744[label="index0 EQ EQ",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];743[label="foldl' psMyInt vx10 (Cons vx17 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];743 -> 750[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 745[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT (esEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];745 -> 751[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 746[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 EQ MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];746 -> 752[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 747[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];747 -> 753[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 748[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];748 -> 754[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 749[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT (esEsOrdering GT GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];749 -> 755[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 750 -> 756[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 750[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) (psMyInt vx10 vx17) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];750 -> 757[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 751[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];751 -> 758[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 752[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (Cons EQ Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];752 -> 759[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 753[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT EQ) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];753 -> 760[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 754[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) (Cons GT Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];754 -> 761[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 755[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];755 -> 762[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 757 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 757[label="psMyInt vx10 vx17",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];757 -> 763[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 757 -> 764[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 756[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];756 -> 765[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 758[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT (ltEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];758 -> 766[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 759[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (map (index0 GT) (Cons EQ (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];759 -> 767[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 760[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ (esEsOrdering GT EQ)) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];760 -> 768[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 761[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 GT EQ GT) (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];761 -> 769[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 762[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];762 -> 770[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 763[label="vx10",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];764[label="vx17",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];765[label="seq vx18 (foldl' psMyInt vx18) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];765 -> 771[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 766[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];766 -> 772[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 767 -> 773[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 767[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (Cons (index0 GT EQ) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];767 -> 774[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 768[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ MyFalse) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];768 -> 775[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 769[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range0 GT EQ GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];769 -> 776[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 770[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering GT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];770 -> 777[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 771[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF vx18) (foldl' psMyInt vx18) (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];771 -> 778[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 772[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering LT LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];772 -> 779[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 774 -> 732[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 774[label="index0 GT EQ",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];773[label="foldl' psMyInt vx11 (Cons vx19 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil))))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];773 -> 780[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 775[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ (ltEsOrdering GT EQ)) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];775 -> 781[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 776[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT GT) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];776 -> 782[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 777[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering GT GT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];777 -> 783[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 778[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];778 -> 784[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 779[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not MyTrue) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];779 -> 785[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 780 -> 786[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 780[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) (psMyInt vx11 vx19) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];780 -> 787[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 781[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ MyFalse) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];781 -> 788[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 782[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT GT) LT) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];782 -> 789[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 783[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (gtEsOrdering GT GT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];783 -> 790[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 784[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) (Cons GT Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];784 -> 791[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 785[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs MyFalse (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];785 -> 792[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 787 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 787[label="psMyInt vx11 vx19",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];787 -> 793[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 787 -> 794[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 786[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];786 -> 795[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 788[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ otherwise) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];788 -> 796[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 789[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];789 -> 797[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 790[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT GT) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];790 -> 798[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 791[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 EQ LT GT) (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];791 -> 799[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 792[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT MyFalse) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];792 -> 800[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 793[label="vx11",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];794[label="vx19",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];795[label="seq vx20 (foldl' psMyInt vx20) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];795 -> 801[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 796[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ MyTrue) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];796 -> 802[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 797[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];797 -> 803[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 798[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT GT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];798 -> 804[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 799[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range0 EQ LT GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];799 -> 805[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 800[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];800 -> 806[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 801[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF vx20) (foldl' psMyInt vx20) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];801 -> 807[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 802 -> 618[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 802[label="index00 (esEsOrdering GT GT)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];803[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT (esEsOrdering GT GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];803 -> 808[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 804[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT GT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];804 -> 809[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 805[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (gtEsOrdering EQ GT) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];805 -> 810[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 806[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ EQ) Nil)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];806 -> 811[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 807[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];807 -> 812[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 808[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];808 -> 813[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 809[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT (esEsOrdering GT GT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];809 -> 814[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 810[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ GT) LT) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];810 -> 815[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 811[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil Nil))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];811 -> 816[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 812[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) (Cons GT Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];812 -> 817[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 813[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];813 -> 818[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 814[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];814 -> 819[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 815[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering EQ GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];815 -> 820[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 816[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 (map (index0 EQ) Nil)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];816 -> 821[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 817[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (Cons (range0 GT LT GT) (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];817 -> 822[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 818[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];818 -> 823[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 819[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];819 -> 824[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 820[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 EQ GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];820 -> 825[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 821 -> 735[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 821[label="foldl' psMyInt vx15 Nil",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];821 -> 826[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 822[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range0 GT LT GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];822 -> 827[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 823[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering GT EQ))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];823 -> 828[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 824[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];824 -> 829[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 825[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT (esEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];825 -> 830[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 826[label="vx15",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];827[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (gtEsOrdering GT GT) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];827 -> 831[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 828[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (gtEsOrdering GT EQ)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];828 -> 832[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 829[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];829 -> 833[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 830[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 EQ GT MyFalse) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];830 -> 834[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 831[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT GT) LT) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];831 -> 835[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 832[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];832 -> 836[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 833[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (Cons GT Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];833 -> 837[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 834[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT (ltEsOrdering EQ GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];834 -> 838[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 835[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];835 -> 839[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 836[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];836 -> 840[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 837[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (map (index0 GT) (Cons GT (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];837 -> 841[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 838[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 EQ GT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];838 -> 842[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 839[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT GT) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];839 -> 843[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 840[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT EQ) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];840 -> 844[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 841[label="foldl' vx6 vx14 (Cons (index0 GT GT) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];841 -> 845[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 842[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering LT LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];842 -> 846[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 843[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT (esEsOrdering GT GT)) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];843 -> 847[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 844[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ (esEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];844 -> 848[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 845[label="dsEm (foldl' vx6) (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];845 -> 849[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 846[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not MyTrue) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];846 -> 850[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 847[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT MyTrue) LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];847 -> 851[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 848[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT EQ MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];848 -> 852[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 849[label="seq (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT)) (foldl' vx6 (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT))) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];849 -> 853[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 850[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs MyFalse (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];850 -> 854[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 851[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not (esEsOrdering EQ LT)) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];851 -> 855[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 852[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ (ltEsOrdering GT EQ)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];852 -> 856[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 853[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT))) (foldl' vx6 (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT))) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];853 -> 857[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 854[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs (range00 GT MyFalse) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];854 -> 858[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 855[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs (not MyFalse) (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];855 -> 859[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 856[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT EQ MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];856 -> 860[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 857[label="foldl' vx6 (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT)) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];857 -> 861[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 858[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];858 -> 862[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 859[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (asAs MyTrue (gtEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];859 -> 863[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 860[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ otherwise) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];860 -> 864[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 861[label="foldl' vx6 (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT GT) Nil)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];861 -> 865[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 862[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 EQ LT) Nil)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];862 -> 866[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 863[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (gtEsOrdering GT LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];863 -> 867[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 864[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT EQ MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];864 -> 868[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 865[label="foldl' vx6 (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT)) (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil Nil))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];865 -> 869[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 866 -> 811[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 866[label="foldl' psMyInt vx18 (map (index0 EQ) (foldr psPs Nil Nil))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];866 -> 870[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 867[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (fsEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT LT) LT)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];867 -> 871[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 868[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];868 -> 872[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 869[label="foldl' vx6 (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT)) (map (index0 GT) Nil)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];869 -> 873[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 870[label="vx18",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];871[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];871 -> 874[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 872[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];872 -> 875[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 873[label="foldl' vx6 (vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT)) Nil",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];873 -> 876[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 874[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT LT) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];874 -> 877[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 875[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];875 -> 878[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 876[label="vx6 vx14 (index0 GT GT)",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];876 -> 879[label="",style="dashed", color="green", weight=3]; 876 -> 880[label="",style="dashed", color="green", weight=3]; 877[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT (esEsOrdering GT LT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];877 -> 881[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 878[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (Cons GT Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];878 -> 882[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 879[label="vx14",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];880[label="index0 GT GT",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];880 -> 883[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 881[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT LT MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];881 -> 884[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 882[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (map (index0 GT) (Cons GT (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];882 -> 885[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 883[label="index00 (gtOrdering GT GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];883 -> 886[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 884[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT (ltEsOrdering GT LT)) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];884 -> 887[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 885 -> 888[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 885[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (Cons (index0 GT GT) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];885 -> 889[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 886[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compareOrdering GT GT) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];886 -> 890[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 887[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare1 GT LT MyFalse) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];887 -> 891[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 889 -> 880[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 889[label="index0 GT GT",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];888[label="foldl' psMyInt vx16 (Cons vx21 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];888 -> 892[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 890[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare3 GT GT) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];890 -> 893[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 891[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT otherwise) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];891 -> 894[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 892 -> 895[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 892[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) (psMyInt vx16 vx21) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];892 -> 896[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 893[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT (esEsOrdering GT GT)) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];893 -> 897[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 894[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering (compare0 GT LT MyTrue) LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];894 -> 898[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 896 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 896[label="psMyInt vx16 vx21",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];896 -> 899[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 896 -> 900[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 895[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) vx22 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];895 -> 901[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 897[label="index00 (esEsOrdering (compare2 GT GT MyTrue) GT)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];897 -> 902[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 898[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not (esEsOrdering GT LT))) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];898 -> 903[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 899[label="vx16",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];900[label="vx21",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];901[label="seq vx22 (foldl' psMyInt vx22) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];901 -> 904[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 902 -> 579[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 902[label="index00 (esEsOrdering EQ GT)",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];903[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT (not MyFalse)) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];903 -> 905[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 904[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF vx22) (foldl' psMyInt vx22) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];904 -> 906[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 905[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (range00 GT MyTrue) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];905 -> 907[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 906[label="foldl' psMyInt vx22 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];906 -> 908[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 907[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (psPs (Cons GT Nil) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];907 -> 909[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 908[label="foldl' psMyInt vx22 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT EQ) Nil)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];908 -> 910[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 909[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (map (index0 GT) (Cons GT (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];909 -> 911[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 910[label="foldl' psMyInt vx22 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil Nil))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];910 -> 912[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 911 -> 913[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 911[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (Cons (index0 GT GT) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];911 -> 914[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 912[label="foldl' psMyInt vx22 (map (index0 GT) Nil)",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];912 -> 915[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 914 -> 880[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 914[label="index0 GT GT",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];913[label="foldl' psMyInt vx20 (Cons vx23 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil)))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];913 -> 916[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 915 -> 735[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 915[label="foldl' psMyInt vx22 Nil",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];915 -> 917[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 916 -> 918[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 916[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) (psMyInt vx20 vx23) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];916 -> 919[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 917[label="vx22",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];919 -> 462[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 919[label="psMyInt vx20 vx23",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];919 -> 920[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 919 -> 921[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 918[label="dsEm (foldl' psMyInt) vx24 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="triangle"];918 -> 922[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 920[label="vx20",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];921[label="vx23",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];922[label="seq vx24 (foldl' psMyInt vx24) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];922 -> 923[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 923[label="enforceWHNF (WHNF vx24) (foldl' psMyInt vx24) (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];923 -> 924[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 924[label="foldl' psMyInt vx24 (map (index0 GT) (psPs Nil (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil))))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];924 -> 925[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 925[label="foldl' psMyInt vx24 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil (map (range0 GT LT) Nil)))",fontsize=16,color="black",shape="box"];925 -> 926[label="",style="solid", color="black", weight=3]; 926 -> 910[label="",style="dashed", color="red", weight=0]; 926[label="foldl' psMyInt vx24 (map (index0 GT) (foldr psPs Nil Nil))",fontsize=16,color="magenta"];926 -> 927[label="",style="dashed", color="magenta", weight=3]; 927[label="vx24",fontsize=16,color="green",shape="box"];} ---------------------------------------- (6) Complex Obligation (AND) ---------------------------------------- (7) Obligation: Q DP problem: The TRS P consists of the following rules: new_primMinusNat(Main.Succ(vx700), Main.Succ(vx800)) -> new_primMinusNat(vx700, vx800) R is empty. Q is empty. We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains. ---------------------------------------- (8) QDPSizeChangeProof (EQUIVALENT) By using the subterm criterion [SUBTERM_CRITERION] together with the size-change analysis [AAECC05] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem. From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs: *new_primMinusNat(Main.Succ(vx700), Main.Succ(vx800)) -> new_primMinusNat(vx700, vx800) The graph contains the following edges 1 > 1, 2 > 2 ---------------------------------------- (9) YES ---------------------------------------- (10) Obligation: Q DP problem: The TRS P consists of the following rules: new_primPlusNat(Main.Succ(vx700), Main.Succ(vx800)) -> new_primPlusNat(vx700, vx800) R is empty. Q is empty. We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains. ---------------------------------------- (11) QDPSizeChangeProof (EQUIVALENT) By using the subterm criterion [SUBTERM_CRITERION] together with the size-change analysis [AAECC05] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem. From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs: *new_primPlusNat(Main.Succ(vx700), Main.Succ(vx800)) -> new_primPlusNat(vx700, vx800) The graph contains the following edges 1 > 1, 2 > 2 ---------------------------------------- (12) YES