NO Nontermination proof succeeded Found this recurrent set for cutpoint 24: Result_5_post == 0 and ____cil_tmp5_10_post == 0 and buffer_21_post == 12 and cand_19_post == -1 and h_17_0 == -1 and h_17_1 == 0 and h_17_post == 13 and i_22_0 == -1 and i_22_post == -1 and len_98_0 == 0 and len_98_1 == 0 and len_98_2 == 0 and len_98_post == 0 and lt_29_1 == 0 and ret_18_post == 0 and sz_23_0 == 0 and sz_23_post == 0 and tmp_9_post == 0 and x_16_post == 14 and x_8_post == 0 and y_1094_0 == 0 Errors: