NO Solver Timeout: 4 Global Timeout: 60 No parsing errors! Init Location: 0 Transitions: 0}> 0}> (1 + addr^0)}> (0 + fd^0), added^0 -> (1 + added^0)}> 1}> undef230}> 10}> undef300}> 1}> undef462}> 1}> undef538}> undef658}> undef769}> undef870}> (1 + listen_index^0)}> undef1185}> undef1272}> 0}> 1}> (0 + addrs^0)}> 1}> undef1556}> undef1630, MaxBackends^0 -> undef1631, added^0 -> 0, addrs^0 -> undef1636, listen_index^0 -> 0, one^0 -> 1, ret^0 -> undef1644}> Fresh variables: undef230, undef300, undef462, undef538, undef658, undef769, undef870, undef1185, undef1272, undef1556, undef1630, undef1631, undef1636, undef1644, Undef variables: undef230, undef300, undef462, undef538, undef658, undef769, undef870, undef1185, undef1272, undef1556, undef1630, undef1631, undef1636, undef1644, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: Preprocessed LLVMGraph Init Location: 0 Transitions: (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (0 + fd^0), added^0 -> (1 + added^0), addr^0 -> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (0 + fd^0), added^0 -> (1 + added^0), addr^0 -> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (0 + fd^0), added^0 -> (1 + added^0), addr^0 -> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (0 + fd^0), added^0 -> (1 + added^0), addr^0 -> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (0 + fd^0), added^0 -> (1 + added^0), addr^0 -> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (0 + fd^0), added^0 -> (1 + added^0), addr^0 -> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + addr^0)}> (1 + listen_index^0)}> (1 + listen_index^0)}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769}> (1 + addr^0), fd^0 -> undef870}> (1 + addr^0), fd^0 -> undef870}> Fresh variables: undef230, undef300, undef462, undef538, undef658, undef769, undef870, undef1185, undef1272, undef1556, undef1630, undef1631, undef1636, undef1644, Undef variables: undef230, undef300, undef462, undef538, undef658, undef769, undef870, undef1185, undef1272, undef1556, undef1630, undef1631, undef1636, undef1644, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: ************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************* *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** ******************************************************************************************* Init Location: 0 Graph 0: Transitions: Variables: Graph 1: Transitions: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> Variables: MAXADDR^0, addr^0, ListenSocket_OF_listen_index^0, added^0, addr_ai_family^0, fd^0, tmp___35^0, MaxListen^0, listen_index^0 Graph 2: Transitions: Variables: Graph 3: Transitions: Variables: Precedence: Graph 0 Graph 1 Graph 2 Graph 3 Map Locations to Subgraph: ( 0 , 0 ) ( 5 , 3 ) ( 8 , 2 ) ( 10 , 1 ) ( 17 , 1 ) ( 24 , 1 ) ( 27 , 1 ) ******************************************************************************************* ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** ******************************************************************************************* Proving termination of subgraph 0 Proving termination of subgraph 1 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.584976 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10, l17, l24, l27}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.021966s Ranking function: -17 + 17*MAXADDR^0 - 17*addr^0 New Graphs: Transitions: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> Variables: ListenSocket_OF_listen_index^0, MAXADDR^0, MaxListen^0, added^0, addr^0, addr_ai_family^0, fd^0, listen_index^0, tmp___35^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10, l17, l27}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.022159s Ranking function: MaxListen^0 - listen_index^0 New Graphs: Transitions: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Variables: ListenSocket_OF_listen_index^0, MAXADDR^0, MaxListen^0, added^0, addr^0, addr_ai_family^0, fd^0, listen_index^0, tmp___35^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10, l17}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.099490s Ranking function: -17 + MAXADDR^0 + 16*MaxListen^0 - addr^0 - 16*listen_index^0 New Graphs: Transitions: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Variables: ListenSocket_OF_listen_index^0, MAXADDR^0, MaxListen^0, added^0, addr^0, addr_ai_family^0, fd^0, listen_index^0, tmp___35^0 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10, l17}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.015702s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.227319s Trying to remove transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.577846s Time used: 0.56582 Trying to remove transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.870543s Time used: 0.853364 Trying to remove transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.482597s Time used: 0.478347 Trying to remove transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.016721s Time used: 0.999848 Trying to remove transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.065980s Time used: 0.06154 Trying to remove transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.163289s Time used: 0.129531 Trying to remove transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.068648s Time used: 0.065215 Trying to remove transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.156389s Time used: 0.143793 Trying to remove transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.088425s Time used: 0.085251 Trying to remove transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.178495s Time used: 0.166054 Trying to remove transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.089175s Time used: 0.086104 Trying to remove transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.105879s Time used: 0.09354 Trying to remove transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.175533s Time used: 0.172557 Trying to remove transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.196348s Time used: 0.192646 Trying to remove transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.202486s Time used: 0.198771 Trying to remove transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.176796s Time used: 0.172939 Trying to remove transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.180106s Time used: 0.176038 Trying to remove transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.233409s Time used: 0.229549 Trying to remove transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.162482s Time used: 0.158682 Trying to remove transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.179048s Time used: 0.175225 Trying to remove transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.181075s Time used: 0.177316 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 2.671783s Time used: 2.66809 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 2.671783s Cost: 0; Total time: 2.66809 Termination implied by a set of invariant(s): Invariant at l17: 1 + addr^0 <= MAXADDR^0 Invariant at l24: 1 + addr^0 <= MAXADDR^0 Invariant at l27: 1 + addr^0 <= MAXADDR^0 [ Invariant Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> [ Termination Graph ] Strengthening and disabling transitions... LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL solverLinear in Graph for feasibility LOG: RETURN solveLinear in Graph for feasibility Strengthening transition (result): 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> Ranking function: MAXADDR^0 - addr^0 New Graphs: INVARIANTS: 17: 1 + addr^0 <= MAXADDR^0 , 24: 1 + addr^0 <= MAXADDR^0 , 27: 1 + addr^0 <= MAXADDR^0 , Quasi-INVARIANTS to narrow Graph: 17: 24: 27: Proving termination of subgraph 2 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.006864 > No variable changes in termination graph. Checking conditional unfeasibility... Termination failed. Trying to show unreachability... Proving unreachability of entry: LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 1 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 Postcodition moved up: 1 <= 0 LOG: Try proving POST Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 2 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003589s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003728s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 3 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003588s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003718s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 4 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003566s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003706s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 5 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003573s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003704s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 6 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003584s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003715s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 7 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003592s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003722s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 8 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003568s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003714s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 9 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003551s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003681s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 10 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003615s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003743s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 11 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003624s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003753s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 12 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003598s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003729s Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 13 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.003579s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.003709s LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 Narrowing transition: LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 Narrowing transition: 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 ENTRIES: END ENTRIES: GRAPH: 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> fd^0, added^0 -> 1 + added^0, addr^0 -> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> 1 + listen_index^0, rest remain the same}> undef870, tmp___35^0 -> undef769, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> 1 + addr^0, fd^0 -> undef870, rest remain the same}> END GRAPH: EXIT: POST: 1 <= 0 LOG: Try proving POST Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.964501s Time used: 1.96274 Improving Solution with cost 62 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.003723s Time used: 1.00372 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 2.968224s Cost: 62; Total time: 2.96647 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Failed at location 10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Quasi-invariant at l17: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Quasi-invariant at l24: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l27: MaxListen^0 <= listen_index^0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.032451s Quasi-invariant improved LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.016919s Remaining time after improvement: 0.964034 Some transition disabled by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l10: MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= 1 + addr^0 + listen_index^0 Quasi-invariant at l17: 2 + MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= addr^0 + listen_index^0 Quasi-invariant at l24: 1 <= 0 Quasi-invariant at l27: MaxListen^0 <= listen_index^0 LOG: NEXT CALL check - disable LOG: CALL check - Post:MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= 1 + addr^0 + listen_index^0 - Process 14 * Exit transition: * Postcondition : MAXADDR^0 + MaxListen^0 <= 1 + addr^0 + listen_index^0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.005372s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.005566s Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.000240s Time used: 4.00006 Solving with 3 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.025034s Time used: 1.00009 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 8.554319s Cannot prove unreachability Proving non-termination of subgraph 2 Transitions: Variables: Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l8}... > No exit transition to close. Calling reachability with... Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: OPEN EXITS: --- Reachability graph --- > Graph without transitions. Calling reachability with... Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: Transition: Conditions: OPEN EXITS: (condsUp: 2 <= undef462, addr_ai_family^0 = 3) (condsUp: undef462 <= 0, addr_ai_family^0 = 3) (condsUp: 2 <= undef462, addr_ai_family^0 = 3) (condsUp: undef462 <= 0, addr_ai_family^0 = 3) (condsUp: 2 <= undef462, addr_ai_family^0 = 3) (condsUp: undef462 <= 0, addr_ai_family^0 = 3) (condsUp: 2 <= undef462, addr_ai_family^0 = 3) (condsUp: undef462 <= 0, addr_ai_family^0 = 3) --- Reachability graph --- > Graph without transitions. Calling reachability with... Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, Transition: Conditions: MAXADDR^0 <= addr^0, added^0 = 0, OPEN EXITS: > Conditions are reachable! Program does NOT terminate