YES summary ************************************************** SRS with 2 strict rules and 1 weak rules on 3 letters tile all, by Config { method = Forward,width = 2,unlabel = False} SRS with 28 strict rules and 16 weak rules on 14 letters weights SRS with 3 strict rules and 12 weak rules on 10 letters mirror SRS with 3 strict rules and 12 weak rules on 10 letters tile all, by Config { method = Forward,width = 2,unlabel = False} SRS with 30 strict rules and 91 weak rules on 33 letters weights SRS with 11 strict rules and 64 weak rules on 27 letters mirror SRS with 11 strict rules and 64 weak rules on 27 letters tile all, by Config { method = Forward,width = 2,unlabel = False} SRS with 98 strict rules and 332 weak rules on 76 letters weights SRS with 44 strict rules and 313 weak rules on 69 letters unlabel SRS with 11 strict rules and 60 weak rules on 27 letters mirror SRS with 11 strict rules and 60 weak rules on 27 letters tile all, by Config { method = Forward,width = 2,unlabel = False} SRS with 98 strict rules and 332 weak rules on 76 letters weights SRS with 44 strict rules and 313 weak rules on 69 letters mirror SRS with 44 strict rules and 313 weak rules on 69 letters tile all, by Config { method = Forward,width = 2,unlabel = False} SRS with 43 strict rules and 590 weak rules on 146 letters weights SRS with 11 strict rules and 199 weak rules on 110 letters mirror SRS with 11 strict rules and 199 weak rules on 110 letters tile all, by Config { method = Forward,width = 2,unlabel = False} SRS with 0 strict rules and 164 weak rules on 152 letters weights SRS with 0 strict rules and 44 weak rules on 129 letters no strict rules ************************************************** skeleton: (2/1,3)\TileAllRFC{2}(28/16,14)\Weight\Mirror(3/12,10)\TileAllRFC{2}(30/91,33)\Weight\Mirror(11/64,27)\TileAllRFC{2}(98/332,76)\Weight(44/313,69)\Unlabel\Mirror(11/60,27)\TileAllRFC{2}(98/332,76)\Weight\Mirror(44/313,69)\TileAllRFC{2}(43/590,146)\Weight\Mirror(11/199,110)\TileAllRFC{2}(0/164,152)\Weight(0/44,129)[] ************************************************** let {} in let {trac = False;done = Worker No_Strict_Rules;mo = Pre (Or_Else Count (IfSizeLeq 10000 GLPK Fail));wop = Or_Else (Worker (Weight {modus = mo})) Pass;weighted = \ m -> And_Then m wop;tiling = \ m w -> weighted (And_Then (Worker (Tiling {method = m,width = w,unlabel = False})) (Worker Remap));when_small = \ m -> And_Then (Worker (SizeAtmost 1000)) m;when_medium = \ m -> And_Then (Worker (SizeAtmost 10000)) m;solver = Minisatapi;qpi = \ dim bits -> weighted (when_small (Worker (QPI {tracing = trac,dim = dim,bits = bits,solver = solver})));matrix = \ dom dim bits -> weighted (when_small (Worker (Matrix {monotone = Weak,domain = dom,dim = dim,bits = bits,tracing = trac,solver = solver})));kbo = \ b -> weighted (when_small (Worker (KBO {bits = b,solver = solver})));mb = Worker (Matchbound {method = RFC,max_size = 100000});remove = First_Of ([ Worker (Weight {modus = mo})] <> ([ Seq [ qpi 2 4, qpi 3 4, qpi 4 4], Seq [ qpi 5 4, qpi 6 3, qpi 7 3]] <> ([ Seq [ matrix Arctic 2 5, matrix Arctic 3 4, matrix Arctic 4 3], Seq [ matrix Natural 2 5, matrix Natural 3 4, matrix Natural 4 3]] <> [ kbo 1, And_Then (Worker Mirror) (And_Then (kbo 1) (Worker Mirror))])));dp = As_Transformer (Apply (And_Then (Worker (DP {tracing = True})) (Worker Remap)) (Apply wop (Branch (Worker (EDG {tracing = True})) remove)));noh = [ Worker (Enumerate {closure = Forward}), Worker (Enumerate {closure = Backward})];yeah = Tree_Search_Preemptive 0 done ([ Worker (Weight {modus = mo}), mb, And_Then (Worker Mirror) mb, dp, And_Then (Worker Mirror) dp, tiling Forward 2, And_Then (Worker Mirror) (tiling Forward 2)] <> [ Worker (Unlabel {verbose = True})])} in Apply (Worker Remap) (Seq [ Worker KKST01, First_Of ([ yeah] <> noh)])