154.71/154.84 NO 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Solver Timeout: 4 154.71/154.84 Global Timeout: 300 154.71/154.84 No parsing errors! 154.71/154.84 Init Location: 0 154.71/154.84 Transitions: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + i21^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_16^0) + i21^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_8^0) + (~(1) * hshift11^0)), hsize___019^0 -> undef473, hsize_reg10^0 -> undef475, i21^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef473), m122^0 -> ~(1)}> 154.71/154.84 undef532, hshift11^0 -> (1 + hshift11^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + i29^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + undef689), fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, tmp12^0 -> undef689}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (0 + __const_429496^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), ret_getbyte18^0 -> undef874}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + __const_429496^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), tmp___017^0 -> (0 + apsim_InCnt^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + __const_257^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + __const_256^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), c37^0 -> undef1279}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 2}> 154.71/154.84 undef1593, offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (1 + i45^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 0, n44^0 -> undef2064}> 154.71/154.84 undef2124}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (0 + maxmaxcode^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + n_bits^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (1 + i41^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 0, n40^0 -> (0 + n_bits^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 0}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> ((0 + undef3796) + bytes_out^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + bits33^0), code31^0 -> undef4307}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + bits33^0) + undef4525), code31^0 -> undef4496, r_off32^0 -> undef4525}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + n_bits^0), clear_flg^0 -> 1, code31^0 -> (0 + __const_256^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), r_off32^0 -> (0 + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + i29^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_16^0) + i29^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 undef4904}> 154.71/154.84 undef4947, i29^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef4947), m130^0 -> ~(1), ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + rat26^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (0 + __const_2147483647^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + count^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (0 + __const_53^0), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + i3^0), seed2^0 -> undef5349, tabort4^0 -> (0 + i3^0)}> 154.71/154.84 undef5408}> 154.71/154.84 undef5471}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (1 + free_ent^0), tmp___115^0 -> (0 + free_ent^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + c7^0), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (1 + apsim_bound11113^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 undef6389}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + i6^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 1}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + (~(1) * i6^0))}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 undef7019}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (0 + undef7242), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0), tmp___014^0 -> undef7242}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (0 + __const_429496^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), ret_getbyte25^0 -> undef7427}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + __const_429496^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), tmp___024^0 -> (0 + apsim_InCnt^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + i21^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + __const_50^0), i3^0 -> 0, seed2^0 -> 1}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Fresh variables: 154.71/154.84 undef473, undef475, undef532, undef689, undef874, undef1279, undef1593, undef2064, undef2124, undef2439, undef3796, undef4307, undef4496, undef4525, undef4904, undef4947, undef5274, undef5275, undef5349, undef5408, undef5471, undef6389, undef7019, undef7210, undef7222, undef7242, undef7427, 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Undef variables: 154.71/154.84 undef473, undef475, undef532, undef689, undef874, undef1279, undef1593, undef2064, undef2124, undef2439, undef3796, undef4307, undef4496, undef4525, undef4904, undef4947, undef5274, undef5275, undef5349, undef5408, undef5471, undef6389, undef7019, undef7210, undef7222, undef7242, undef7427, 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Abstraction variables: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Exit nodes: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Accepting locations: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Asserts: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Preprocessed LLVMGraph 154.71/154.84 Init Location: 0 154.71/154.84 Transitions: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + (~(1) * undef7222)), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + (~(1) * undef7222)), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> 1, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + (~(1) * undef7222)), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + (~(1) * undef7222)), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> 1, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + (~(1) * undef7222)), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + (~(1) * undef7222)), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> 1, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + (~(1) * undef7222)), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + (~(1) * undef7222)), fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + InCnt^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + apsim_InCnt^0), apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> (0 + undef7242), disp9^0 -> 1, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> (1 + in_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + i21^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_16^0) + ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + i21^0))}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + i21^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + apsim_bound11113^0), i6^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + apsim_bound11113^0), i6^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + apsim_bound11113^0), i6^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + apsim_bound11113^0), i6^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + apsim_bound11113^0), i6^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0)), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + apsim_bound11113^0), i6^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0))}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0)), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0))}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + apsim_bound11113^0), i6^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0)), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + apsim_bound11113^0), i6^0 -> ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0))}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + hsize_reg10^0) + ((0 + (~(1) * disp9^0)) + i6^0)), out_count^0 -> (1 + out_count^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_8^0) + (~(1) * hshift11^0)), hsize_reg10^0 -> undef475, i21^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef473)}> 154.71/154.84 undef532, hshift11^0 -> (1 + hshift11^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_16^0) + ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + i29^0))}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + i29^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + n_bits^0), bytes_out^0 -> undef1593, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + n_bits^0), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), i45^0 -> 0, n44^0 -> undef2064}> 154.71/154.84 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> ((0 + undef3796) + bytes_out^0), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> ((0 + undef3796) + bytes_out^0), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> ((0 + undef3796) + bytes_out^0), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> ((0 + undef3796) + bytes_out^0), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525)), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525)), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> ((0 + undef3796) + bytes_out^0), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525)), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (((0 + (~(1) * __const_8^0)) + (0 + n_bits^0)) + undef4525)), clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), offset^0 -> ((0 + n_bits^0) + offset^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + i29^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + bits33^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), maxcode^0 -> undef2124, n_bits^0 -> (1 + n_bits^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), maxcode^0 -> undef2124, n_bits^0 -> (1 + n_bits^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), maxcode^0 -> (0 + maxmaxcode^0), n_bits^0 -> (1 + n_bits^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), maxcode^0 -> undef2124, n_bits^0 -> (1 + n_bits^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), maxcode^0 -> undef2124, n_bits^0 -> (1 + n_bits^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), maxcode^0 -> (0 + maxmaxcode^0), n_bits^0 -> (1 + n_bits^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + bytes_out^0) + n_bits^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + i41^0)}> 154.71/154.84 undef1593, offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 undef1593, offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + i45^0)}> 154.71/154.84 undef2124, n_bits^0 -> (1 + n_bits^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 undef2124, n_bits^0 -> (1 + n_bits^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + maxmaxcode^0), n_bits^0 -> (1 + n_bits^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 0, n40^0 -> (0 + n_bits^0)}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + count^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (0 + __const_53^0), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_256^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + count^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + (0 + __const_53^0)), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_256^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + (0 + count^0)), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + (0 + __const_53^0)), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_256^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + count^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (0 + __const_53^0), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + count^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + (0 + __const_53^0)), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + (0 + count^0)), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + (0 + __const_53^0)), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + count^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (0 + __const_53^0), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (0 + count^0), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + (0 + __const_53^0)), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (~(1) + (0 + count^0)), apsim_InCnt^0 -> (~(1) + (0 + __const_53^0)), bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> (0 + __const_10000^0), clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> (0 + hsize^0), free_ent^0 -> (0 + __const_257^0), hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> (0 + __const_16^0), maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> (0 + __const_9^0), offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + i3^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), i29^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef4947), rat26^0 -> undef5408, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), rat26^0 -> undef5408, ratio^0 -> (0 + undef5408)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), i29^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef4947), rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> (0 + undef4904)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), i29^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef4947), rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> (0 + undef4904)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), i29^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef4947), rat26^0 -> (0 + __const_2147483647^0), ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), rat26^0 -> (0 + __const_2147483647^0), ratio^0 -> (0 + (0 + __const_2147483647^0))}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), i29^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef4947), rat26^0 -> undef5408, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), rat26^0 -> undef5408, ratio^0 -> (0 + undef5408)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), i29^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef4947), rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> (0 + undef4904)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), i29^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef4947), rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> (0 + undef4904)}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), i29^0 -> ((0 + (~(1) * __const_16^0)) + undef4947), rat26^0 -> (0 + __const_2147483647^0), ratio^0 -> 0}> 154.71/154.84 ((0 + __const_10000^0) + in_count^0), rat26^0 -> (0 + __const_2147483647^0), ratio^0 -> (0 + (0 + __const_2147483647^0))}> 154.71/154.84 (1 + free_ent^0)}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Fresh variables: 154.71/154.84 undef473, undef475, undef532, undef689, undef874, undef1279, undef1593, undef2064, undef2124, undef2439, undef3796, undef4307, undef4496, undef4525, undef4904, undef4947, undef5274, undef5275, undef5349, undef5408, undef5471, undef6389, undef7019, undef7210, undef7222, undef7242, undef7427, 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Undef variables: 154.71/154.84 undef473, undef475, undef532, undef689, undef874, undef1279, undef1593, undef2064, undef2124, undef2439, undef3796, undef4307, undef4496, undef4525, undef4904, undef4947, undef5274, undef5275, undef5349, undef5408, undef5471, undef6389, undef7019, undef7210, undef7222, undef7242, undef7427, 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Abstraction variables: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Exit nodes: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Accepting locations: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Asserts: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 ************************************************************* 154.71/154.84 ******************************************************************************************* 154.71/154.84 *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** 154.71/154.84 ******************************************************************************************* 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Init Location: 0 154.71/154.84 Graph 0: 154.71/154.84 Transitions: 154.71/154.84 Variables: 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Graph 1: 154.71/154.84 Transitions: 154.71/154.84 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 Variables: 154.71/154.84 count^0, i3^0 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Graph 2: 154.71/154.84 Transitions: 154.71/154.84 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 Variables: 154.71/154.84 __const_65536^0, fcode5^0, hshift11^0 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Graph 3: 154.71/154.84 Transitions: 154.71/154.84 -__const_16^0 + i21^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 Variables: 154.71/154.84 __const_16^0, i21^0 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Graph 4: 154.71/154.84 Transitions: 154.71/154.84 -1 + i21^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 Variables: 154.71/154.84 i21^0 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 Graph 5: 154.71/154.84 Transitions: 154.71/154.84 -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> hsize_reg10^0 - undef7222, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> hsize_reg10^0 - undef7222, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> 1, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> hsize_reg10^0 - undef7222, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> hsize_reg10^0 - undef7222, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> 1, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + InCnt^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + InCnt^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> hsize_reg10^0 - undef7222, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + InCnt^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> hsize_reg10^0 - undef7222, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + InCnt^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> 1, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + InCnt^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + InCnt^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + InCnt^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> hsize_reg10^0 - undef7222, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + InCnt^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> hsize_reg10^0 - undef7222, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -1 + InCnt^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + apsim_InCnt^0, apsim_bound11113^0 -> 0, c7^0 -> undef7242, disp9^0 -> 1, fcode5^0 -> undef7210, i6^0 -> undef7222, in_count^0 -> 1 + in_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 1 + apsim_bound11113^0, i6^0 -> -disp9^0 + i6^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 1 + apsim_bound11113^0, i6^0 -> -disp9^0 + i6^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -disp9^0 + i6^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -disp9^0 + i6^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 1 + apsim_bound11113^0, i6^0 -> -disp9^0 + i6^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 1 + apsim_bound11113^0, i6^0 -> -disp9^0 + i6^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -disp9^0 + i6^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 1 + apsim_bound11113^0, i6^0 -> -disp9^0 + hsize_reg10^0 + i6^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 1 + apsim_bound11113^0, i6^0 -> -disp9^0 + hsize_reg10^0 + i6^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -disp9^0 + hsize_reg10^0 + i6^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -disp9^0 + hsize_reg10^0 + i6^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 1 + apsim_bound11113^0, i6^0 -> -disp9^0 + hsize_reg10^0 + i6^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 1 + apsim_bound11113^0, i6^0 -> -disp9^0 + hsize_reg10^0 + i6^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -disp9^0 + hsize_reg10^0 + i6^0, out_count^0 -> 1 + out_count^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 154.71/154.84 -__const_16^0 + i29^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 n_bits^0, bytes_out^0 -> undef1593, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 n_bits^0, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, i45^0 -> 0, n44^0 -> undef2064, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> bytes_out^0 + undef3796, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> bytes_out^0 + undef3796, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.84 -__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> bytes_out^0 + undef3796, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> bytes_out^0 + undef3796, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -2*__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -2*__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 undef3796, bytes_out^0 -> bytes_out^0 + undef3796, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -2*__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -2*__const_8^0 + n_bits^0 + undef4525, clear_flg^0 -> 1, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, offset^0 -> n_bits^0 + offset^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + i29^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + bits33^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, maxcode^0 -> undef2124, n_bits^0 -> 1 + n_bits^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, maxcode^0 -> undef2124, n_bits^0 -> 1 + n_bits^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, maxcode^0 -> maxmaxcode^0, n_bits^0 -> 1 + n_bits^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, maxcode^0 -> undef2124, n_bits^0 -> 1 + n_bits^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, maxcode^0 -> undef2124, n_bits^0 -> 1 + n_bits^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, maxcode^0 -> maxmaxcode^0, n_bits^0 -> 1 + n_bits^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 bytes_out^0 + n_bits^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 1 + i41^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 undef1593, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 undef1593, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 1 + i45^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 undef2124, n_bits^0 -> 1 + n_bits^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 undef2124, n_bits^0 -> 1 + n_bits^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 maxmaxcode^0, n_bits^0 -> 1 + n_bits^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 0, maxcode^0 -> undef2439, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 0, n40^0 -> n_bits^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, i29^0 -> -__const_16^0 + undef4947, rat26^0 -> undef5408, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, rat26^0 -> undef5408, ratio^0 -> undef5408, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, i29^0 -> -__const_16^0 + undef4947, rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> undef4904, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, i29^0 -> -__const_16^0 + undef4947, rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> undef4904, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, i29^0 -> -__const_16^0 + undef4947, rat26^0 -> __const_2147483647^0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, rat26^0 -> __const_2147483647^0, ratio^0 -> __const_2147483647^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, i29^0 -> -__const_16^0 + undef4947, rat26^0 -> undef5408, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, rat26^0 -> undef5408, ratio^0 -> undef5408, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, i29^0 -> -__const_16^0 + undef4947, rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> undef4904, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, i29^0 -> -__const_16^0 + undef4947, rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, rat26^0 -> undef4904, ratio^0 -> undef4904, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, i29^0 -> -__const_16^0 + undef4947, rat26^0 -> __const_2147483647^0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 __const_10000^0 + in_count^0, rat26^0 -> __const_2147483647^0, ratio^0 -> __const_2147483647^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 1 + free_ent^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Variables: 154.71/154.85 InCnt^0, __const_429496^0, apsim_InCnt^0, c7^0, fcode5^0, i6^0, in_count^0, out_count^0, disp9^0, hsize_reg10^0, apsim_bound11113^0, __const_16^0, i29^0, __const_256^0, __const_257^0, bits33^0, bytes_out^0, free_ent^0, n_bits^0, offset^0, n44^0, __const_8^0, maxcode^0, clear_flg^0, i41^0, maxbits^0, n40^0, maxmaxcode^0, __const_9^0, i45^0, checkpoint^0, block_compress^0, __const_10000^0, __const_8388607^0, hsize^0, rat26^0, ratio^0, __const_2147483647^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Graph 6: 154.71/154.85 Transitions: 154.71/154.85 Variables: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Precedence: 154.71/154.85 Graph 0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Graph 1 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Graph 2 154.71/154.85 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Graph 3 154.71/154.85 __const_8^0 - hshift11^0, hsize_reg10^0 -> undef475, i21^0 -> -__const_16^0 + undef473, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Graph 4 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Graph 5 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Graph 6 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Map Locations to Subgraph: 154.71/154.85 ( 0 , 0 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 2 , 5 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 3 , 4 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 5 , 3 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 7 , 5 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 10 , 2 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 11 , 5 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 14 , 5 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 20 , 5 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 22 , 5 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 25 , 6 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 31 , 5 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 42 , 5 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 57 , 1 ) 154.71/154.85 ( 62 , 5 ) 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 ******************************************************************************************* 154.71/154.85 ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** 154.71/154.85 ******************************************************************************************* 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Proving termination of subgraph 0 154.71/154.85 Proving termination of subgraph 1 154.71/154.85 Checking unfeasibility... 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.002582 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l57}... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.005119s 154.71/154.85 Ranking function: -1 + count^0 - i3^0 154.71/154.85 New Graphs: 154.71/154.85 Proving termination of subgraph 2 154.71/154.85 Checking unfeasibility... 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.005708 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10}... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001039s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002315s 154.71/154.85 Trying to remove transition: undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.007313s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.007138 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.020075s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.019476 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 9 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.016504s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.01645 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.036578s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 9; Total time: 1.03592 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Before Improving: 154.71/154.85 Quasi-invariant at l10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Optimizing invariants... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.005942s 154.71/154.85 Remaining time after improvement: 0.998061 154.71/154.85 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Quasi-invariant at l10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 [ Invariant Graph ] 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 [ Termination Graph ] 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 New Graphs: 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 1 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 2 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003232s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003340s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.018550s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.018325 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 50 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.023709s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.023701 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.042259s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 50; Total time: 0.042026 154.71/154.85 Some transition disabled by a set of invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Invariant at l57: 0 <= i3^0 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.004790s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.001475 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.007968s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.007856 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002320s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00169 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 1.087414s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 3 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 4 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003383s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003508s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.003250s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.0022 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.044281s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00214 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.004148s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00001 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.101035s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 5 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 6 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003503s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003631s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.003393s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00303 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.043913s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00448 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.005890s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00004 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.100317s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 7 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 8 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003479s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003602s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.022507s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.022253 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 50 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.024544s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.02452 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.047050s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 50; Total time: 0.046773 154.71/154.85 Some transition disabled by a set of invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Invariant at l57: 0 <= i3^0 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.003688s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.001472 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.010984s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.010871 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002411s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00185 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 1.101865s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 9 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 10 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003696s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003828s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.004311s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00397 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.017364s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00008 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.004406s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00011 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.065604s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 11 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 12 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003732s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003865s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.003285s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00296 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.016409s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00035 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.006014s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00014 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.075274s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 13 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 14 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003683s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003807s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.023428s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.023146 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 50 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.024187s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.02416 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.047614s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 50; Total time: 0.047306 154.71/154.85 Some transition disabled by a set of invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Invariant at l57: 0 <= i3^0 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.003649s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.001439 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.010961s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.010849 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002479s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00192 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 1.104182s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 15 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 16 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003883s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004020s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.005473s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00512 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.040950s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00005 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.004190s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00013 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.108135s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 17 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 18 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : 1 + __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003897s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004036s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.005019s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00314 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.016859s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00003 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.003532s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00002 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.072821s 154.71/154.85 INVARIANTS: 154.71/154.85 10: 154.71/154.85 Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 154.71/154.85 10: 1 + __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 , 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 invGraph after Narrowing: 154.71/154.85 Transitions: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Variables: 154.71/154.85 __const_65536^0, fcode5^0, hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10}... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.000996s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002633s 154.71/154.85 Trying to remove transition: undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.008368s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.008216 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.024405s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.023678 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 9 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002429s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00222 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.026834s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 9; Total time: 1.0259 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Before Improving: 154.71/154.85 Quasi-invariant at l10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Optimizing invariants... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.006319s 154.71/154.85 Remaining time after improvement: 0.997957 154.71/154.85 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Quasi-invariant at l10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 [ Invariant Graph ] 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 [ Termination Graph ] 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 New Graphs: 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 19 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 20 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004071s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004207s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.022635s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.022367 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 50 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.024339s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.024332 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.046974s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 50; Total time: 0.046699 154.71/154.85 Some transition disabled by a set of invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Invariant at l57: 0 <= block_compress^0 + i3^0 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.003937s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.001558 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.009607s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.009492 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002597s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00202 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 1.099521s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 21 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 22 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004183s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004331s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.007078s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00644 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.040931s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00232 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.004445s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00011 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.114093s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 23 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 24 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004254s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004403s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.004707s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00305 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.019447s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00251 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.003710s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00022 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.079821s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 25 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 26 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004338s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004484s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.026584s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.026293 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 50 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.029238s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.028982 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.055823s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 50; Total time: 0.055275 154.71/154.85 Some transition disabled by a set of invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Invariant at l57: 0 <= i3^0 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.004035s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.00164 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.011372s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.011238 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002643s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00202 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 1.118251s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 27 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 28 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004434s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004588s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.003692s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00315 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.017787s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00028 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.004120s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00003 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.071889s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 29 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 30 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004439s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004592s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.003565s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00302 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.007581s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00027 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.003561s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00009 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.067808s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 31 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 32 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004456s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004605s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.027225s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.026927 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 50 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.024654s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.024615 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.051879s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 50; Total time: 0.051542 154.71/154.85 Some transition disabled by a set of invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Invariant at l57: 0 <= i3^0 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 > It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.004053s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.001646 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.011737s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.011614 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002631s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00202 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 1.117476s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 33 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 34 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004663s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004820s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.003507s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00298 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.017623s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00023 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.004233s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00004 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.073855s 154.71/154.85 Calling Safety with literal __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 and entry -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 - Process 35 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 Postcodition moved up: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Postcondition: __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL check - Post:__const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 - Process 36 154.71/154.85 * Exit transition: 154.71/154.85 * Postcondition : __const_65536^0 <= hsize^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004695s 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.004854s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 END ENTRIES: 154.71/154.85 GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 1 + i3^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 END GRAPH: 154.71/154.85 EXIT: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 POST: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Try proving POST 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.008116s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00757 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.014224s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00003 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.003752s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00025 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution 154.71/154.85 > Postcondition is not implied! 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 9.085141s 154.71/154.85 INVARIANTS: 154.71/154.85 10: 154.71/154.85 Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 154.71/154.85 10: __const_65536^0 <= fcode5^0 , 154.71/154.85 Narrowing transition: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 154.71/154.85 invGraph after Narrowing: 154.71/154.85 Transitions: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Variables: 154.71/154.85 __const_65536^0, fcode5^0, hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10}... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001080s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002774s 154.71/154.85 Trying to remove transition: undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.009093s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.008945 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.004810s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.0038 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.008210s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00306 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.005876s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00002 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.032786s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.026016 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 1 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.025081s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.02497 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.057866s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 1; Total time: 1.05098 154.71/154.85 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Invariant at l10: 0 <= 1 + hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 [ Invariant Graph ] 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 Strengthening transition (result): 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 [ Termination Graph ] 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 Strengthening transition (result): 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Quasi-ranking function: 50000 - hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 New Graphs: 154.71/154.85 Transitions: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Variables: 154.71/154.85 __const_65536^0, fcode5^0, hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10}... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001114s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003296s 154.71/154.85 Trying to remove transition: undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.012494s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.012319 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.004931s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00392 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.008407s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00319 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.005690s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00008 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.034773s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.02791 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 1 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.011706s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00713 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.046479s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 1; Total time: 1.03504 154.71/154.85 Quasi-ranking function: 50000 + __const_65536^0 - hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 New Graphs: 154.71/154.85 Transitions: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Variables: 154.71/154.85 __const_65536^0, fcode5^0, hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10}... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001255s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003745s 154.71/154.85 Trying to remove transition: undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.011267s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.011087 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.004689s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.00366 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.033402s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 4.0031 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.005676s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00003 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.035054s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.028319 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 1 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.011588s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.00298 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.046642s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 1; Total time: 1.0313 154.71/154.85 Quasi-ranking function: 50000 - __const_65536^0 - hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 New Graphs: 154.71/154.85 Transitions: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Variables: 154.71/154.85 __const_65536^0, fcode5^0, hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10}... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001363s 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004245s 154.71/154.85 Trying to remove transition: undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.010971s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.010782 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.688891s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 1.68809 154.71/154.85 Solving with 2 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.999863s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.995102 154.71/154.85 Solving with 3 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.991179s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.987456 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.002306s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.995805 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Proving non-termination of subgraph 2 154.71/154.85 Transitions: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Variables: 154.71/154.85 __const_65536^0, fcode5^0, hshift11^0 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l10}... 154.71/154.85 EXIT TRANSITIONS: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Solving with 1 template(s). 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.028769s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.028394 154.71/154.85 Improving Solution with cost 9 ... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.022984s 154.71/154.85 Time used: 0.022974 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.051753s 154.71/154.85 Cost: 9; Total time: 0.051368 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Failed at location 10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Before Improving: 154.71/154.85 Quasi-invariant at l10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Optimizing invariants... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.005474s 154.71/154.85 Remaining time after improvement: 0.998067 154.71/154.85 Minimizing number of undef constraints... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solveNonLinear 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.011004s 154.71/154.85 Non-termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): 154.71/154.85 Quasi-invariant at l10: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0 154.71/154.85 Constraint over undef '1 + undef532 <= __const_65536^0' in transition: 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling EXIT transitions... 154.71/154.85 Closed exits from l10: 1 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 154.71/154.85 Strengthening transition (result): 154.71/154.85 undef532, hshift11^0 -> 1 + hshift11^0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Calling reachability with... 154.71/154.85 Transition: 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 OPEN EXITS: 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 --- Reachability graph --- 154.71/154.85 > Graph without transitions. 154.71/154.85 154.71/154.85 Calling reachability with... 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.85 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.85 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 154.71/154.86 Conditions: 1 + fcode5^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 OPEN EXITS: 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_256^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 -1 + count^0, apsim_InCnt^0 -> -1 + __const_53^0, bytes_out^0 -> 3, checkpoint^0 -> __const_10000^0, clear_flg^0 -> 0, fcode5^0 -> hsize^0, free_ent^0 -> __const_257^0, hshift11^0 -> 0, i6^0 -> 0, in_count^0 -> 1, maxbits^0 -> __const_16^0, maxcode^0 -> undef5274, maxmaxcode^0 -> undef5275, n_bits^0 -> __const_9^0, offset^0 -> 0, out_count^0 -> 0, ratio^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0) 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 --- Reachability graph --- 154.71/154.86 > Graph without transitions. 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 Calling reachability with... 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, block_compress^0 = 0, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= count^0, block_compress^0 = 0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 <= block_compress^0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, count^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, __const_53^0 <= 0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, __const_429496^0 = undef689, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 Transition: 154.71/154.86 Conditions: count^0 <= i3^0, 1 <= __const_53^0, 1 + block_compress^0 <= 0, 1 <= count^0, undef689 = undef874, 1 + hsize^0 <= __const_65536^0, 154.71/154.86 OPEN EXITS: 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 > Conditions are reachable! 154.71/154.86 154.71/154.86 Program does NOT terminate 154.71/154.86 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 26: delete: command not found 154.71/154.86 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 27: edit: command not found 154.71/154.86 EOF