0.00/0.13 NO 0.00/0.13 Non-termination prover = LP(tech=TOPLAS06, unlimited) 0.00/0.13 ** BEGIN proof argument ** 0.00/0.13 transpose_aux(o,i,o): ([transpose_aux([[_0|_1]|_2],_3,[[_0|_4]|_5]) :- row2col(_1,_5,_6,[[]|[]],_7), row2col([_0|_1],[[_0|_2]|_3],[_2|_4],_5,_6) :- row2col(_1,_3,_4,[[]|_5],_6)], {transpose_aux/3->(1->_0), row2col/5->(3->_1, 4->_2)}) 0.00/0.13 ** End proof argument ** 0.00/0.13 Proof stopped at iteration 2 0.00/0.13 Number of unfolded rules generated by this proof = 4 0.00/0.13 Number of unfolded rules generated by all the parallel proofs = 4 0.00/0.16 EOF