77.89/78.48 MAYBE 78.43/78.50 We consider the system theBenchmark. 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 Alphabet: 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 abs : [] --> (a -> a) -> aa 78.43/78.50 app : [] --> aa -> a -> a 78.43/78.50 let : [] --> ta -> (a -> ta) -> ta 78.43/78.50 return : [] --> a -> ta 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 Rules: 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 app (abs (/\x.f x)) y => f y 78.43/78.50 abs (/\x.app y x) => y 78.43/78.50 let (return x) (/\y.f y) => f x 78.43/78.50 let x (/\y.return y) => x 78.43/78.50 let (let x (/\y.f y)) (/\z.g z) => let x (/\u.let (f u) (/\v.g v)) 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 Using the transformations described in [Kop11], this system can be brought in a form without leading free variables in the left-hand side, and where the left-hand side of a variable is always a functional term or application headed by a functional term. 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 We now transform the resulting AFS into an AFSM by replacing all free variables by meta-variables (with arity 0). This leads to the following AFSM: 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 Alphabet: 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 abs : [a -> a] --> aa 78.43/78.50 app : [aa * a] --> a 78.43/78.50 let : [ta * a -> ta] --> ta 78.43/78.50 return : [a] --> ta 78.43/78.50 ~AP1 : [a -> a * a] --> a 78.43/78.50 ~AP2 : [a -> ta * a] --> ta 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 Rules: 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 app(abs(/\x.~AP1(F, x)), X) => ~AP1(F, X) 78.43/78.50 abs(/\x.app(X, x)) => X 78.43/78.50 let(return(X), /\x.~AP2(F, x)) => ~AP2(F, X) 78.43/78.50 let(X, /\x.return(x)) => X 78.43/78.50 let(let(X, /\x.~AP2(F, x)), /\y.~AP2(G, y)) => let(X, /\z.let(~AP2(F, z), /\u.~AP2(G, u))) 78.43/78.50 app(abs(/\x.app(X, x)), Y) => app(X, Y) 78.43/78.50 let(return(X), /\x.return(x)) => return(X) 78.43/78.50 let(let(X, /\x.return(x)), /\y.~AP2(F, y)) => let(X, /\z.let(return(z), /\u.~AP2(F, u))) 78.43/78.50 let(let(X, /\x.~AP2(F, x)), /\y.return(y)) => let(X, /\z.let(~AP2(F, z), /\u.return(u))) 78.43/78.50 let(let(X, /\x.return(x)), /\y.return(y)) => let(X, /\z.let(return(z), /\u.return(u))) 78.43/78.50 ~AP1(F, X) => F X 78.43/78.50 ~AP2(F, X) => F X 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 +++ Citations +++ 78.43/78.50 78.43/78.50 [Kop11] C. Kop. Simplifying Algebraic Functional Systems. In Proceedings of CAI 2011, volume 6742 of LNCS. 201--215, Springer, 2011. 78.43/78.58 EOF