NO Solver Timeout: 4 Global Timeout: 60 No parsing errors! Init Location: 0 Transitions: undef31, head_31^0 -> undef32, head_SLAM_f_28^0 -> undef33, i_29^0 -> undef36, length_27^0 -> undef37, lt_17^0 -> undef38, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_21^0), result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_32^0 -> undef54, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef55, temp0_30^0 -> undef59, temp_34^0 -> undef60, tmp_33^0 -> undef62}> (0 + undef134), head_31^0 -> undef100, head_SLAM_f_28^0 -> undef101, i_29^0 -> undef104, length_27^0 -> undef105, result_11^0 -> undef120, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef121, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_32^0 -> undef122, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef123, tail_15^0 -> undef125, temp0_30^0 -> undef127, temp_34^0 -> undef128, tmp_33^0 -> undef130}> undef136}> undef231, lt_17^0 -> undef238, lt_20^0 -> undef239, rcd_185^0 -> undef247, rcd_190^0 -> undef248, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef253, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef255, tail_15^0 -> undef257, x_24^0 -> undef263, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef264, y_23^0 -> undef265}> undef278}> undef358, t_25^0 -> undef387}> undef415}> undef481}> undef561}> (0 + undef653), i_110^0 -> undef625, i_29^0 -> undef627, rcd_104^0 -> undef635, rcd_112^0 -> undef636, rcd_43^0 -> undef641, temp_34^0 -> undef651, tmp_33^0 -> undef653}> undef752, head_31^0 -> undef753, head_SLAM_f_28^0 -> undef754, i_29^0 -> undef757, length_27^0 -> undef758, lt_17^0 -> undef759, result_11^0 -> undef773, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef774, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_32^0 -> undef775, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef776, tail_15^0 -> undef778, temp0_30^0 -> undef780, temp_34^0 -> undef781, tmp_33^0 -> undef783}> undef809}> undef875}> (0 + undef1049), head_31^0 -> undef1015, head_SLAM_f_28^0 -> undef1016, i_29^0 -> undef1019, length_27^0 -> undef1020, result_11^0 -> undef1035, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1036, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_32^0 -> undef1037, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef1038, tail_15^0 -> undef1040, temp0_30^0 -> undef1042, temp_34^0 -> undef1043, tmp_33^0 -> undef1045}> undef1073}> undef1146, lt_17^0 -> undef1153, lt_20^0 -> undef1154, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1168, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef1170, tail_15^0 -> undef1172, x_24^0 -> undef1178, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef1179, y_23^0 -> undef1180}> undef1205}> undef1302}> undef1336}> undef1402}> undef1480, t_25^0 -> undef1497, x_24^0 -> undef1504, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef1505, y_23^0 -> undef1506}> undef1538, head_SLAM_f_28^0 -> undef1539, i_29^0 -> undef1542, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1559, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_32^0 -> undef1560, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef1561, tail_15^0 -> undef1563, temp_34^0 -> undef1566, tmp_33^0 -> undef1568}> (0 + temp0_21^0), result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef1626}> undef1667, lt_20^0 -> undef1675, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_21^0), result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef1691, t_25^0 -> undef1692, x_24^0 -> undef1699, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef1700, y_23^0 -> undef1701}> undef1731, head_16^0 -> undef1732, lt_20^0 -> undef1740, r_197^0 -> undef1743, r_39^0 -> undef1744, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef1754, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef1756, tail_15^0 -> undef1758, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef1765}> undef1768}> undef1860, rcd_207^0 -> undef1880, t_25^0 -> (0 + x_24^0)}> undef1899}> undef1965}> undef2054, rcd_43^0 -> undef2076}> undef2187, lt_20^0 -> undef2195, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_21^0), result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef2211, t_25^0 -> undef2212, x_24^0 -> undef2219, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef2220, y_23^0 -> undef2221}> undef2252, lt_20^0 -> undef2260, r_164^0 -> undef2262, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2274, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef2276, tail_15^0 -> undef2278, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef2285}> undef2291}> undef2379, rcd_179^0 -> undef2397, t_25^0 -> (0 + x_24^0)}> undef2422}> undef2488}> undef2573, rcd_43^0 -> undef2596}> undef2642, lt_20^0 -> undef2650, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_21^0), t_25^0 -> undef2667, x_24^0 -> undef2674, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef2675, y_23^0 -> undef2676}> undef2707, lt_20^0 -> undef2715, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef2729, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef2731, tail_15^0 -> undef2733, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef2740}> undef2749}> undef2862}> undef2880}> undef2946}> undef3012}> undef3097, lt_20^0 -> undef3105, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_21^0), result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3119, t_25^0 -> undef3122, x_24^0 -> undef3129, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef3130, y_23^0 -> undef3131}> undef3144}> undef3210}> undef3293, head_SLAM_f_28^0 -> undef3294, i_29^0 -> undef3297, length_27^0 -> undef3298, nondet_12^0 -> undef3301, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3314, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef3316, tail_15^0 -> undef3318, temp_35^0 -> undef3322}> undef3358, head_31^0 -> undef3359, head_SLAM_f_28^0 -> undef3360, i_29^0 -> undef3363, length_27^0 -> undef3364, lt_17^0 -> undef3365, result_11^0 -> (0 + temp0_21^0), result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_32^0 -> undef3381, temp0_30^0 -> undef3386, temp_34^0 -> undef3387, tmp_33^0 -> undef3389}> (0 + undef3461), head_31^0 -> undef3427, head_SLAM_f_28^0 -> undef3428, i_29^0 -> undef3431, length_27^0 -> undef3432, result_11^0 -> undef3447, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3448, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_32^0 -> undef3449, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef3450, tail_15^0 -> undef3452, temp0_30^0 -> undef3454, temp_34^0 -> undef3455, tmp_33^0 -> undef3457}> undef3477}> undef3558, lt_17^0 -> undef3565, lt_20^0 -> undef3566, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3580, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef3582, tail_15^0 -> undef3584, x_24^0 -> undef3590, x_SLAM_f_22^0 -> undef3591, y_23^0 -> undef3592}> undef3609}> undef3714}> undef3740}> undef3885, head_SLAM_f_28^0 -> undef3886, i_29^0 -> undef3889, rcd_69^0 -> undef3904, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3906, result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_32^0 -> undef3907, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef3908, tail_15^0 -> undef3910, temp_34^0 -> undef3913, tmp_33^0 -> undef3915}> (0 + temp0_21^0), result_dot_SLAyer_malloc_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_13^0 -> undef3971, result_dot_nondet_sdv_special_RETURN_VALUE_14^0 -> undef3973}> undef4001}> Fresh variables: undef31, undef32, undef33, undef36, undef37, undef38, undef54, undef55, undef59, undef60, undef62, undef66, undef67, undef68, undef100, undef101, undef104, undef105, undef120, undef121, undef122, undef123, undef125, undef127, undef128, undef130, undef134, undef135, undef136, undef231, undef238, undef239, undef247, undef248, undef253, undef255, undef257, undef263, undef264, undef265, undef266, undef278, undef358, undef387, undef415, undef481, undef561, undef625, undef627, undef635, undef636, undef641, undef651, undef653, undef752, undef753, undef754, undef757, undef758, undef759, undef773, undef774, undef775, undef776, undef778, undef780, undef781, undef783, undef787, undef788, undef809, undef875, undef1015, undef1016, undef1019, undef1020, undef1035, undef1036, undef1037, undef1038, undef1040, undef1042, undef1043, undef1045, undef1049, undef1050, undef1073, undef1146, undef1153, undef1154, undef1168, undef1170, undef1172, undef1178, undef1179, undef1180, undef1181, undef1205, undef1302, undef1336, undef1402, undef1480, undef1497, undef1504, undef1505, undef1506, undef1538, undef1539, undef1542, undef1559, undef1560, undef1561, undef1563, undef1566, undef1568, undef1626, undef1667, undef1675, undef1691, undef1692, undef1699, undef1700, undef1701, undef1731, undef1732, undef1740, undef1743, undef1744, undef1754, undef1756, undef1758, undef1765, undef1768, undef1860, undef1880, undef1899, undef1965, undef2054, undef2076, undef2187, undef2195, undef2211, undef2212, undef2219, undef2220, undef2221, undef2252, undef2260, undef2262, undef2274, undef2276, undef2278, undef2285, undef2291, undef2379, undef2397, undef2422, undef2488, undef2573, undef2596, undef2642, undef2650, undef2667, undef2674, undef2675, undef2676, undef2707, undef2715, undef2729, undef2731, undef2733, undef2740, undef2749, undef2862, undef2880, undef2946, undef3012, undef3097, undef3105, undef3119, undef3122, undef3129, undef3130, undef3131, undef3144, undef3210, undef3293, undef3294, undef3297, undef3298, undef3301, undef3314, undef3316, undef3318, undef3322, undef3327, undef3358, undef3359, undef3360, undef3363, undef3364, undef3365, undef3381, undef3386, undef3387, undef3389, undef3393, undef3394, undef3395, undef3427, undef3428, undef3431, undef3432, undef3447, undef3448, undef3449, undef3450, undef3452, undef3454, undef3455, undef3457, undef3461, undef3462, undef3477, undef3558, undef3565, undef3566, undef3580, undef3582, undef3584, undef3590, undef3591, undef3592, undef3593, undef3609, undef3714, undef3740, undef3885, undef3886, undef3889, undef3904, undef3906, undef3907, undef3908, undef3910, undef3913, undef3915, undef3971, undef3973, undef4001, Undef variables: undef31, undef32, undef33, undef36, undef37, undef38, undef54, undef55, undef59, undef60, undef62, undef66, undef67, undef68, undef100, undef101, undef104, undef105, undef120, undef121, undef122, undef123, undef125, undef127, undef128, undef130, undef134, undef135, undef136, undef231, undef238, undef239, undef247, undef248, undef253, undef255, undef257, undef263, undef264, undef265, undef266, undef278, undef358, undef387, undef415, undef481, undef561, undef625, undef627, undef635, undef636, undef641, undef651, undef653, undef752, undef753, undef754, undef757, undef758, undef759, undef773, undef774, undef775, undef776, undef778, undef780, undef781, undef783, undef787, undef788, undef809, undef875, undef1015, undef1016, undef1019, undef1020, undef1035, undef1036, undef1037, undef1038, undef1040, undef1042, undef1043, undef1045, undef1049, undef1050, undef1073, undef1146, undef1153, undef1154, undef1168, undef1170, undef1172, undef1178, undef1179, undef1180, undef1181, undef1205, undef1302, undef1336, undef1402, undef1480, undef1497, undef1504, undef1505, undef1506, undef1538, undef1539, undef1542, undef1559, undef1560, undef1561, undef1563, undef1566, undef1568, undef1626, undef1667, undef1675, undef1691, undef1692, undef1699, undef1700, undef1701, undef1731, undef1732, undef1740, undef1743, undef1744, undef1754, undef1756, undef1758, undef1765, undef1768, undef1860, undef1880, undef1899, undef1965, undef2054, undef2076, undef2187, undef2195, undef2211, undef2212, undef2219, undef2220, undef2221, undef2252, undef2260, undef2262, undef2274, undef2276, undef2278, undef2285, undef2291, undef2379, undef2397, undef2422, undef2488, undef2573, undef2596, undef2642, undef2650, undef2667, undef2674, undef2675, undef2676, undef2707, undef2715, undef2729, undef2731, undef2733, undef2740, undef2749, undef2862, undef2880, undef2946, undef3012, undef3097, undef3105, undef3119, undef3122, undef3129, undef3130, undef3131, undef3144, undef3210, undef3293, undef3294, undef3297, undef3298, undef3301, undef3314, undef3316, undef3318, undef3322, undef3327, undef3358, undef3359, undef3360, undef3363, undef3364, undef3365, undef3381, undef3386, undef3387, undef3389, undef3393, undef3394, undef3395, undef3427, undef3428, undef3431, undef3432, undef3447, undef3448, undef3449, undef3450, undef3452, undef3454, undef3455, undef3457, undef3461, undef3462, undef3477, undef3558, undef3565, undef3566, undef3580, undef3582, undef3584, undef3590, undef3591, undef3592, undef3593, undef3609, undef3714, undef3740, undef3885, undef3886, undef3889, undef3904, undef3906, undef3907, undef3908, undef3910, undef3913, undef3915, undef3971, undef3973, undef4001, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: Preprocessed LLVMGraph Init Location: 0 Transitions: undef4001, __disjvr_4^0 -> undef809, __disjvr_5^0 -> undef875, head_31^0 -> undef753, i_29^0 -> undef757, length_27^0 -> undef758, lt_17^0 -> undef759, temp_34^0 -> undef781, temp_35^0 -> undef3322}> undef4001, __disjvr_6^0 -> undef1073, __disjvr_7^0 -> undef1205, __disjvr_8^0 -> undef1336, __disjvr_9^0 -> undef1402, head_31^0 -> undef1015, i_29^0 -> undef1019, length_27^0 -> undef1020, lt_17^0 -> undef1153, lt_20^0 -> undef1480, temp_34^0 -> undef1043, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, x_24^0 -> undef1504, y_23^0 -> undef1506}> undef3359, i_29^0 -> undef3363, length_27^0 -> undef3364, lt_17^0 -> undef3365, temp_34^0 -> undef3387, temp_35^0 -> undef3322}> undef3477, __disjvr_23^0 -> undef3609, __disjvr_24^0 -> undef3740, head_31^0 -> undef3427, i_29^0 -> undef3431, length_27^0 -> undef3432, lt_17^0 -> undef3565, lt_20^0 -> undef2650, temp_34^0 -> undef3455, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, x_24^0 -> undef2674, y_23^0 -> undef2676}> undef2749, __disjvr_17^0 -> undef2880, __disjvr_18^0 -> undef2946, __disjvr_19^0 -> undef3012, __disjvr_20^0 -> undef3144, __disjvr_21^0 -> undef3210, __disjvr_22^0 -> undef3477, __disjvr_23^0 -> undef3609, __disjvr_24^0 -> undef3740, head_31^0 -> undef3427, i_29^0 -> undef3431, length_27^0 -> undef3432, lt_17^0 -> undef3565, lt_20^0 -> undef3105, temp_34^0 -> undef3455, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, x_24^0 -> undef3129, y_23^0 -> undef3131}> undef3885, i_29^0 -> undef3889, length_27^0 -> undef3298, temp_34^0 -> undef3913, temp_35^0 -> undef3322}> undef32, i_29^0 -> undef36, length_27^0 -> undef37, lt_17^0 -> undef38, temp_34^0 -> undef60}> undef136, __disjvr_1^0 -> undef278, __disjvr_2^0 -> undef415, __disjvr_3^0 -> undef481, a_153^0 -> undef358, head_31^0 -> undef100, i_120^0 -> undef561, i_29^0 -> undef104, length_27^0 -> undef105, lt_17^0 -> undef238, lt_20^0 -> undef239, temp_34^0 -> undef128, x_24^0 -> undef263, y_23^0 -> undef265}> (0 + undef653), i_29^0 -> undef627, rcd_43^0 -> undef641, temp_34^0 -> undef651}> undef1675, x_24^0 -> undef1699, y_23^0 -> undef1701}> undef1768, __disjvr_11^0 -> undef1899, __disjvr_12^0 -> undef1965, a_178^0 -> undef2054, lt_20^0 -> undef1740, rcd_43^0 -> undef2076}> Fresh variables: undef31, undef32, undef33, undef36, undef37, undef38, undef54, undef55, undef59, undef60, undef62, undef66, undef67, undef68, undef100, undef101, undef104, undef105, undef120, undef121, undef122, undef123, undef125, undef127, undef128, undef130, undef134, undef135, undef136, undef231, undef238, undef239, undef247, undef248, undef253, undef255, undef257, undef263, undef264, undef265, undef266, undef278, undef358, undef387, undef415, undef481, undef561, undef625, undef627, undef635, undef636, undef641, undef651, undef653, undef752, undef753, undef754, undef757, undef758, undef759, undef773, undef774, undef775, undef776, undef778, undef780, undef781, undef783, undef787, undef788, undef809, undef875, undef1015, undef1016, undef1019, undef1020, undef1035, undef1036, undef1037, undef1038, undef1040, undef1042, undef1043, undef1045, undef1049, undef1050, undef1073, undef1146, undef1153, undef1154, undef1168, undef1170, undef1172, undef1178, undef1179, undef1180, undef1181, undef1205, undef1302, undef1336, undef1402, undef1480, undef1497, undef1504, undef1505, undef1506, undef1538, undef1539, undef1542, undef1559, undef1560, undef1561, undef1563, undef1566, undef1568, undef1626, undef1667, undef1675, undef1691, undef1692, undef1699, undef1700, undef1701, undef1731, undef1732, undef1740, undef1743, undef1744, undef1754, undef1756, undef1758, undef1765, undef1768, undef1860, undef1880, undef1899, undef1965, undef2054, undef2076, undef2187, undef2195, undef2211, undef2212, undef2219, undef2220, undef2221, undef2252, undef2260, undef2262, undef2274, undef2276, undef2278, undef2285, undef2291, undef2379, undef2397, undef2422, undef2488, undef2573, undef2596, undef2642, undef2650, undef2667, undef2674, undef2675, undef2676, undef2707, undef2715, undef2729, undef2731, undef2733, undef2740, undef2749, undef2862, undef2880, undef2946, undef3012, undef3097, undef3105, undef3119, undef3122, undef3129, undef3130, undef3131, undef3144, undef3210, undef3293, undef3294, undef3297, undef3298, undef3301, undef3314, undef3316, undef3318, undef3322, undef3327, undef3358, undef3359, undef3360, undef3363, undef3364, undef3365, undef3381, undef3386, undef3387, undef3389, undef3393, undef3394, undef3395, undef3427, undef3428, undef3431, undef3432, undef3447, undef3448, undef3449, undef3450, undef3452, undef3454, undef3455, undef3457, undef3461, undef3462, undef3477, undef3558, undef3565, undef3566, undef3580, undef3582, undef3584, undef3590, undef3591, undef3592, undef3593, undef3609, undef3714, undef3740, undef3885, undef3886, undef3889, undef3904, undef3906, undef3907, undef3908, undef3910, undef3913, undef3915, undef3971, undef3973, undef4001, Undef variables: undef31, undef32, undef33, undef36, undef37, undef38, undef54, undef55, undef59, undef60, undef62, undef66, undef67, undef68, undef100, undef101, undef104, undef105, undef120, undef121, undef122, undef123, undef125, undef127, undef128, undef130, undef134, undef135, undef136, undef231, undef238, undef239, undef247, undef248, undef253, undef255, undef257, undef263, undef264, undef265, undef266, undef278, undef358, undef387, undef415, undef481, undef561, undef625, undef627, undef635, undef636, undef641, undef651, undef653, undef752, undef753, undef754, undef757, undef758, undef759, undef773, undef774, undef775, undef776, undef778, undef780, undef781, undef783, undef787, undef788, undef809, undef875, undef1015, undef1016, undef1019, undef1020, undef1035, undef1036, undef1037, undef1038, undef1040, undef1042, undef1043, undef1045, undef1049, undef1050, undef1073, undef1146, undef1153, undef1154, undef1168, undef1170, undef1172, undef1178, undef1179, undef1180, undef1181, undef1205, undef1302, undef1336, undef1402, undef1480, undef1497, undef1504, undef1505, undef1506, undef1538, undef1539, undef1542, undef1559, undef1560, undef1561, undef1563, undef1566, undef1568, undef1626, undef1667, undef1675, undef1691, undef1692, undef1699, undef1700, undef1701, undef1731, undef1732, undef1740, undef1743, undef1744, undef1754, undef1756, undef1758, undef1765, undef1768, undef1860, undef1880, undef1899, undef1965, undef2054, undef2076, undef2187, undef2195, undef2211, undef2212, undef2219, undef2220, undef2221, undef2252, undef2260, undef2262, undef2274, undef2276, undef2278, undef2285, undef2291, undef2379, undef2397, undef2422, undef2488, undef2573, undef2596, undef2642, undef2650, undef2667, undef2674, undef2675, undef2676, undef2707, undef2715, undef2729, undef2731, undef2733, undef2740, undef2749, undef2862, undef2880, undef2946, undef3012, undef3097, undef3105, undef3119, undef3122, undef3129, undef3130, undef3131, undef3144, undef3210, undef3293, undef3294, undef3297, undef3298, undef3301, undef3314, undef3316, undef3318, undef3322, undef3327, undef3358, undef3359, undef3360, undef3363, undef3364, undef3365, undef3381, undef3386, undef3387, undef3389, undef3393, undef3394, undef3395, undef3427, undef3428, undef3431, undef3432, undef3447, undef3448, undef3449, undef3450, undef3452, undef3454, undef3455, undef3457, undef3461, undef3462, undef3477, undef3558, undef3565, undef3566, undef3580, undef3582, undef3584, undef3590, undef3591, undef3592, undef3593, undef3609, undef3714, undef3740, undef3885, undef3886, undef3889, undef3904, undef3906, undef3907, undef3908, undef3910, undef3913, undef3915, undef3971, undef3973, undef4001, Abstraction variables: Exit nodes: Accepting locations: Asserts: ************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************* *********************** WORKING TRANSITION SYSTEM (DAG) *********************** ******************************************************************************************* Init Location: 0 Graph 0: Transitions: Variables: Graph 1: Transitions: undef653, i_29^0 -> undef627, rcd_43^0 -> undef641, temp_34^0 -> undef651, rest remain the same}> Variables: head_31^0, i_29^0, length_27^0, rcd_43^0, temp_34^0 Graph 2: Transitions: undef1768, __disjvr_11^0 -> undef1899, __disjvr_12^0 -> undef1965, a_178^0 -> undef2054, lt_20^0 -> undef1740, rcd_43^0 -> undef2076, rest remain the same}> Variables: __disjvr_10^0, __disjvr_11^0, __disjvr_12^0, a_178^0, lt_20^0, rcd_43^0, y_23^0 Graph 3: Transitions: Variables: Precedence: Graph 0 Graph 1 undef3885, i_29^0 -> undef3889, length_27^0 -> undef3298, temp_34^0 -> undef3913, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, rest remain the same}> Graph 2 undef136, __disjvr_1^0 -> undef278, __disjvr_2^0 -> undef415, __disjvr_3^0 -> undef481, a_153^0 -> undef358, head_31^0 -> undef100, i_120^0 -> undef561, i_29^0 -> undef104, length_27^0 -> undef105, lt_17^0 -> undef238, lt_20^0 -> undef239, temp_34^0 -> undef128, x_24^0 -> undef263, y_23^0 -> undef265, rest remain the same}> Graph 3 undef4001, __disjvr_4^0 -> undef809, __disjvr_5^0 -> undef875, head_31^0 -> undef753, i_29^0 -> undef757, length_27^0 -> undef758, lt_17^0 -> undef759, temp_34^0 -> undef781, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, rest remain the same}> undef4001, __disjvr_6^0 -> undef1073, __disjvr_7^0 -> undef1205, __disjvr_8^0 -> undef1336, __disjvr_9^0 -> undef1402, head_31^0 -> undef1015, i_29^0 -> undef1019, length_27^0 -> undef1020, lt_17^0 -> undef1153, lt_20^0 -> undef1480, temp_34^0 -> undef1043, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, x_24^0 -> undef1504, y_23^0 -> undef1506, rest remain the same}> undef3359, i_29^0 -> undef3363, length_27^0 -> undef3364, lt_17^0 -> undef3365, temp_34^0 -> undef3387, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, rest remain the same}> undef3477, __disjvr_23^0 -> undef3609, __disjvr_24^0 -> undef3740, head_31^0 -> undef3427, i_29^0 -> undef3431, length_27^0 -> undef3432, lt_17^0 -> undef3565, lt_20^0 -> undef2650, temp_34^0 -> undef3455, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, x_24^0 -> undef2674, y_23^0 -> undef2676, rest remain the same}> undef2749, __disjvr_17^0 -> undef2880, __disjvr_18^0 -> undef2946, __disjvr_19^0 -> undef3012, __disjvr_20^0 -> undef3144, __disjvr_21^0 -> undef3210, __disjvr_22^0 -> undef3477, __disjvr_23^0 -> undef3609, __disjvr_24^0 -> undef3740, head_31^0 -> undef3427, i_29^0 -> undef3431, length_27^0 -> undef3432, lt_17^0 -> undef3565, lt_20^0 -> undef3105, temp_34^0 -> undef3455, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, x_24^0 -> undef3129, y_23^0 -> undef3131, rest remain the same}> undef32, i_29^0 -> undef36, length_27^0 -> undef37, lt_17^0 -> undef38, temp_34^0 -> undef60, rest remain the same}> undef1675, x_24^0 -> undef1699, y_23^0 -> undef1701, rest remain the same}> Map Locations to Subgraph: ( 0 , 0 ) ( 1 , 1 ) ( 2 , 3 ) ( 10 , 2 ) ******************************************************************************************* ******************************** CHECKING ASSERTIONS ******************************** ******************************************************************************************* Proving termination of subgraph 0 Proving termination of subgraph 1 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.005905 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l1}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.004495s Ranking function: -1 - i_29^0 + length_27^0 New Graphs: Proving termination of subgraph 2 Checking unfeasibility... Time used: 0.006343 Checking conditional termination of SCC {l10}... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.001717s LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.006742s Trying to remove transition: undef1768, __disjvr_11^0 -> undef1899, __disjvr_12^0 -> undef1965, a_178^0 -> undef2054, lt_20^0 -> undef1740, rcd_43^0 -> undef2076, rest remain the same}> Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.014915s Time used: 0.014438 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.029885s Time used: 0.028674 Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.002546s Time used: 4.00014 Solving with 3 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.011956s Time used: 1.00005 Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.041143s Time used: 0.015013 Termination failed. Trying to show unreachability... Proving unreachability of entry: undef136, __disjvr_1^0 -> undef278, __disjvr_2^0 -> undef415, __disjvr_3^0 -> undef481, a_153^0 -> undef358, head_31^0 -> undef100, i_120^0 -> undef561, i_29^0 -> undef104, length_27^0 -> undef105, lt_17^0 -> undef238, lt_20^0 -> undef239, temp_34^0 -> undef128, x_24^0 -> undef263, y_23^0 -> undef265, rest remain the same}> LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 1 * Exit transition: undef136, __disjvr_1^0 -> undef278, __disjvr_2^0 -> undef415, __disjvr_3^0 -> undef481, a_153^0 -> undef358, head_31^0 -> undef100, i_120^0 -> undef561, i_29^0 -> undef104, length_27^0 -> undef105, lt_17^0 -> undef238, lt_20^0 -> undef239, temp_34^0 -> undef128, x_24^0 -> undef263, y_23^0 -> undef265, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 Postcodition moved up: 1 <= 0 LOG: Try proving POST Postcondition: 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL check - Post:1 <= 0 - Process 2 * Exit transition: undef3885, i_29^0 -> undef3889, length_27^0 -> undef3298, temp_34^0 -> undef3913, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : 1 <= 0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.006330s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.006952s LOG: NarrowEntry size 1 Narrowing transition: undef653, i_29^0 -> undef627, rcd_43^0 -> undef641, temp_34^0 -> undef651, rest remain the same}> LOG: Narrow transition size 1 ENTRIES: undef3885, i_29^0 -> undef3889, length_27^0 -> undef3298, temp_34^0 -> undef3913, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, rest remain the same}> END ENTRIES: GRAPH: undef653, i_29^0 -> undef627, rcd_43^0 -> undef641, temp_34^0 -> undef651, rest remain the same}> END GRAPH: EXIT: undef136, __disjvr_1^0 -> undef278, __disjvr_2^0 -> undef415, __disjvr_3^0 -> undef481, a_153^0 -> undef358, head_31^0 -> undef100, i_120^0 -> undef561, i_29^0 -> undef104, length_27^0 -> undef105, lt_17^0 -> undef238, lt_20^0 -> undef239, temp_34^0 -> undef128, x_24^0 -> undef263, y_23^0 -> undef265, rest remain the same}> POST: 1 <= 0 LOG: Try proving POST Solving with 1 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 0.081536s Time used: 0.081033 Improving Solution with cost 51 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 1.001737s Time used: 1.00161 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 1.083273s Cost: 51; Total time: 1.08264 Failed at location 1: length_27^0 <= i_29^0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l1: length_27^0 <= i_29^0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.012391s Remaining time after improvement: 0.992688 Some transition disabled by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l1: length_27^0 <= i_29^0 LOG: NEXT CALL check - disable LOG: CALL check - Post:length_27^0 <= i_29^0 - Process 3 * Exit transition: undef3885, i_29^0 -> undef3889, length_27^0 -> undef3298, temp_34^0 -> undef3913, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : length_27^0 <= i_29^0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.007473s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.008136s Solving with 2 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 4.008739s Time used: 4.00698 Improving Solution with cost 51 ... LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetNextSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetNextSolution - Elapsed time: 0.080854s Time used: 0.080841 LOG: SAT solveNonLinear - Elapsed time: 4.089593s Cost: 51; Total time: 4.08782 Failed at location 1: length_27^0 <= i_29^0 Before Improving: Quasi-invariant at l1: length_27^0 <= i_29^0 Quasi-invariant at l1: 1 <= i_29^0 Optimizing invariants... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.024553s Remaining time after improvement: 0.989878 Some transition disabled by a set of quasi-invariant(s): Quasi-invariant at l1: length_27^0 <= i_29^0 Quasi-invariant at l1: 1 <= i_29^0 LOG: NEXT CALL check - disable LOG: CALL check - Post:length_27^0 <= i_29^0 - Process 4 * Exit transition: undef3885, i_29^0 -> undef3889, length_27^0 -> undef3298, temp_34^0 -> undef3913, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, rest remain the same}> * Postcondition : length_27^0 <= i_29^0 LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.007892s > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 0.008542s Solving with 3 template(s). LOG: CALL solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution LOG: RETURN solveNonLinearGetFirstSolution - Elapsed time: 1.000517s Time used: 1.00012 LOG: Postcondition is not implied - no solution > Postcondition is not implied! LOG: RETURN check - Elapsed time: 6.305702s Cannot prove unreachability Proving non-termination of subgraph 2 Transitions: undef1768, __disjvr_11^0 -> undef1899, __disjvr_12^0 -> undef1965, a_178^0 -> undef2054, lt_20^0 -> undef1740, rcd_43^0 -> undef2076, rest remain the same}> Variables: __disjvr_10^0, __disjvr_11^0, __disjvr_12^0, a_178^0, lt_20^0, rcd_43^0, y_23^0 Checking conditional non-termination of SCC {l10}... > No exit transition to close. Checking that every undef value has an assignment... LOG: CALL solveLinear LOG: RETURN solveLinear - Elapsed time: 0.007483s Calling reachability with... Transition: Conditions: OPEN EXITS: --- Reachability graph --- > Graph without transitions. Calling reachability with... Transition: undef136, __disjvr_1^0 -> undef278, __disjvr_2^0 -> undef415, __disjvr_3^0 -> undef481, a_153^0 -> undef358, head_31^0 -> undef100, i_120^0 -> undef561, i_29^0 -> undef104, length_27^0 -> undef105, lt_17^0 -> undef238, lt_20^0 -> undef239, temp_34^0 -> undef128, x_24^0 -> undef263, y_23^0 -> undef265, rest remain the same}> Conditions: OPEN EXITS: undef136, __disjvr_1^0 -> undef278, __disjvr_2^0 -> undef415, __disjvr_3^0 -> undef481, a_153^0 -> undef358, head_31^0 -> undef100, i_120^0 -> undef561, i_29^0 -> undef104, length_27^0 -> undef105, lt_17^0 -> undef238, lt_20^0 -> undef239, temp_34^0 -> undef128, x_24^0 -> undef263, y_23^0 -> undef265, rest remain the same}> (condsUp: 0 <= i_120^0, undef123 <= i_120^0, undef255 <= i_120^0, 2 <= undef123, 2 <= undef255, __disjvr_0^0 = undef136, __disjvr_1^0 = undef278, __disjvr_2^0 = undef415, __disjvr_3^0 = undef481, a_178^0 = undef358, lt_20^0 = undef265, undef121 = undef125, undef134 = undef135, undef134 = undef263, undef134 = undef266, undef231 = undef264, undef231 = undef387, undef239 = undef265, undef253 = undef257, undef263 = undef266, undef263 = undef387, 1 + undef358 = undef561) --- Reachability graph --- > Graph without transitions. Calling reachability with... Transition: undef3885, i_29^0 -> undef3889, length_27^0 -> undef3298, temp_34^0 -> undef3913, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, rest remain the same}> Conditions: 0 <= i_29^0, length_27^0 <= i_29^0, head_31^0 = undef135, rcd_43^0 = undef247, 0 <= i_120^0, undef123 <= i_120^0, undef255 <= i_120^0, 2 <= undef123, 2 <= undef255, __disjvr_0^0 = undef136, __disjvr_1^0 = undef278, __disjvr_2^0 = undef415, __disjvr_3^0 = undef481, a_178^0 = undef358, lt_20^0 = undef265, undef121 = undef125, undef134 = undef135, undef134 = undef263, undef134 = undef266, undef231 = undef264, undef231 = undef387, undef239 = undef265, undef253 = undef257, undef263 = undef266, undef263 = undef387, 1 + undef358 = undef561, OPEN EXITS: undef3885, i_29^0 -> undef3889, length_27^0 -> undef3298, temp_34^0 -> undef3913, temp_35^0 -> undef3322, rest remain the same}> > Conditions are reachable! Program does NOT terminate