0.00/0.35 YES 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Solver Timeout: 4 0.00/0.35 Global Timeout: 300 0.00/0.35 No parsing errors! 0.00/0.35 Init Location: 0 0.00/0.35 Transitions: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef41, i_28^0 -> undef44, length_27^0 -> undef48, nondet_12^0 -> undef49, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef57}> 0.00/0.35 undef108, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef127, t_24^0 -> undef128, x_17^0 -> undef136, x_21^0 -> undef137, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef138, y_20^0 -> undef139}> 0.00/0.35 undef182, head_15^0 -> undef184, r_37^0 -> undef196, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef201, x_14^0 -> undef208, x_17^0 -> undef210, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef212}> 0.00/0.35 undef214}> 0.00/0.35 undef319, t_24^0 -> (0 + x_21^0)}> 0.00/0.35 undef363}> 0.00/0.35 undef443}> 0.00/0.35 undef514}> 0.00/0.35 undef594}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef734, head_15^0 -> undef736, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef753, x_14^0 -> undef760, x_17^0 -> undef762, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef764}> 0.00/0.35 undef791}> 0.00/0.35 (0 + x_21^0)}> 0.00/0.35 undef930}> 0.00/0.35 undef1000}> 0.00/0.35 undef1070}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef1217, head_15^0 -> undef1219, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1236, t_24^0 -> undef1237, x_17^0 -> undef1245, x_21^0 -> undef1246, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1247, y_20^0 -> undef1248}> 0.00/0.35 undef1283}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef1429, head_15^0 -> undef1431, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1448, x_14^0 -> undef1455, x_17^0 -> undef1457, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef1459}> 0.00/0.35 undef1491}> 0.00/0.35 undef1564, t_24^0 -> undef1587}> 0.00/0.35 undef1600}> 0.00/0.35 undef1670}> 0.00/0.35 undef1740}> 0.00/0.35 undef1851}> 0.00/0.35 undef1914, head_30^0 -> undef1915, i_28^0 -> undef1918, length_27^0 -> undef1922, result_11^0 -> undef1929, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef1930, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1931, temp0_29^0 -> undef1934, temp_33^0 -> undef1935, tmp_32^0 -> undef1936, x_14^0 -> undef1938}> 0.00/0.35 undef1952}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef2091}> 0.00/0.35 undef2192, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2211, x_17^0 -> undef2220, x_21^0 -> undef2221, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef2222, y_20^0 -> undef2223}> 0.00/0.35 undef2230}> 0.00/0.35 undef2330, head_15^0 -> undef2332, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2349, x_14^0 -> undef2356, x_17^0 -> undef2358, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef2360}> 0.00/0.35 undef2369}> 0.00/0.35 undef2488}> 0.00/0.35 undef2508}> 0.00/0.35 undef2578}> 0.00/0.35 undef2675, head_15^0 -> undef2677, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), t_24^0 -> undef2695, x_17^0 -> undef2703, x_21^0 -> undef2704, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef2705, y_20^0 -> undef2706}> 0.00/0.35 undef2722}> 0.00/0.35 undef2821, i_28^0 -> undef2824, rcd_56^0 -> undef2833, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef2836, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2837, temp_33^0 -> undef2841, tmp_32^0 -> undef2842}> 0.00/0.35 undef2887, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2906, x_17^0 -> undef2915, x_21^0 -> undef2916, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef2917, y_20^0 -> undef2918}> 0.00/0.35 undef2931}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef3095, head_15^0 -> undef3096, r_37^0 -> undef3108, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3113, x_172^0 -> undef3121}> 0.00/0.35 undef3139}> 0.00/0.35 undef3228, len_180^0 -> undef3241}> 0.00/0.35 undef3278}> 0.00/0.35 undef3348}> 0.00/0.35 undef3434, len_129^0 -> undef3447}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef3577, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3596, x_17^0 -> undef3605, x_21^0 -> undef3606, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef3607, y_20^0 -> undef3608}> 0.00/0.35 undef3625}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef3786, r_121^0 -> undef3796, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3803, x_126^0 -> undef3809}> 0.00/0.35 undef3833}> 0.00/0.35 undef3903}> 0.00/0.35 undef3973}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef4131, i_105^0 -> undef4133, r_160^0 -> undef4142, r_37^0 -> undef4143, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef4148}> 0.00/0.35 undef4181}> 0.00/0.35 undef4261}> 0.00/0.35 undef4320}> 0.00/0.35 undef4409}> 0.00/0.35 undef4476, head_30^0 -> undef4477, i_164^0 -> undef4479, i_28^0 -> undef4480, length_27^0 -> undef4484, result_11^0 -> undef4491, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef4492, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef4493, temp0_29^0 -> undef4496, temp_33^0 -> undef4497, tmp_32^0 -> undef4498, x_14^0 -> undef4500}> 0.00/0.35 undef4531}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 (0 + undef4707), i_28^0 -> undef4689, i_92^0 -> undef4690, rcd_86^0 -> undef4699, temp_33^0 -> undef4706, tmp_32^0 -> undef4707}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 undef4821, head_15^0 -> undef4823, head_30^0 -> undef4824, i_28^0 -> undef4827, length_27^0 -> undef4831, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_16^0), result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef4839, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef4840, t_24^0 -> undef4841, temp0_29^0 -> undef4843, temp_33^0 -> undef4844, tmp_32^0 -> undef4845, x_14^0 -> undef4847, x_17^0 -> undef4849, x_21^0 -> undef4850, x_SLAM_f_19^0 -> undef4851, y_20^0 -> undef4852}> 0.00/0.35 undef4908, i_28^0 -> undef4911, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_31^0 -> undef4923, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef4924, temp_33^0 -> undef4928, tmp_32^0 -> undef4929}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Fresh variables: 0.00/0.35 undef41, undef44, undef48, undef49, undef57, undef70, undef108, undef127, undef128, undef136, undef137, undef138, undef139, undef140, undef141, undef142, undef143, undef144, undef182, undef184, undef196, undef201, undef208, undef210, undef212, undef214, undef319, undef363, undef443, undef514, undef594, undef734, undef736, undef753, undef760, undef762, undef764, undef791, undef930, undef1000, undef1070, undef1217, undef1219, undef1236, undef1237, undef1245, undef1246, undef1247, undef1248, undef1249, undef1250, undef1251, undef1252, undef1253, undef1283, undef1429, undef1431, undef1448, undef1455, undef1457, undef1459, undef1491, undef1564, undef1587, undef1600, undef1670, undef1740, undef1851, undef1914, undef1915, undef1918, undef1922, undef1929, undef1930, undef1931, undef1934, undef1935, undef1936, undef1938, undef1944, undef1945, undef1946, undef1947, undef1952, undef2091, undef2192, undef2211, undef2220, undef2221, undef2222, undef2223, undef2230, undef2330, undef2332, undef2349, undef2356, undef2358, undef2360, undef2369, undef2488, undef2508, undef2578, undef2675, undef2677, undef2695, undef2703, undef2704, undef2705, undef2706, undef2707, undef2708, undef2709, undef2710, undef2711, undef2722, undef2821, undef2824, undef2833, undef2836, undef2837, undef2841, undef2842, undef2887, undef2906, undef2915, undef2916, undef2917, undef2918, undef2931, undef3095, undef3096, undef3108, undef3113, undef3121, undef3139, undef3228, undef3241, undef3278, undef3348, undef3434, undef3447, undef3577, undef3596, undef3605, undef3606, undef3607, undef3608, undef3625, undef3786, undef3796, undef3803, undef3809, undef3833, undef3903, undef3973, undef4131, undef4133, undef4142, undef4143, undef4148, undef4181, undef4261, undef4320, undef4409, undef4476, undef4477, undef4479, undef4480, undef4484, undef4491, undef4492, undef4493, undef4496, undef4497, undef4498, undef4500, undef4506, undef4507, undef4531, undef4689, undef4690, undef4699, undef4706, undef4707, undef4821, undef4823, undef4824, undef4827, undef4831, undef4839, undef4840, undef4841, undef4843, undef4844, undef4845, undef4847, undef4849, undef4850, undef4851, undef4852, undef4853, undef4854, undef4855, undef4856, undef4857, undef4858, undef4859, undef4860, undef4861, undef4862, undef4863, undef4864, undef4865, undef4866, undef4867, undef4908, undef4911, undef4923, undef4924, undef4928, undef4929, 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Undef variables: 0.00/0.35 undef41, undef44, undef48, undef49, undef57, undef70, undef108, undef127, undef128, undef136, undef137, undef138, undef139, undef140, undef141, undef142, undef143, undef144, undef182, undef184, undef196, undef201, undef208, undef210, undef212, undef214, undef319, undef363, undef443, undef514, undef594, undef734, undef736, undef753, undef760, undef762, undef764, undef791, undef930, undef1000, undef1070, undef1217, undef1219, undef1236, undef1237, undef1245, undef1246, undef1247, undef1248, undef1249, undef1250, undef1251, undef1252, undef1253, undef1283, undef1429, undef1431, undef1448, undef1455, undef1457, undef1459, undef1491, undef1564, undef1587, undef1600, undef1670, undef1740, undef1851, undef1914, undef1915, undef1918, undef1922, undef1929, undef1930, undef1931, undef1934, undef1935, undef1936, undef1938, undef1944, undef1945, undef1946, undef1947, undef1952, undef2091, undef2192, undef2211, undef2220, undef2221, undef2222, undef2223, undef2230, undef2330, undef2332, undef2349, undef2356, undef2358, undef2360, undef2369, undef2488, undef2508, undef2578, undef2675, undef2677, undef2695, undef2703, undef2704, undef2705, undef2706, undef2707, undef2708, undef2709, undef2710, undef2711, undef2722, undef2821, undef2824, undef2833, undef2836, undef2837, undef2841, undef2842, undef2887, undef2906, undef2915, undef2916, undef2917, undef2918, undef2931, undef3095, undef3096, undef3108, undef3113, undef3121, undef3139, undef3228, undef3241, undef3278, undef3348, undef3434, undef3447, undef3577, undef3596, undef3605, undef3606, undef3607, undef3608, undef3625, undef3786, undef3796, undef3803, undef3809, undef3833, undef3903, undef3973, undef4131, undef4133, undef4142, undef4143, undef4148, undef4181, undef4261, undef4320, undef4409, undef4476, undef4477, undef4479, undef4480, undef4484, undef4491, undef4492, undef4493, undef4496, undef4497, undef4498, undef4500, undef4506, undef4507, undef4531, undef4689, undef4690, undef4699, undef4706, undef4707, undef4821, undef4823, undef4824, undef4827, undef4831, undef4839, undef4840, undef4841, undef4843, undef4844, undef4845, undef4847, undef4849, undef4850, undef4851, undef4852, undef4853, undef4854, undef4855, undef4856, undef4857, undef4858, undef4859, undef4860, undef4861, undef4862, undef4863, undef4864, undef4865, undef4866, undef4867, undef4908, undef4911, undef4923, undef4924, undef4928, undef4929, 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Abstraction variables: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Exit nodes: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Accepting locations: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Asserts: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Preprocessed LLVMGraph 0.00/0.35 Init Location: 0 0.00/0.35 Transitions: 0.00/0.35 undef4823, head_30^0 -> undef4824, i_28^0 -> undef4827, length_27^0 -> undef4831, temp_33^0 -> undef4844, x_14^0 -> undef4847, x_21^0 -> undef4850, y_20^0 -> undef4852}> 0.00/0.35 undef1952, __disjvr_14^0 -> undef2091, __disjvr_15^0 -> undef2230, __disjvr_16^0 -> undef2369, __disjvr_17^0 -> undef2508, __disjvr_18^0 -> undef2578, __disjvr_19^0 -> undef2722, head_15^0 -> undef2677, head_30^0 -> undef1915, i_28^0 -> undef1918, length_27^0 -> undef1922, temp_33^0 -> undef1935, x_14^0 -> undef2356, x_21^0 -> undef2704, y_20^0 -> undef2706}> 0.00/0.35 undef2821, i_28^0 -> undef2824, length_27^0 -> undef48, temp_33^0 -> undef2841}> 0.00/0.35 undef137, y_20^0 -> undef139}> 0.00/0.35 undef214, __disjvr_1^0 -> undef363, __disjvr_2^0 -> undef443, __disjvr_3^0 -> undef514, a_234^0 -> undef594, head_15^0 -> undef184, x_14^0 -> undef208}> 0.00/0.35 undef4531, head_15^0 -> undef4476, head_30^0 -> undef4477, i_28^0 -> undef4480, length_27^0 -> undef4484, temp_33^0 -> undef4497, x_14^0 -> undef4500}> 0.00/0.35 (0 + undef4707), i_28^0 -> undef4689, temp_33^0 -> undef4706}> 0.00/0.35 undef1600, __disjvr_11^0 -> undef1670, __disjvr_12^0 -> undef1740, __disjvr_20^0 -> undef2931, __disjvr_9^0 -> undef1491, a_212^0 -> undef1564, head_15^0 -> undef1431, len_129^0 -> undef1851, x_14^0 -> undef1455, x_21^0 -> undef2916, y_20^0 -> undef2918}> 0.00/0.35 undef3139, __disjvr_22^0 -> undef3278, __disjvr_23^0 -> undef3348, a_144^0 -> undef3434, head_15^0 -> undef3096, len_129^0 -> undef3447}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Fresh variables: 0.00/0.35 undef41, undef44, undef48, undef49, undef57, undef70, undef108, undef127, undef128, undef136, undef137, undef138, undef139, undef140, undef141, undef142, undef143, undef144, undef182, undef184, undef196, undef201, undef208, undef210, undef212, undef214, undef319, undef363, undef443, undef514, undef594, undef734, undef736, undef753, undef760, undef762, undef764, undef791, undef930, undef1000, undef1070, undef1217, undef1219, undef1236, undef1237, undef1245, undef1246, undef1247, undef1248, undef1249, undef1250, undef1251, undef1252, undef1253, undef1283, undef1429, undef1431, undef1448, undef1455, undef1457, undef1459, undef1491, undef1564, undef1587, undef1600, undef1670, undef1740, undef1851, undef1914, undef1915, undef1918, undef1922, undef1929, undef1930, undef1931, undef1934, undef1935, undef1936, undef1938, undef1944, undef1945, undef1946, undef1947, undef1952, undef2091, undef2192, undef2211, undef2220, undef2221, undef2222, undef2223, undef2230, undef2330, undef2332, undef2349, undef2356, undef2358, undef2360, undef2369, undef2488, undef2508, undef2578, undef2675, undef2677, undef2695, undef2703, undef2704, undef2705, undef2706, undef2707, undef2708, undef2709, undef2710, undef2711, undef2722, undef2821, undef2824, undef2833, undef2836, undef2837, undef2841, undef2842, undef2887, undef2906, undef2915, undef2916, undef2917, undef2918, undef2931, undef3095, undef3096, undef3108, undef3113, undef3121, undef3139, undef3228, undef3241, undef3278, undef3348, undef3434, undef3447, undef3577, undef3596, undef3605, undef3606, undef3607, undef3608, undef3625, undef3786, undef3796, undef3803, undef3809, undef3833, undef3903, undef3973, undef4131, undef4133, undef4142, undef4143, undef4148, undef4181, undef4261, undef4320, undef4409, undef4476, undef4477, undef4479, undef4480, undef4484, undef4491, undef4492, undef4493, undef4496, undef4497, undef4498, undef4500, undef4506, undef4507, undef4531, undef4689, undef4690, undef4699, undef4706, undef4707, undef4821, undef4823, undef4824, undef4827, undef4831, undef4839, undef4840, undef4841, undef4843, undef4844, undef4845, undef4847, undef4849, undef4850, undef4851, undef4852, undef4853, undef4854, undef4855, undef4856, undef4857, undef4858, undef4859, undef4860, undef4861, undef4862, undef4863, undef4864, undef4865, undef4866, undef4867, undef4908, undef4911, undef4923, undef4924, undef4928, undef4929, 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Undef variables: 0.00/0.35 undef41, undef44, undef48, undef49, undef57, undef70, undef108, undef127, undef128, undef136, undef137, undef138, undef139, undef140, undef141, undef142, undef143, undef144, undef182, undef184, undef196, undef201, undef208, undef210, undef212, undef214, undef319, undef363, undef443, undef514, undef594, undef734, undef736, undef753, undef760, undef762, undef764, undef791, undef930, undef1000, undef1070, undef1217, undef1219, undef1236, undef1237, undef1245, undef1246, undef1247, undef1248, undef1249, undef1250, undef1251, undef1252, undef1253, undef1283, undef1429, undef1431, undef1448, undef1455, undef1457, undef1459, undef1491, undef1564, undef1587, undef1600, undef1670, undef1740, undef1851, undef1914, undef1915, undef1918, undef1922, undef1929, undef1930, undef1931, undef1934, undef1935, undef1936, undef1938, undef1944, undef1945, undef1946, undef1947, undef1952, undef2091, undef2192, undef2211, undef2220, undef2221, undef2222, undef2223, undef2230, undef2330, undef2332, undef2349, undef2356, undef2358, undef2360, undef2369, undef2488, undef2508, undef2578, undef2675, undef2677, undef2695, undef2703, undef2704, undef2705, undef2706, undef2707, undef2708, undef2709, undef2710, undef2711, undef2722, undef2821, undef2824, undef2833, undef2836, undef2837, undef2841, undef2842, undef2887, undef2906, undef2915, undef2916, undef2917, undef2918, undef2931, undef3095, undef3096, undef3108, undef3113, undef3121, undef3139, undef3228, undef3241, undef3278, undef3348, undef3434, undef3447, undef3577, undef3596, undef3605, undef3606, undef3607, undef3608, undef3625, undef3786, undef3796, undef3803, undef3809, undef3833, undef3903, undef3973, undef4131, undef4133, undef4142, undef4143, undef4148, undef4181, undef4261, undef4320, undef4409, undef4476, undef4477, undef4479, undef4480, undef4484, undef4491, undef4492, undef4493, undef4496, undef4497, undef4498, undef4500, undef4506, undef4507, undef4531, undef4689, undef4690, undef4699, undef4706, undef4707, undef4821, undef4823, undef4824, undef4827, undef4831, undef4839, undef4840, undef4841, undef4843, undef4844, undef4845, undef4847, undef4849, undef4850, undef4851, undef4852, undef4853, undef4854, undef4855, undef4856, undef4857, undef4858, undef4859, undef4860, undef4861, undef4862, undef4863, undef4864, undef4865, undef4866, undef4867, undef4908, undef4911, undef4923, undef4924, undef4928, undef4929, 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Abstraction variables: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Exit nodes: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Accepting locations: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Asserts: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 ************************************************************* 0.00/0.35 ******************************************************************************************* 0.00/0.35 *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** 0.00/0.35 ******************************************************************************************* 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Init Location: 0 0.00/0.35 Graph 0: 0.00/0.35 Transitions: 0.00/0.35 Variables: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Graph 1: 0.00/0.35 Transitions: 0.00/0.35 undef4707, i_28^0 -> undef4689, temp_33^0 -> undef4706, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.35 Variables: 0.00/0.35 head_30^0, i_28^0, length_27^0, temp_33^0 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Graph 2: 0.00/0.35 Transitions: 0.00/0.35 undef3139, __disjvr_22^0 -> undef3278, __disjvr_23^0 -> undef3348, a_144^0 -> undef3434, head_15^0 -> undef3096, len_129^0 -> undef3447, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.35 Variables: 0.00/0.35 __disjvr_21^0, __disjvr_22^0, __disjvr_23^0, a_144^0, head_15^0, len_129^0, x_14^0 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Graph 3: 0.00/0.35 Transitions: 0.00/0.35 undef214, __disjvr_1^0 -> undef363, __disjvr_2^0 -> undef443, __disjvr_3^0 -> undef514, a_234^0 -> undef594, head_15^0 -> undef184, x_14^0 -> undef208, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.35 Variables: 0.00/0.35 __disjvr_0^0, __disjvr_1^0, __disjvr_2^0, __disjvr_3^0, a_234^0, head_15^0, x_14^0, y_20^0 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Graph 4: 0.00/0.35 Transitions: 0.00/0.35 Variables: 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Precedence: 0.00/0.35 Graph 0 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Graph 1 0.00/0.35 undef2821, i_28^0 -> undef2824, length_27^0 -> undef48, temp_33^0 -> undef2841, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Graph 2 0.00/0.35 undef4531, head_15^0 -> undef4476, head_30^0 -> undef4477, i_28^0 -> undef4480, length_27^0 -> undef4484, temp_33^0 -> undef4497, x_14^0 -> undef4500, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Graph 3 0.00/0.35 undef1600, __disjvr_11^0 -> undef1670, __disjvr_12^0 -> undef1740, __disjvr_20^0 -> undef2931, __disjvr_9^0 -> undef1491, a_212^0 -> undef1564, head_15^0 -> undef1431, len_129^0 -> undef1851, x_14^0 -> undef1455, x_21^0 -> undef2916, y_20^0 -> undef2918, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Graph 4 0.00/0.35 undef4823, head_30^0 -> undef4824, i_28^0 -> undef4827, length_27^0 -> undef4831, temp_33^0 -> undef4844, x_14^0 -> undef4847, x_21^0 -> undef4850, y_20^0 -> undef4852, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.35 undef1952, __disjvr_14^0 -> undef2091, __disjvr_15^0 -> undef2230, __disjvr_16^0 -> undef2369, __disjvr_17^0 -> undef2508, __disjvr_18^0 -> undef2578, __disjvr_19^0 -> undef2722, head_15^0 -> undef2677, head_30^0 -> undef1915, i_28^0 -> undef1918, length_27^0 -> undef1922, temp_33^0 -> undef1935, x_14^0 -> undef2356, x_21^0 -> undef2704, y_20^0 -> undef2706, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.35 undef137, y_20^0 -> undef139, rest remain the same}> 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Map Locations to Subgraph: 0.00/0.35 ( 0 , 0 ) 0.00/0.35 ( 3 , 3 ) 0.00/0.35 ( 4 , 4 ) 0.00/0.35 ( 41 , 1 ) 0.00/0.35 ( 42 , 2 ) 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 ******************************************************************************************* 0.00/0.35 ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** 0.00/0.35 ******************************************************************************************* 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Proving termination of subgraph 0 0.00/0.35 Proving termination of subgraph 1 0.00/0.35 Checking unfeasibility... 0.00/0.35 Time used: 0.004903 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l41}... 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 LOG: CALL solveLinear 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004621s 0.00/0.35 Ranking function: -1 - i_28^0 + length_27^0 0.00/0.35 New Graphs: 0.00/0.35 Proving termination of subgraph 2 0.00/0.35 Checking unfeasibility... 0.00/0.35 Time used: 0.005828 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l42}... 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 LOG: CALL solveLinear 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.005334s 0.00/0.35 Ranking function: a_144^0 0.00/0.35 New Graphs: 0.00/0.35 Proving termination of subgraph 3 0.00/0.35 Checking unfeasibility... 0.00/0.35 Time used: 0.007032 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l3}... 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 LOG: CALL solveLinear 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.005733s 0.00/0.35 Ranking function: a_234^0 0.00/0.35 New Graphs: 0.00/0.35 Proving termination of subgraph 4 0.00/0.35 Analyzing SCC {l4}... 0.00/0.35 No cycles found. 0.00/0.35 0.00/0.35 Program Terminates 0.00/0.35 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 26: delete: command not found 0.00/0.35 /export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_termcomp2019_ITS: line 27: edit: command not found 0.00/0.35 EOF