0.00/0.28 YES 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Solver Timeout: 4 0.00/0.28 Global Timeout: 300 0.00/0.28 No parsing errors! 0.00/0.28 Init Location: 0 0.00/0.28 Transitions: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef5, i_13^0 -> undef8, len_14^0 -> undef9, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), t_24^0 -> undef15, x_15^0 -> undef20, x_17^0 -> undef21, x_21^0 -> undef22, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef24, y_20^0 -> undef25}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef110, i_13^0 -> undef113, len_14^0 -> undef114, tmp_27^0 -> undef124, x_15^0 -> undef125, x_17^0 -> undef126, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef129}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 (0 + x_21^0)}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef338, x_15^0 -> undef350}> 0.00/0.28 undef360, i_13^0 -> undef363, len_14^0 -> undef364, tmp_27^0 -> undef374, x_15^0 -> undef375, x_17^0 -> undef376, x_21^0 -> undef377, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef379, y_20^0 -> undef380}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef449}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef514, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), t_24^0 -> undef524, x_15^0 -> undef529, x_17^0 -> undef530, x_21^0 -> undef531, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef533, y_20^0 -> undef534}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef593, d_29^0 -> undef595, i_13^0 -> undef597, rcd_63^0 -> undef601, result_11^0 -> undef602, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_30^0 -> undef603, temp0_31^0 -> undef606, temp_33^0 -> undef607, tmp_27^0 -> undef608, x_15^0 -> undef609, x_32^0 -> undef612}> 0.00/0.28 undef625, len_14^0 -> undef629, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), t_24^0 -> undef635, x_17^0 -> undef641, x_21^0 -> undef642, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef644, y_20^0 -> undef645}> 0.00/0.28 undef655, i_13^0 -> undef658, len_14^0 -> undef659, r_37^0 -> undef660, tmp_27^0 -> undef669, x_15^0 -> undef670, x_17^0 -> undef671, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef674}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef728, t_24^0 -> (0 + x_21^0)}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef852}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef905, i_13^0 -> undef908, len_14^0 -> undef909, tmp_27^0 -> undef919, x_15^0 -> undef920, x_17^0 -> undef921, x_21^0 -> (0 + undef928), x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef924, y_20^0 -> (0 + undef926)}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef979, t_24^0 -> undef993}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef1111}> 0.00/0.28 undef1132, d_29^0 -> undef1134, i_111^0 -> undef1135, i_13^0 -> undef1136, rcd_100^0 -> undef1139, result_11^0 -> undef1141, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_30^0 -> undef1142, temp0_31^0 -> undef1145, temp_33^0 -> undef1146, tmp_27^0 -> undef1147, x_15^0 -> (0 + undef1147), x_32^0 -> undef1151}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 undef1189, len_14^0 -> undef1193, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), t_24^0 -> undef1199, x_17^0 -> undef1205, x_21^0 -> undef1206, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1208, y_20^0 -> undef1209}> 0.00/0.28 undef1223, d_29^0 -> undef1225, i_13^0 -> undef1227, result_11^0 -> undef1232, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_30^0 -> undef1233, temp0_31^0 -> undef1236, temp_33^0 -> undef1237, tmp_27^0 -> undef1238, x_15^0 -> undef1239, x_32^0 -> undef1242}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Fresh variables: 0.00/0.28 undef5, undef8, undef9, undef15, undef20, undef21, undef22, undef24, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef29, undef30, undef110, undef113, undef114, undef124, undef125, undef126, undef129, undef338, undef350, undef360, undef363, undef364, undef374, undef375, undef376, undef377, undef379, undef380, undef381, undef382, undef383, undef384, undef449, undef514, undef524, undef529, undef530, undef531, undef533, undef534, undef535, undef536, undef537, undef538, undef539, undef593, undef595, undef597, undef601, undef602, undef603, undef606, undef607, undef608, undef609, undef612, undef615, undef616, undef617, undef618, undef619, undef620, undef625, undef629, undef635, undef641, undef642, undef644, undef645, undef646, undef647, undef648, undef649, undef650, undef655, undef658, undef659, undef660, undef669, undef670, undef671, undef674, undef728, undef852, undef905, undef908, undef909, undef919, undef920, undef921, undef924, undef926, undef927, undef928, undef979, undef993, undef1111, undef1132, undef1134, undef1135, undef1136, undef1139, undef1141, undef1142, undef1145, undef1146, undef1147, undef1151, undef1154, undef1155, undef1156, undef1157, undef1158, undef1159, undef1189, undef1193, undef1199, undef1205, undef1206, undef1208, undef1209, undef1210, undef1211, undef1212, undef1213, undef1214, undef1215, undef1216, undef1217, undef1218, undef1219, undef1223, undef1225, undef1227, undef1232, undef1233, undef1236, undef1237, undef1238, undef1239, undef1242, undef1245, undef1246, undef1247, undef1248, undef1249, undef1250, 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Undef variables: 0.00/0.28 undef5, undef8, undef9, undef15, undef20, undef21, undef22, undef24, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef29, undef30, undef110, undef113, undef114, undef124, undef125, undef126, undef129, undef338, undef350, undef360, undef363, undef364, undef374, undef375, undef376, undef377, undef379, undef380, undef381, undef382, undef383, undef384, undef449, undef514, undef524, undef529, undef530, undef531, undef533, undef534, undef535, undef536, undef537, undef538, undef539, undef593, undef595, undef597, undef601, undef602, undef603, undef606, undef607, undef608, undef609, undef612, undef615, undef616, undef617, undef618, undef619, undef620, undef625, undef629, undef635, undef641, undef642, undef644, undef645, undef646, undef647, undef648, undef649, undef650, undef655, undef658, undef659, undef660, undef669, undef670, undef671, undef674, undef728, undef852, undef905, undef908, undef909, undef919, undef920, undef921, undef924, undef926, undef927, undef928, undef979, undef993, undef1111, undef1132, undef1134, undef1135, undef1136, undef1139, undef1141, undef1142, undef1145, undef1146, undef1147, undef1151, undef1154, undef1155, undef1156, undef1157, undef1158, undef1159, undef1189, undef1193, undef1199, undef1205, undef1206, undef1208, undef1209, undef1210, undef1211, undef1212, undef1213, undef1214, undef1215, undef1216, undef1217, undef1218, undef1219, undef1223, undef1225, undef1227, undef1232, undef1233, undef1236, undef1237, undef1238, undef1239, undef1242, undef1245, undef1246, undef1247, undef1248, undef1249, undef1250, 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Abstraction variables: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Exit nodes: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Accepting locations: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Asserts: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Preprocessed LLVMGraph 0.00/0.28 Init Location: 0 0.00/0.28 Transitions: 0.00/0.28 undef338, len_14^0 -> undef1193, x_15^0 -> undef350, x_21^0 -> undef1206, y_20^0 -> undef1209}> 0.00/0.28 undef597, temp_33^0 -> undef607, x_15^0 -> undef609}> 0.00/0.28 undef629, x_21^0 -> undef642, y_20^0 -> undef645}> 0.00/0.28 undef852, i_13^0 -> undef658, len_14^0 -> undef659, x_15^0 -> undef670}> 0.00/0.28 undef852, i_13^0 -> undef658, len_14^0 -> undef659, x_15^0 -> undef670}> 0.00/0.28 undef852, i_13^0 -> undef658, len_14^0 -> undef659, x_15^0 -> undef670}> 0.00/0.28 undef852, i_13^0 -> undef658, len_14^0 -> undef659, x_15^0 -> undef670}> 0.00/0.28 undef979, i_13^0 -> undef1111, len_14^0 -> undef909, x_15^0 -> undef920, x_21^0 -> (0 + undef928), y_20^0 -> (0 + undef926)}> 0.00/0.28 undef979, i_13^0 -> undef1111, len_14^0 -> undef909, x_15^0 -> undef920, x_21^0 -> (0 + undef928), y_20^0 -> (0 + undef926)}> 0.00/0.28 undef1136, temp_33^0 -> undef1146, x_15^0 -> (0 + undef1147)}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Fresh variables: 0.00/0.28 undef5, undef8, undef9, undef15, undef20, undef21, undef22, undef24, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef29, undef30, undef110, undef113, undef114, undef124, undef125, undef126, undef129, undef338, undef350, undef360, undef363, undef364, undef374, undef375, undef376, undef377, undef379, undef380, undef381, undef382, undef383, undef384, undef449, undef514, undef524, undef529, undef530, undef531, undef533, undef534, undef535, undef536, undef537, undef538, undef539, undef593, undef595, undef597, undef601, undef602, undef603, undef606, undef607, undef608, undef609, undef612, undef615, undef616, undef617, undef618, undef619, undef620, undef625, undef629, undef635, undef641, undef642, undef644, undef645, undef646, undef647, undef648, undef649, undef650, undef655, undef658, undef659, undef660, undef669, undef670, undef671, undef674, undef728, undef852, undef905, undef908, undef909, undef919, undef920, undef921, undef924, undef926, undef927, undef928, undef979, undef993, undef1111, undef1132, undef1134, undef1135, undef1136, undef1139, undef1141, undef1142, undef1145, undef1146, undef1147, undef1151, undef1154, undef1155, undef1156, undef1157, undef1158, undef1159, undef1189, undef1193, undef1199, undef1205, undef1206, undef1208, undef1209, undef1210, undef1211, undef1212, undef1213, undef1214, undef1215, undef1216, undef1217, undef1218, undef1219, undef1223, undef1225, undef1227, undef1232, undef1233, undef1236, undef1237, undef1238, undef1239, undef1242, undef1245, undef1246, undef1247, undef1248, undef1249, undef1250, 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Undef variables: 0.00/0.28 undef5, undef8, undef9, undef15, undef20, undef21, undef22, undef24, undef25, undef26, undef27, undef28, undef29, undef30, undef110, undef113, undef114, undef124, undef125, undef126, undef129, undef338, undef350, undef360, undef363, undef364, undef374, undef375, undef376, undef377, undef379, undef380, undef381, undef382, undef383, undef384, undef449, undef514, undef524, undef529, undef530, undef531, undef533, undef534, undef535, undef536, undef537, undef538, undef539, undef593, undef595, undef597, undef601, undef602, undef603, undef606, undef607, undef608, undef609, undef612, undef615, undef616, undef617, undef618, undef619, undef620, undef625, undef629, undef635, undef641, undef642, undef644, undef645, undef646, undef647, undef648, undef649, undef650, undef655, undef658, undef659, undef660, undef669, undef670, undef671, undef674, undef728, undef852, undef905, undef908, undef909, undef919, undef920, undef921, undef924, undef926, undef927, undef928, undef979, undef993, undef1111, undef1132, undef1134, undef1135, undef1136, undef1139, undef1141, undef1142, undef1145, undef1146, undef1147, undef1151, undef1154, undef1155, undef1156, undef1157, undef1158, undef1159, undef1189, undef1193, undef1199, undef1205, undef1206, undef1208, undef1209, undef1210, undef1211, undef1212, undef1213, undef1214, undef1215, undef1216, undef1217, undef1218, undef1219, undef1223, undef1225, undef1227, undef1232, undef1233, undef1236, undef1237, undef1238, undef1239, undef1242, undef1245, undef1246, undef1247, undef1248, undef1249, undef1250, 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Abstraction variables: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Exit nodes: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Accepting locations: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Asserts: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 ************************************************************* 0.00/0.28 ******************************************************************************************* 0.00/0.28 *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** 0.00/0.28 ******************************************************************************************* 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Init Location: 0 0.00/0.28 Graph 0: 0.00/0.28 Transitions: 0.00/0.28 Variables: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Graph 1: 0.00/0.28 Transitions: 0.00/0.28 undef1136, temp_33^0 -> undef1146, x_15^0 -> undef1147, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 Variables: 0.00/0.28 i_13^0, len_14^0, temp_33^0, x_15^0 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Graph 2: 0.00/0.28 Transitions: 0.00/0.28 undef852, i_13^0 -> undef658, len_14^0 -> undef659, x_15^0 -> undef670, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 undef852, i_13^0 -> undef658, len_14^0 -> undef659, x_15^0 -> undef670, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 undef852, i_13^0 -> undef658, len_14^0 -> undef659, x_15^0 -> undef670, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 undef852, i_13^0 -> undef658, len_14^0 -> undef659, x_15^0 -> undef670, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 Variables: 0.00/0.28 a_152^0, i_13^0, len_14^0, x_15^0, x_21^0, y_20^0 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Graph 3: 0.00/0.28 Transitions: 0.00/0.28 Variables: 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Precedence: 0.00/0.28 Graph 0 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Graph 1 0.00/0.28 undef597, temp_33^0 -> undef607, x_15^0 -> undef609, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Graph 2 0.00/0.28 undef979, i_13^0 -> undef1111, len_14^0 -> undef909, x_15^0 -> undef920, x_21^0 -> undef928, y_20^0 -> undef926, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 undef979, i_13^0 -> undef1111, len_14^0 -> undef909, x_15^0 -> undef920, x_21^0 -> undef928, y_20^0 -> undef926, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Graph 3 0.00/0.28 undef338, len_14^0 -> undef1193, x_15^0 -> undef350, x_21^0 -> undef1206, y_20^0 -> undef1209, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 undef629, x_21^0 -> undef642, y_20^0 -> undef645, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Map Locations to Subgraph: 0.00/0.28 ( 0 , 0 ) 0.00/0.28 ( 4 , 3 ) 0.00/0.28 ( 10 , 2 ) 0.00/0.28 ( 19 , 1 ) 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 ******************************************************************************************* 0.00/0.28 ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** 0.00/0.28 ******************************************************************************************* 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Proving termination of subgraph 0 0.00/0.28 Proving termination of subgraph 1 0.00/0.28 Checking unfeasibility... 0.00/0.28 Time used: 0.005018 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l19}... 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 LOG: CALL solveLinear 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.002390s 0.00/0.28 Ranking function: -1 - i_13^0 + len_14^0 0.00/0.28 New Graphs: 0.00/0.28 Proving termination of subgraph 2 0.00/0.28 Checking unfeasibility... 0.00/0.28 Time used: 0.034644 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10}... 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 LOG: CALL solveLinear 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.011336s 0.00/0.28 Ranking function: a_152^0 - 7*y_20^0 0.00/0.28 New Graphs: 0.00/0.28 Proving termination of subgraph 3 0.00/0.28 Analyzing SCC {l4}... 0.00/0.28 No cycles found. 0.00/0.28 0.00/0.28 Program Terminates 0.00/0.28 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 26: delete: command not found 0.00/0.28 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 27: edit: command not found 0.00/0.28 EOF