0.00/0.09 YES 0.00/0.09 We consider the system theBenchmark. 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 Alphabet: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 0 : [] --> nat 0.00/0.09 rec : [] --> nat -> a -> (nat -> a -> a) -> a 0.00/0.09 s : [] --> nat -> nat 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 Rules: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 rec 0 x (/\y./\z.f y z) => x 0.00/0.09 rec (s x) y (/\z./\u.f z u) => f x (rec x y (/\v./\w.f v w)) 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 Using the transformations described in [Kop11], this system can be brought in a form without leading free variables in the left-hand side, and where the left-hand side of a variable is always a functional term or application headed by a functional term. 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 We now transform the resulting AFS into an AFSM by replacing all free variables by meta-variables (with arity 0). This leads to the following AFSM: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 Alphabet: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 0 : [] --> nat 0.00/0.09 rec : [nat * a * nat -> a -> a] --> a 0.00/0.09 s : [nat] --> nat 0.00/0.09 ~AP1 : [nat -> a -> a * nat] --> a -> a 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 Rules: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 rec(0, X, /\x./\y.~AP1(F, x) y) => X 0.00/0.09 rec(s(X), Y, /\x./\y.~AP1(F, x) y) => ~AP1(F, X) rec(X, Y, /\z./\u.~AP1(F, z) u) 0.00/0.09 ~AP1(F, X) => F X 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 Symbol ~AP1 is an encoding for application that is only used in innocuous ways. We can simplify the program (without losing non-termination) by removing it. This gives: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 Alphabet: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 0 : [] --> nat 0.00/0.09 rec : [nat * a * nat -> a -> a] --> a 0.00/0.09 s : [nat] --> nat 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 Rules: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 rec(0, X, /\x./\y.Y(x, y)) => X 0.00/0.09 rec(s(X), Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y)) => Z(X, rec(X, Y, /\z./\u.Z(z, u))) 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 We use rule removal, following [Kop12, Theorem 2.23]. 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 This gives the following requirements (possibly using Theorems 2.25 and 2.26 in [Kop12]): 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 rec(0, X, /\x./\y.Y(x, y)) >? X 0.00/0.09 rec(s(X), Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y)) >? Z(X, rec(X, Y, /\z./\u.Z(z, u))) 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 We use a recursive path ordering as defined in [Kop12, Chapter 5]. 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 We choose Lex = {} and Mul = {0, rec, s}, and the following precedence: 0 > rec > s 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 With these choices, we have: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 1] rec(0, X, /\x./\y.Y(x, y)) >= X because [2], by (Star) 0.00/0.09 2] rec*(0, X, /\x./\y.Y(x, y)) >= X because [3], by (Select) 0.00/0.09 3] X >= X by (Meta) 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 4] rec(s(X), Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y)) > Z(X, rec(X, Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y))) because [5], by definition 0.00/0.09 5] rec*(s(X), Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y)) >= Z(X, rec(X, Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y))) because [6], by (Select) 0.00/0.09 6] Z(rec*(s(X), Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y)), rec*(s(X), Y, /\z./\u.Z(z, u))) >= Z(X, rec(X, Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y))) because [7] and [11], by (Meta) 0.00/0.09 7] rec*(s(X), Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y)) >= X because [8], by (Select) 0.00/0.09 8] s(X) >= X because [9], by (Star) 0.00/0.09 9] s*(X) >= X because [10], by (Select) 0.00/0.09 10] X >= X by (Meta) 0.00/0.09 11] rec*(s(X), Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y)) >= rec(X, Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y)) because rec in Mul, [12], [14] and [15], by (Stat) 0.00/0.09 12] s(X) > X because [13], by definition 0.00/0.09 13] s*(X) >= X because [10], by (Select) 0.00/0.09 14] Y >= Y by (Meta) 0.00/0.09 15] /\x./\z.Z(x, z) >= /\x./\z.Z(x, z) because [16], by (Abs) 0.00/0.09 16] /\z.Z(y, z) >= /\z.Z(y, z) because [17], by (Abs) 0.00/0.09 17] Z(y, x) >= Z(y, x) because [18] and [19], by (Meta) 0.00/0.09 18] y >= y by (Var) 0.00/0.09 19] x >= x by (Var) 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 We can thus remove the following rules: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 rec(s(X), Y, /\x./\y.Z(x, y)) => Z(X, rec(X, Y, /\z./\u.Z(z, u))) 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 We use rule removal, following [Kop12, Theorem 2.23]. 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 This gives the following requirements (possibly using Theorems 2.25 and 2.26 in [Kop12]): 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 rec(0, X, /\x./\y.Y(x, y)) >? X 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 We orient these requirements with a polynomial interpretation in the natural numbers. 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 The following interpretation satisfies the requirements: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 0 = 3 0.00/0.09 rec = \y0y1G2.3 + y0 + y1 + G2(0,0) 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 Using this interpretation, the requirements translate to: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 [[rec(0, _x0, /\x./\y._x1(x, y))]] = 6 + x0 + F1(0,0) > x0 = [[_x0]] 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 We can thus remove the following rules: 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 rec(0, X, /\x./\y.Y(x, y)) => X 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 All rules were succesfully removed. Thus, termination of the original system has been reduced to termination of the beta-rule, which is well-known to hold. 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 +++ Citations +++ 0.00/0.09 0.00/0.09 [Kop11] C. Kop. Simplifying Algebraic Functional Systems. In Proceedings of CAI 2011, volume 6742 of LNCS. 201--215, Springer, 2011. 0.00/0.09 [Kop12] C. Kop. Higher Order Termination. PhD Thesis, 2012. 0.00/0.09 EOF