16.16/16.21 NO 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Solver Timeout: 4 16.16/16.21 Global Timeout: 300 16.16/16.21 No parsing errors! 16.16/16.21 Init Location: 0 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 undef75, ___cil_tmp5_20^0 -> undef78}> 16.16/16.21 (0 + Result_5^0), i_22^0 -> (1 + i_22^0), len_98^0 -> (1 + len_98^0)}> 16.16/16.21 (0 + x_16^0), len_98^0 -> undef168, ret_18^0 -> 0}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 (1 + lt2^0), lt3^0 -> (~(1) + lt3^0)}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 (0 + x_16^0), ret_18^0 -> 0}> 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> (0 + lt1^0)}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 (0 + l_11^0), len_98^0 -> undef427, prev_14^0 -> 0}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 (1 + i^0), lt1^0 -> (1 + lt1^0)}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 (0 + undef781), ___cil_tmp5_15^0 -> undef781, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797}> 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 0, sz_23^0 -> (0 + undef844), tmp_24^0 -> undef844}> 16.16/16.21 (0 + Result_5^0)}> 16.16/16.21 0, lt1^0 -> 0}> 16.16/16.21 undef945}> 16.16/16.21 (0 + undef965), ___cil_tmp5_10^0 -> undef965, a_6^0 -> undef968, buffer_604^0 -> undef973, d_7^0 -> undef976, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, tmp_24^0 -> undef992, tmp_9^0 -> undef993, tmp___0_25^0 -> undef994, tmp___0_605^0 -> undef996, x_8^0 -> undef999}> 16.16/16.21 undef1009, i_22^0 -> undef1019, sz_23^0 -> undef1030, tmp_24^0 -> undef1031, x_16^0 -> undef1037}> 16.16/16.21 undef1040, ___cil_tmp5_10^0 -> undef1041, a_6^0 -> undef1044, buffer_21^0 -> (0 + undef1040), buffer_35^0 -> undef1048, d_7^0 -> undef1052, i_22^0 -> (1 + undef1077), len_98^0 -> (0 + undef1077), sz_23^0 -> undef1067, tmp_24^0 -> undef1068, tmp_9^0 -> undef1069, tmp___0_25^0 -> undef1070, tmp___0_36^0 -> undef1071, x_8^0 -> undef1075}> 16.16/16.21 (0 + Result_5^0), i_22^0 -> (1 + i_22^0), len_98^0 -> (0 + i_22^0)}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 undef1170}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 undef1270, cand_1104^0 -> undef1273, cand_19^0 -> (0 + h_17^0), h_17^0 -> undef1277, i_22^0 -> undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, lt_29^0 -> undef1285, ret_1103^0 -> undef1287, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, tmp_24^0 -> undef1291, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297}> 16.16/16.21 undef1307, i_22^0 -> undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, tmp_24^0 -> undef1330, x_16^0 -> undef1336}> 16.16/16.21 undef1365}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Fresh variables: 16.16/16.21 undef75, undef78, undef112, undef168, undef427, undef781, undef796, undef797, undef844, undef945, undef965, undef968, undef973, undef976, undef980, undef982, undef991, undef992, undef993, undef994, undef996, undef999, undef1001, undef1002, undef1009, undef1019, undef1030, undef1031, undef1037, undef1040, undef1041, undef1044, undef1048, undef1052, undef1067, undef1068, undef1069, undef1070, undef1071, undef1075, undef1077, undef1170, undef1270, undef1273, undef1277, undef1279, undef1280, undef1281, undef1285, undef1287, undef1290, undef1291, undef1296, undef1297, undef1300, undef1301, undef1307, undef1318, undef1320, undef1329, undef1330, undef1336, undef1365, 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Undef variables: 16.16/16.21 undef75, undef78, undef112, undef168, undef427, undef781, undef796, undef797, undef844, undef945, undef965, undef968, undef973, undef976, undef980, undef982, undef991, undef992, undef993, undef994, undef996, undef999, undef1001, undef1002, undef1009, undef1019, undef1030, undef1031, undef1037, undef1040, undef1041, undef1044, undef1048, undef1052, undef1067, undef1068, undef1069, undef1070, undef1071, undef1075, undef1077, undef1170, undef1270, undef1273, undef1277, undef1279, undef1280, undef1281, undef1285, undef1287, undef1290, undef1291, undef1296, undef1297, undef1300, undef1301, undef1307, undef1318, undef1320, undef1329, undef1330, undef1336, undef1365, 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Abstraction variables: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Exit nodes: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Accepting locations: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Asserts: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Preprocessed LLVMGraph 16.16/16.21 Init Location: 0 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336}> 16.16/16.21 undef1365}> 16.16/16.21 0, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365}> 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336}> 16.16/16.21 (1 + i_22^0), len_98^0 -> undef945, sz^0 -> undef1365}> 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> (1 + i_22^0), len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365}> 16.16/16.21 (0 + undef965), i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991}> 16.16/16.21 undef168}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 (1 + lt2^0), lt3^0 -> (~(1) + lt3^0)}> 16.16/16.21 undef427}> 16.16/16.21 undef427}> 16.16/16.21 (0 + undef781), l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797}> 16.16/16.21 (0 + undef781), i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 undef75}> 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> (0 + lt1^0)}> 16.16/16.21 (1 + i^0), lt1^0 -> (1 + lt1^0)}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Fresh variables: 16.16/16.21 undef75, undef78, undef112, undef168, undef427, undef781, undef796, undef797, undef844, undef945, undef965, undef968, undef973, undef976, undef980, undef982, undef991, undef992, undef993, undef994, undef996, undef999, undef1001, undef1002, undef1009, undef1019, undef1030, undef1031, undef1037, undef1040, undef1041, undef1044, undef1048, undef1052, undef1067, undef1068, undef1069, undef1070, undef1071, undef1075, undef1077, undef1170, undef1270, undef1273, undef1277, undef1279, undef1280, undef1281, undef1285, undef1287, undef1290, undef1291, undef1296, undef1297, undef1300, undef1301, undef1307, undef1318, undef1320, undef1329, undef1330, undef1336, undef1365, 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Undef variables: 16.16/16.21 undef75, undef78, undef112, undef168, undef427, undef781, undef796, undef797, undef844, undef945, undef965, undef968, undef973, undef976, undef980, undef982, undef991, undef992, undef993, undef994, undef996, undef999, undef1001, undef1002, undef1009, undef1019, undef1030, undef1031, undef1037, undef1040, undef1041, undef1044, undef1048, undef1052, undef1067, undef1068, undef1069, undef1070, undef1071, undef1075, undef1077, undef1170, undef1270, undef1273, undef1277, undef1279, undef1280, undef1281, undef1285, undef1287, undef1290, undef1291, undef1296, undef1297, undef1300, undef1301, undef1307, undef1318, undef1320, undef1329, undef1330, undef1336, undef1365, 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Abstraction variables: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Exit nodes: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Accepting locations: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Asserts: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 ************************************************************* 16.16/16.21 ******************************************************************************************* 16.16/16.21 *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** 16.16/16.21 ******************************************************************************************* 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Init Location: 0 16.16/16.21 Graph 0: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 1: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 i_22^0, len_98^0, sz_23^0, x_16^0, sz^0, Result_5^0, l_11^0, x_12^0, y_1094^0, lt3^0, lt2^0, i^0, lt1^0 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 2: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 3: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 4: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 5: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 6: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Precedence: 16.16/16.21 Graph 0 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 1 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 0, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 2 16.16/16.21 undef75, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 3 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 4 16.16/16.21 undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef781, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 5 16.16/16.21 undef427, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef427, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Graph 6 16.16/16.21 undef168, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Map Locations to Subgraph: 16.16/16.21 ( 0 , 0 ) 16.16/16.21 ( 2 , 3 ) 16.16/16.21 ( 3 , 2 ) 16.16/16.21 ( 4 , 1 ) 16.16/16.21 ( 6 , 1 ) 16.16/16.21 ( 12 , 1 ) 16.16/16.21 ( 18 , 5 ) 16.16/16.21 ( 22 , 4 ) 16.16/16.21 ( 24 , 6 ) 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 ******************************************************************************************* 16.16/16.21 ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** 16.16/16.21 ******************************************************************************************* 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Proving termination of subgraph 0 16.16/16.21 Proving termination of subgraph 1 16.16/16.21 Checking unfeasibility... 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.173623 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l4, l6, l12}... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.022291s 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.040515s 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.040495s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.037018 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.046425s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.040956 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.059042s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.050273 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.043137s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.031371 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.075952s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.0716 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.071288s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.056658 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.065366s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.05074 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.057728s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.049684 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.048838s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.036467 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.774953s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.766089 16.16/16.21 Improving Solution with cost 2 ... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.969382s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.969253 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.744335s 16.16/16.21 Cost: 2; Total time: 1.73534 16.16/16.21 Failed at location 6: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Failed at location 12: 1 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Before Improving: 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l4: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l6: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l12: 1 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Optimizing invariants... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.024241s 16.16/16.21 Remaining time after improvement: 0.987338 16.16/16.21 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l4: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l6: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l12: 1 <= 0 16.16/16.21 [ Invariant Graph ] 16.16/16.21 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 [ Termination Graph ] 16.16/16.21 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 New Graphs: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 len_98^0, lt2^0, lt3^0 16.16/16.21 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l6}... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002306s 16.16/16.21 Ranking function: -1 + lt3^0 16.16/16.21 New Graphs: 16.16/16.21 Calling Safety with literal 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 and entry undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + len_98^0 <= 0 - Process 1 16.16/16.21 * Exit transition: undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 * Postcondition : 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001768s 16.16/16.21 > Postcondition is not implied! 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.001854s 16.16/16.21 Calling Safety with literal 1 <= 0 and entry 0, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 2 16.16/16.21 * Exit transition: 0, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001714s 16.16/16.21 > Postcondition is not implied! 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.001775s 16.16/16.21 INVARIANTS: 16.16/16.21 4: 16.16/16.21 6: 16.16/16.21 12: 16.16/16.21 Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 16.16/16.21 4: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 , 16.16/16.21 6: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 , 16.16/16.21 12: 1 <= 0 , 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 invGraph after Narrowing: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 i_22^0, len_98^0, sz_23^0, x_16^0, sz^0, Result_5^0, l_11^0, x_12^0, y_1094^0, lt3^0, lt2^0, i^0, lt1^0 16.16/16.21 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l4, l6, l12}... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.007220s 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.042940s 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.048642s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.044474 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.059195s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.052011 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.069354s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.058933 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.055233s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.041914 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.074543s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.067375 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.078500s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.061805 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.063368s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.04686 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.062717s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.053293 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.052998s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.038965 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.994221s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.985787 16.16/16.21 Improving Solution with cost 2 ... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.894230s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.894102 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.888452s 16.16/16.21 Cost: 2; Total time: 1.87989 16.16/16.21 Failed at location 6: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Failed at location 12: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Before Improving: 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l4: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l6: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l12: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Optimizing invariants... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.025769s 16.16/16.21 Remaining time after improvement: 0.986607 16.16/16.21 Termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l4: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l6: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 Quasi-invariant at l12: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 [ Invariant Graph ] 16.16/16.21 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 [ Termination Graph ] 16.16/16.21 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 It's unfeasible. Removing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.21 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 New Graphs: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 i^0, len_98^0, lt1^0, sz^0 16.16/16.21 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l12}... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002756s 16.16/16.21 Ranking function: -1 - i^0 + sz^0 16.16/16.21 New Graphs: 16.16/16.21 Calling Safety with literal 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 and entry undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + len_98^0 <= 0 - Process 3 16.16/16.21 * Exit transition: undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 * Postcondition : 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002077s 16.16/16.21 > Postcondition is not implied! 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002159s 16.16/16.21 Calling Safety with literal 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 and entry 0, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 + len_98^0 <= 0 - Process 4 16.16/16.21 * Exit transition: 0, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 * Postcondition : 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002079s 16.16/16.21 > Postcondition is not implied! 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.002154s 16.16/16.21 INVARIANTS: 16.16/16.21 4: 16.16/16.21 6: 16.16/16.21 12: 16.16/16.21 Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 16.16/16.21 4: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 , 16.16/16.21 6: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 , 16.16/16.21 12: 1 + len_98^0 <= 0 , 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 Narrowing transition: 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: Narrow transition size 1 16.16/16.21 invGraph after Narrowing: 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 i_22^0, len_98^0, sz_23^0, x_16^0, sz^0, Result_5^0, l_11^0, x_12^0, y_1094^0, lt3^0, lt2^0, i^0, lt1^0 16.16/16.21 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l4, l6, l12}... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.007934s 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.047862s 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.070299s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.063674 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.072122s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.062728 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.072189s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.057849 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.058301s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.043869 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.076892s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.069542 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.081772s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.064357 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.061388s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.043843 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.066881s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.057318 16.16/16.21 Trying to remove transition: undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.055912s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.041587 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.524918s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 1.5176 16.16/16.21 Solving with 2 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.006165s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 4.00003 16.16/16.21 Solving with 3 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.028600s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 1.00013 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.337571s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 0.304982 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Proving non-termination of subgraph 1 16.16/16.21 Transitions: 16.16/16.21 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.21 Variables: 16.16/16.21 i_22^0, len_98^0, sz_23^0, x_16^0, sz^0, Result_5^0, l_11^0, x_12^0, y_1094^0, lt3^0, lt2^0, i^0, lt1^0 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Checking that every undef value has an assignment... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.016161s 16.16/16.21 Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l4, l6, l12}... 16.16/16.21 EXIT TRANSITIONS: 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 Solving with 1 template(s). 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.897709s 16.16/16.21 Time used: 1.89367 16.16/16.21 Improving Solution with cost 2 ... 16.16/16.21 16.16/16.21 LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.595709s 16.16/16.22 Time used: 0.595638 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 2.493418s 16.16/16.22 Cost: 2; Total time: 2.48931 16.16/16.22 Failed at location 6: 1 <= len_98^0 16.16/16.22 Failed at location 12: 1 <= len_98^0 16.16/16.22 Before Improving: 16.16/16.22 Quasi-invariant at l4: 1 <= len_98^0 16.16/16.22 Quasi-invariant at l6: 1 <= len_98^0 16.16/16.22 Quasi-invariant at l12: 1 <= len_98^0 16.16/16.22 Optimizing invariants... 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solveLinear 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.065988s 16.16/16.22 Remaining time after improvement: 0.978241 16.16/16.22 Minimizing number of undef constraints... 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solveNonLinear 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 0.053841s 16.16/16.22 Number of undef constraints reduced! 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 Non-termination implied by a set of quasi-invariant(s): 16.16/16.22 Quasi-invariant at l4: 1 <= len_98^0 16.16/16.22 Quasi-invariant at l6: 1 <= len_98^0 16.16/16.22 Quasi-invariant at l12: 1 <= len_98^0 16.16/16.22 Constraint over undef '1 + len_98^0 <= undef1320' in transition: 16.16/16.22 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 Constraint over undef '1 + len_98^0 <= undef945' in transition: 16.16/16.22 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 Constraint over undef '1 <= undef982' in transition: 16.16/16.22 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 Constraint over undef 'len_98^0 <= undef1281' in transition: 16.16/16.22 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 Constraint over undef '1 <= undef1281' in transition: 16.16/16.22 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 Constraint over undef '1 <= undef797' in transition: 16.16/16.22 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 Strengthening and disabling EXIT transitions... 16.16/16.22 Closed exits from l4: 1 16.16/16.22 Closed exits from l6: 2 16.16/16.22 Closed exits from l12: 2 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 Strengthening and disabling transitions... 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 0, i_22^0 -> 1 + i_22^0, len_98^0 -> undef945, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 undef965, i_22^0 -> undef980, len_98^0 -> undef982, sz_23^0 -> undef991, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 undef1279, l_11^0 -> undef1280, len_98^0 -> undef1281, sz_23^0 -> undef1290, x_12^0 -> undef1296, x_16^0 -> undef1297, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 1 + lt2^0, lt3^0 -> -1 + lt3^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 undef781, i^0 -> 0, l_11^0 -> undef796, len_98^0 -> undef797, lt1^0 -> 0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 0, lt3^0 -> lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility 16.16/16.22 Strengthening transition (result): 16.16/16.22 1 + i^0, lt1^0 -> 1 + lt1^0, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 Calling reachability with... 16.16/16.22 Transition: 16.16/16.22 Conditions: 1 <= len_98^0, 16.16/16.22 Transition: 16.16/16.22 Conditions: 1 <= len_98^0, 16.16/16.22 OPEN EXITS: 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 --- Reachability graph --- 16.16/16.22 > Graph without transitions. 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 Calling reachability with... 16.16/16.22 Transition: undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 Conditions: 1 <= len_98^0, 16.16/16.22 Transition: 0, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 Conditions: 1 <= len_98^0, 16.16/16.22 OPEN EXITS: 16.16/16.22 undef1318, len_98^0 -> undef1320, sz_23^0 -> undef1329, x_16^0 -> undef1336, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 0, lt1^0 -> 0, sz^0 -> undef1365, rest remain the same}> 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 > Conditions are reachable! 16.16/16.22 16.16/16.22 Program does NOT terminate 16.16/16.22 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 26: delete: command not found 16.16/16.22 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 27: edit: command not found 16.16/16.22 EOF