2.28/2.32 YES 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Solver Timeout: 4 2.28/2.32 Global Timeout: 300 2.28/2.32 No parsing errors! 2.28/2.32 Init Location: 0 2.28/2.32 Transitions: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 undef1, oldX1^0 -> undef2, oldX2^0 -> undef3, oldX3^0 -> undef4, x0^0 -> (0 + undef1), x1^0 -> (0 + undef2), x2^0 -> (~(1) + undef3), x3^0 -> (~(1) + undef4)}> 2.28/2.32 undef13, oldX1^0 -> undef14, oldX2^0 -> undef15, oldX3^0 -> undef16, x0^0 -> (0 + undef13), x1^0 -> (0 + undef14), x2^0 -> (0 + undef15), x3^0 -> (0 + undef16)}> 2.28/2.32 undef25, oldX1^0 -> undef26, oldX2^0 -> undef27, oldX3^0 -> undef28, x0^0 -> (0 + undef25), x1^0 -> (0 + undef26), x2^0 -> (0 + undef27), x3^0 -> (0 + undef28)}> 2.28/2.32 undef37, oldX1^0 -> undef38, oldX2^0 -> undef39, oldX3^0 -> undef40, x0^0 -> (0 + undef37), x1^0 -> (0 + undef38), x2^0 -> (0 + undef39), x3^0 -> (0 + undef40)}> 2.28/2.32 undef49, oldX1^0 -> undef50, oldX2^0 -> undef51, oldX3^0 -> undef52, x0^0 -> (0 + undef49), x1^0 -> (0 + undef50), x2^0 -> (0 + undef51), x3^0 -> (0 + undef52)}> 2.28/2.32 undef61, oldX1^0 -> undef62, oldX2^0 -> undef63, oldX3^0 -> undef64, x0^0 -> (0 + undef61), x1^0 -> (0 + undef62), x2^0 -> (0 + undef63), x3^0 -> (0 + undef64)}> 2.28/2.32 undef73, oldX1^0 -> undef74, oldX2^0 -> undef75, oldX3^0 -> undef76, x0^0 -> (0 + undef73), x1^0 -> (0 + undef74), x2^0 -> (0 + undef75), x3^0 -> (0 + undef76)}> 2.28/2.32 undef85, oldX1^0 -> undef86, oldX2^0 -> (0 + x2^0), oldX3^0 -> undef88, x0^0 -> (0 + undef85), x1^0 -> (1 + undef86), x2^0 -> (0 + undef85), x3^0 -> (0 + undef88)}> 2.28/2.32 undef97, oldX1^0 -> undef98, oldX2^0 -> undef99, oldX3^0 -> undef100, x0^0 -> (0 + undef97), x1^0 -> (0 + undef98), x2^0 -> (0 + undef99), x3^0 -> (0 + undef100)}> 2.28/2.32 undef109, oldX1^0 -> undef110, oldX2^0 -> undef111, oldX3^0 -> undef112, x0^0 -> (0 + undef109), x1^0 -> (0 + undef110), x2^0 -> (0 + undef111), x3^0 -> (0 + undef112)}> 2.28/2.32 undef121, oldX1^0 -> undef122, oldX2^0 -> undef123, oldX3^0 -> undef124, x0^0 -> (0 + undef121), x1^0 -> (0 + undef122), x2^0 -> (0 + undef123), x3^0 -> (0 + undef124)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + x0^0), oldX1^0 -> (0 + x1^0), oldX2^0 -> (0 + x2^0), oldX3^0 -> (0 + x3^0), oldX4^0 -> undef137, oldX5^0 -> undef138, oldX6^0 -> undef139, oldX7^0 -> undef140, x0^0 -> (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 undef145, oldX1^0 -> undef146, oldX2^0 -> undef147, oldX3^0 -> undef148, x0^0 -> (0 + undef145), x1^0 -> (0 + undef146), x2^0 -> (0 + undef147), x3^0 -> (0 + undef148)}> 2.28/2.32 undef157, oldX1^0 -> undef158, oldX2^0 -> undef159, oldX3^0 -> undef160, x0^0 -> (0 + undef157), x1^0 -> (0 + undef158), x2^0 -> (0 + undef159), x3^0 -> (0 + undef160)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + x0^0), oldX1^0 -> (0 + x1^0), oldX2^0 -> (0 + x2^0), oldX3^0 -> (0 + x3^0), oldX4^0 -> undef173, oldX5^0 -> undef174, x0^0 -> (0 + undef173), x1^0 -> 0, x2^0 -> (0 + undef173), x3^0 -> (0 + undef174)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + x0^0), oldX1^0 -> (0 + x1^0), oldX2^0 -> (0 + x2^0), oldX3^0 -> (0 + x3^0), oldX4^0 -> undef185, oldX5^0 -> undef186, oldX6^0 -> undef187, oldX7^0 -> undef188, x0^0 -> (0 + undef185), x1^0 -> (0 + undef186), x2^0 -> (0 + undef187), x3^0 -> (0 + undef188)}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Fresh variables: 2.28/2.32 undef1, undef2, undef3, undef4, undef13, undef14, undef15, undef16, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef37, undef38, undef39, undef40, undef49, undef50, undef51, undef52, undef61, undef62, undef63, undef64, undef73, undef74, undef75, undef76, undef85, undef86, undef88, undef97, undef98, undef99, undef100, undef109, undef110, undef111, undef112, undef121, undef122, undef123, undef124, undef137, undef138, undef139, undef140, undef145, undef146, undef147, undef148, undef157, undef158, undef159, undef160, undef173, undef174, undef185, undef186, undef187, undef188, 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Undef variables: 2.28/2.32 undef1, undef2, undef3, undef4, undef13, undef14, undef15, undef16, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef37, undef38, undef39, undef40, undef49, undef50, undef51, undef52, undef61, undef62, undef63, undef64, undef73, undef74, undef75, undef76, undef85, undef86, undef88, undef97, undef98, undef99, undef100, undef109, undef110, undef111, undef112, undef121, undef122, undef123, undef124, undef137, undef138, undef139, undef140, undef145, undef146, undef147, undef148, undef157, undef158, undef159, undef160, undef173, undef174, undef185, undef186, undef187, undef188, 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Abstraction variables: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Exit nodes: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Accepting locations: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Asserts: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Preprocessed LLVMGraph 2.28/2.32 Init Location: 0 2.28/2.32 Transitions: 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef173), x1^0 -> 0, x2^0 -> (0 + undef173), x3^0 -> (0 + undef174)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef1), x1^0 -> (0 + undef2), x2^0 -> (~(1) + undef3), x3^0 -> (~(1) + undef4)}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef73), x1^0 -> (0 + undef74), x2^0 -> (0 + undef75), x3^0 -> (0 + undef76)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef85), x1^0 -> (1 + undef86), x2^0 -> (0 + undef85), x3^0 -> (0 + undef88)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef73), x1^0 -> (0 + undef74), x2^0 -> (0 + undef75), x3^0 -> (0 + undef76)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef85), x1^0 -> (1 + undef86), x2^0 -> (0 + undef85), x3^0 -> (0 + undef88)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef173), x1^0 -> 0, x2^0 -> (0 + undef173), x3^0 -> (0 + undef174)}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef73), x1^0 -> (0 + undef74), x2^0 -> (0 + undef75), x3^0 -> (0 + undef76)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef85), x1^0 -> (1 + undef86), x2^0 -> (0 + undef85), x3^0 -> (0 + undef88)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef137), x1^0 -> (0 + undef138), x2^0 -> (0 + undef139), x3^0 -> (0 + undef140)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef1), x1^0 -> (0 + undef2), x2^0 -> (~(1) + undef3), x3^0 -> (~(1) + undef4)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef1), x1^0 -> (0 + undef2), x2^0 -> (~(1) + undef3), x3^0 -> (~(1) + undef4)}> 2.28/2.32 (0 + undef85), x1^0 -> (1 + undef86), x2^0 -> (0 + undef85), x3^0 -> (0 + undef88)}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Fresh variables: 2.28/2.32 undef1, undef2, undef3, undef4, undef13, undef14, undef15, undef16, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef37, undef38, undef39, undef40, undef49, undef50, undef51, undef52, undef61, undef62, undef63, undef64, undef73, undef74, undef75, undef76, undef85, undef86, undef88, undef97, undef98, undef99, undef100, undef109, undef110, undef111, undef112, undef121, undef122, undef123, undef124, undef137, undef138, undef139, undef140, undef145, undef146, undef147, undef148, undef157, undef158, undef159, undef160, undef173, undef174, undef185, undef186, undef187, undef188, 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Undef variables: 2.28/2.32 undef1, undef2, undef3, undef4, undef13, undef14, undef15, undef16, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef37, undef38, undef39, undef40, undef49, undef50, undef51, undef52, undef61, undef62, undef63, undef64, undef73, undef74, undef75, undef76, undef85, undef86, undef88, undef97, undef98, undef99, undef100, undef109, undef110, undef111, undef112, undef121, undef122, undef123, undef124, undef137, undef138, undef139, undef140, undef145, undef146, undef147, undef148, undef157, undef158, undef159, undef160, undef173, undef174, undef185, undef186, undef187, undef188, 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Abstraction variables: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Exit nodes: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Accepting locations: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Asserts: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 ************************************************************* 2.28/2.32 ******************************************************************************************* 2.28/2.32 *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** 2.28/2.32 ******************************************************************************************* 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Init Location: 0 2.28/2.32 Graph 0: 2.28/2.32 Transitions: 2.28/2.32 Variables: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Graph 1: 2.28/2.32 Transitions: 2.28/2.32 undef73, x1^0 -> undef74, x2^0 -> undef75, x3^0 -> undef76, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 Variables: 2.28/2.32 x0^0, x1^0, x2^0, x3^0 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Graph 2: 2.28/2.32 Transitions: 2.28/2.32 Variables: 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Precedence: 2.28/2.32 Graph 0 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Graph 1 2.28/2.32 undef173, x1^0 -> 0, x2^0 -> undef173, x3^0 -> undef174, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 undef73, x1^0 -> undef74, x2^0 -> undef75, x3^0 -> undef76, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef73, x1^0 -> undef74, x2^0 -> undef75, x3^0 -> undef76, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 undef173, x1^0 -> 0, x2^0 -> undef173, x3^0 -> undef174, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Graph 2 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 undef137, x1^0 -> undef138, x2^0 -> undef139, x3^0 -> undef140, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Map Locations to Subgraph: 2.28/2.32 ( 0 , 0 ) 2.28/2.32 ( 2 , 1 ) 2.28/2.32 ( 3 , 1 ) 2.28/2.32 ( 8 , 2 ) 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 ******************************************************************************************* 2.28/2.32 ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** 2.28/2.32 ******************************************************************************************* 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Proving termination of subgraph 0 2.28/2.32 Proving termination of subgraph 1 2.28/2.32 Checking unfeasibility... 2.28/2.32 Time used: 0.028023 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l2, l3}... 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.009975s 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.129280s 2.28/2.32 Trying to remove transition: undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 Solving with 1 template(s). 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.035952s 2.28/2.32 Time used: 0.02622 2.28/2.32 Trying to remove transition: undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 Solving with 1 template(s). 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.033424s 2.28/2.32 Time used: 0.028102 2.28/2.32 Trying to remove transition: undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 Solving with 1 template(s). 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.043171s 2.28/2.32 Time used: 0.037788 2.28/2.32 Trying to remove transition: undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 Solving with 1 template(s). 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.074930s 2.28/2.32 Time used: 0.069516 2.28/2.32 Trying to remove transition: undef73, x1^0 -> undef74, x2^0 -> undef75, x3^0 -> undef76, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 Solving with 1 template(s). 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.039034s 2.28/2.32 Time used: 0.033369 2.28/2.32 Solving with 1 template(s). 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.124424s 2.28/2.32 Time used: 0.117931 2.28/2.32 Improving Solution with cost 1 ... 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.290336s 2.28/2.32 Time used: 0.290203 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.414760s 2.28/2.32 Cost: 1; Total time: 0.408134 2.28/2.32 Failed at location 3: 0 <= 1 + x2^0 + x3^0 2.28/2.32 Before Improving: 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant at l3: 0 <= 1 + x2^0 + x3^0 2.28/2.32 Optimizing invariants... 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.058216s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030182s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.029979s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030422s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030243s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030191s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030297s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030327s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030363s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030410s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030428s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030396s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030420s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030556s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030645s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030721s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030697s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030710s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030885s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.031030s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030804s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.031587s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030965s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030942s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030683s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.031038s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030842s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030738s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030636s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030611s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030665s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030769s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030773s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.033832s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.035960s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030966s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.031117s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.031384s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.030965s 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant improved 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.027484s 2.28/2.32 Remaining time after improvement: -5e-06 2.28/2.32 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): 2.28/2.32 Quasi-invariant at l3: 0 <= 41 + x2^0 + x3^0 2.28/2.32 [ Invariant Graph ] 2.28/2.32 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 Strengthening transition (result): 2.28/2.32 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 Strengthening transition (result): 2.28/2.32 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 Strengthening transition (result): 2.28/2.32 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 [ Termination Graph ] 2.28/2.32 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 Strengthening transition (result): 2.28/2.32 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 Strengthening transition (result): 2.28/2.32 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 2.28/2.32 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 2.28/2.32 Strengthening transition (result): 2.28/2.32 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 Ranking function: 40 + x3^0 2.28/2.33 It's unfeasible after collapsing. Removing transition: 2.28/2.33 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 New Graphs: 2.28/2.33 Transitions: 2.28/2.33 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 Variables: 2.28/2.33 x0^0, x1^0, x2^0, x3^0 2.28/2.33 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l2}... 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.006997s 2.28/2.33 Ranking function: -5 + 5*x3^0 2.28/2.33 New Graphs: 2.28/2.33 Transitions: 2.28/2.33 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 Variables: 2.28/2.33 x0^0, x1^0, x2^0, x3^0 2.28/2.33 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l2}... 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002717s 2.28/2.33 Ranking function: -x2^0 2.28/2.33 New Graphs: 2.28/2.33 Calling Safety with literal 0 <= 41 + x2^0 + x3^0 and entry 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: CALL check - Post:0 <= 41 + x2^0 + x3^0 - Process 1 2.28/2.33 * Exit transition: 2.28/2.33 * Postcondition : 0 <= 41 + x2^0 + x3^0 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: CALL solveLinear 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001257s 2.28/2.33 > Postcondition is not implied! 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.001344s 2.28/2.33 INVARIANTS: 2.28/2.33 3: 2.28/2.33 Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 2.28/2.33 3: 0 <= 41 + x2^0 + x3^0 , 2.28/2.33 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 2.28/2.33 undef73, x1^0 -> undef74, x2^0 -> undef75, x3^0 -> undef76, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 Narrowing transition: 2.28/2.33 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 Narrowing transition: 2.28/2.33 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 2.28/2.33 Narrowing transition: 2.28/2.33 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 2.28/2.33 Narrowing transition: 2.28/2.33 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 2.28/2.33 invGraph after Narrowing: 2.28/2.33 Transitions: 2.28/2.33 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 undef1, x1^0 -> undef2, x2^0 -> -1 + undef3, x3^0 -> -1 + undef4, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 undef85, x1^0 -> 1 + undef86, x2^0 -> undef85, x3^0 -> undef88, rest remain the same}> 2.28/2.33 Variables: 2.28/2.33 x0^0, x1^0, x2^0, x3^0 2.28/2.33 Proving termination of subgraph 2 2.28/2.33 Analyzing SCC {l8}... 2.28/2.33 No cycles found. 2.28/2.33 2.28/2.33 Program Terminates 2.28/2.33 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 26: delete: command not found 2.28/2.33 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 27: edit: command not found 2.28/2.33 EOF