/export/starexec/sandbox/solver/bin/starexec_run_Certifiable /export/starexec/sandbox/benchmark/theBenchmark.xml /export/starexec/sandbox/output/output_files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAYBE U101 tt A B _xor_ _and_ A B _xor_ A B U11 tt A A U111 tt false U121 tt A A U131 tt B U' U132 equal _isNotEqualTo_ B true true U' U132 tt U' U' U141 tt U U U151 tt V1 V2 U152 isBool V1 V2 U152 tt V2 U153 isBool V2 U153 tt tt U161 tt V1 V2 U162 isBool V1 V2 U162 tt V2 U163 isBool V2 U163 tt tt U171 tt V1 V2 U172 isBool V1 V2 U172 tt V2 U173 isBool V2 U173 tt tt U181 tt V1 V2 U182 isBool V1 V2 U182 tt V2 U183 isBool V2 U183 tt tt U191 tt V1 U192 isBool V1 U192 tt tt U201 tt A _xor_ A true U21 tt A B C _xor_ _and_ A B _and_ A C U31 tt false U41 tt A A U51 tt A B not_ _xor_ A _and_ A B U61 tt U' U U62 equal _isNotEqualTo_ U U' true U62 tt false U71 tt true U81 tt U' U if_then_else_fi _isEqualTo_ U U' false true U91 tt false _and_ A A U11 and isBool A isBoolKind A A _and_ A _xor_ B C U21 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and and isBool B isBoolKind B and isBool C isBoolKind C A B C _and_ false A U31 and isBool A isBoolKind A _and_ true A U41 and isBool A isBoolKind A A _implies_ A B U51 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B A B _isEqualTo_ U U' U61 and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U' U _isEqualTo_ U U U71 and isS U isSKind U _isNotEqualTo_ U U' U81 and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U' U _isNotEqualTo_ U U U91 and isS U isSKind U _or_ A B U101 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B A B _xor_ A A U111 and isBool A isBoolKind A _xor_ false A U121 and isBool A isBoolKind A A and tt X X equal X X tt if_then_else_fi B U U' U131 and and isBool B isBoolKind B and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U B U' if_then_else_fi true U U' U141 and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U isBool false tt isBool true tt isBool _and_ V1 V2 U151 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 V1 V2 isBool _implies_ V1 V2 U161 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 V1 V2 isBool _isEqualTo_ V1 V2 tt isBool _isNotEqualTo_ V1 V2 tt isBool _or_ V1 V2 U171 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 V1 V2 isBool _xor_ V1 V2 U181 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 V1 V2 isBool not_ V1 U191 isBoolKind V1 V1 isBoolKind false tt isBoolKind true tt isBoolKind _and_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 isBoolKind _implies_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 isBoolKind _isEqualTo_ V1 V2 tt isBoolKind _isNotEqualTo_ V1 V2 tt isBoolKind _or_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 isBoolKind _xor_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 isBoolKind not_ V1 isBoolKind V1 not_ A U201 and isBool A isBoolKind A A not_ false true not_ true false _or_ _xor_ _and_ _or_ _xor_ _and_ 2.2 _and_ x _and_ y z _and_ _and_ x y z _xor_ x _xor_ y z _xor_ _xor_ x y z _and_ x y _and_ y x _or_ x y _or_ y x _or_ x _or_ y z _or_ _or_ x y z _xor_ x y _xor_ y x _xor_ x _xor_ y z _xor_ _xor_ x y z _and_ x _and_ y z _and_ _and_ x y z _and_ x _and_ y z _and_ x y _or_ x _or_ y z _or_ x y _and_ x y _and_ y x _or_ x _or_ y z _or_ _or_ x y z _xor_ x _xor_ y z _xor_ x y _or_ x y _or_ y x _xor_ x y _xor_ y x _xor_ false A and isBool A isBoolKind A isBoolKind _xor_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V1 _or_ A B isBoolKind A _isEqualTo_ U U' and isS U' isSKind U' _isNotEqualTo_ U U' and isS U' isSKind U' U21 tt A B C _xor_ _and_ A B _and_ A C _isEqualTo_ U U U71 and isS U isSKind U if_then_else_fi true U U' and isS U isSKind U isBoolKind _implies_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V2 isBool _and_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V1 _and_ A _xor_ B C isBool B if_then_else_fi true U U' and isS U' isSKind U' isBoolKind _implies_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V1 _and_ A _xor_ B C isBoolKind C _and_ A _xor_ B C and isBool C isBoolKind C _and_ A _xor_ B C isBool A isBool not_ V1 U191 isBoolKind V1 V1 _isEqualTo_ U U and isS U isSKind U isBool _xor_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V1 U162 tt V2 U163 isBool V2 isBool _and_ V1 V2 U151 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 V1 V2 isBool _or_ V1 V2 U171 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 V1 V2 isBoolKind _and_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 isBoolKind _or_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V1 U171 tt V1 V2 U172 isBool V1 V2 U61 tt U' U _isNotEqualTo_ U U' isBool not_ V1 isBoolKind V1 isBool _implies_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 U101 tt A B _xor_ A B isBoolKind _implies_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 U152 tt V2 U153 isBool V2 U182 tt V2 U183 isBool V2 U181 tt V1 V2 U182 isBool V1 V2 _and_ true A and isBool A isBoolKind A isBool _implies_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V1 U61 tt U' U U62 equal _isNotEqualTo_ U U' true _implies_ A B isBoolKind A _isNotEqualTo_ U U U91 and isS U isSKind U U21 tt A B C _and_ A B if_then_else_fi true U U' and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U _and_ A _xor_ B C and isBool A isBoolKind A U172 tt V2 isBool V2 _and_ false A and isBool A isBoolKind A isBool _xor_ V1 V2 U181 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 V1 V2 if_then_else_fi B U U' U131 and and isBool B isBoolKind B and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U B U' not_ A U201 and isBool A isBoolKind A A not_ A isBool A _and_ A _xor_ B C isBool C isBool _implies_ V1 V2 U161 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 V1 V2 U171 tt V1 V2 isBool V1 _and_ false A isBoolKind A _and_ A _xor_ B C and isBool B isBoolKind B _xor_ A A isBoolKind A _implies_ A B isBool B _xor_ A A isBool A _implies_ A B U51 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B A B _isNotEqualTo_ U U' U81 and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U' U _and_ A A U11 and isBool A isBoolKind A A U81 tt U' U _isEqualTo_ U U' _and_ A _xor_ B C isBoolKind B U131 tt B U' U132 equal _isNotEqualTo_ B true true U' not_ A isBoolKind A _or_ A B isBool B U191 tt V1 U192 isBool V1 _isNotEqualTo_ U U and isS U isSKind U _and_ A _xor_ B C and and isBool A isBoolKind A and and isBool B isBoolKind B and isBool C isBoolKind C _implies_ A B and isBool B isBoolKind B _isNotEqualTo_ U U' and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U61 tt U' U equal _isNotEqualTo_ U U' true if_then_else_fi B U U' and and isBool B isBoolKind B and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U _and_ false A U31 and isBool A isBoolKind A U152 tt V2 isBool V2 _or_ A B and isBool B isBoolKind B isBool _xor_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 isBoolKind _and_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V1 _or_ A B U101 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B A B _implies_ A B and isBool A isBoolKind A _and_ false A isBool A _implies_ A B and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B if_then_else_fi B U U' and isS U isSKind U U51 tt A B _xor_ A _and_ A B _and_ A _xor_ B C U21 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and and isBool B isBoolKind B and isBool C isBoolKind C A B C _and_ true A isBool A if_then_else_fi true U U' U141 and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U U101 tt A B _xor_ _and_ A B _xor_ A B not_ A and isBool A isBoolKind A _and_ A _xor_ B C isBoolKind A _and_ A A and isBool A isBoolKind A _and_ A _xor_ B C and and isBool B isBoolKind B and isBool C isBoolKind C U161 tt V1 V2 isBool V1 _isEqualTo_ U U' U61 and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U' U U162 tt V2 isBool V2 _and_ A A isBool A _and_ true A U41 and isBool A isBoolKind A A isBool _and_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 _or_ A B isBool A _xor_ A A and isBool A isBoolKind A U51 tt A B _and_ A B _isEqualTo_ U U' and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U _isNotEqualTo_ U U' and isS U isSKind U isBoolKind _xor_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V2 _or_ A B and isBool A isBoolKind A U101 tt A B _and_ A B U151 tt V1 V2 isBool V1 isBool _or_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V2 isBool _and_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V2 isBool _implies_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V2 U181 tt V1 V2 isBool V1 if_then_else_fi B U U' isBoolKind B _or_ A B isBoolKind B if_then_else_fi B U U' and isS U' isSKind U' U151 tt V1 V2 U152 isBool V1 V2 U51 tt A B not_ _xor_ A _and_ A B U161 tt V1 V2 U162 isBool V1 V2 _implies_ A B isBoolKind B U201 tt A _xor_ A true _or_ A B and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B isBoolKind _xor_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 isBoolKind _or_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 U21 tt A B C _and_ A C _implies_ A B isBool A _isEqualTo_ U U' and isS U isSKind U _xor_ A A U111 and isBool A isBoolKind A if_then_else_fi B U U' isBool B _xor_ false A isBool A U81 tt U' U if_then_else_fi _isEqualTo_ U U' false true _xor_ false A U121 and isBool A isBoolKind A A isBool _or_ V1 V2 and isBoolKind V1 isBoolKind V2 isBoolKind _or_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V2 isBool _xor_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V2 _and_ true A isBoolKind A U182 tt V2 isBool V2 isBool _or_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V1 _and_ A A isBoolKind A if_then_else_fi B U U' and isBool B isBoolKind B U172 tt V2 U173 isBool V2 U131 tt B U' equal _isNotEqualTo_ B true true U131 tt B U' _isNotEqualTo_ B true _xor_ false A isBoolKind A isBoolKind not_ V1 isBoolKind V1 U191 tt V1 isBool V1 isBoolKind _and_ V1 V2 isBoolKind V2 if_then_else_fi B U U' and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U _xor_ _xor_ false A _1 _xor_ U121 and isBool A isBoolKind A A _1 _and_ _and_ true A _1 _and_ U41 and isBool A isBoolKind A A _1 _xor_ _xor_ A A _1 _xor_ U111 and isBool A isBoolKind A _1 _or_ _or_ A B _1 _or_ U101 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B A B _1 _and_ _and_ A _xor_ B C _1 _and_ U21 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and and isBool B isBoolKind B and isBool C isBoolKind C A B C _1 _and_ _and_ false A _1 _and_ U31 and isBool A isBoolKind A _1 _and_ _and_ A A _1 _and_ U11 and isBool A isBoolKind A A _1 _implies_ A B and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B false _implies_ A B and isBool A isBoolKind A false U61 tt U' U equal _isNotEqualTo_ U U' true false _implies_ A B and isBool B isBoolKind B false U81 tt U' U _isEqualTo_ U U' false _implies_ A B U51 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B A B false U81 tt U' U if_then_else_fi _isEqualTo_ U U' false true false if_then_else_fi B U U' and and isBool B isBoolKind B and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U false if_then_else_fi B U U' and isBool B isBoolKind B false if_then_else_fi B U U' and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U false _implies_ A B isBool B false if_then_else_fi B U U' isBool B false _isEqualTo_ U U' and isS U isSKind U false _implies_ A B isBool A false _implies_ A B isBoolKind B false if_then_else_fi B U U' U131 and and isBool B isBoolKind B and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U B U' false U131 tt B U' U132 equal _isNotEqualTo_ B true true U' false U131 tt B U' equal _isNotEqualTo_ B true true false U131 tt B U' _isNotEqualTo_ B true false U51 tt A B not_ _xor_ A _and_ A B false not_ A U201 and isBool A isBoolKind A A false U201 tt A _xor_ A true false not_ A isBool A false not_ A isBoolKind A false if_then_else_fi B U U' and isS U' isSKind U' false if_then_else_fi B U U' isBoolKind B false if_then_else_fi true U U' and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U false _implies_ A B isBoolKind A false U61 tt U' U U62 equal _isNotEqualTo_ U U' true false U61 tt U' U _isNotEqualTo_ U U' false _isNotEqualTo_ U U U91 and isS U isSKind U false _isNotEqualTo_ U U and isS U isSKind U false _isNotEqualTo_ U U' U81 and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U' U false _isNotEqualTo_ U U' and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U false _isNotEqualTo_ U U' and isS U isSKind U false _isEqualTo_ U U' and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U false U51 tt A B _and_ A B false _or_ x _or_ y z _or_ _or_ x y z _or_ x _or_ y z _or_ x y _or_ x y _or_ y x true _or_ A B U101 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B A B false U101 tt A B _and_ A B false U101 tt A B _xor_ A B false _or_ A B and and isBool A isBoolKind A and isBool B isBoolKind B false _or_ A B and isBool A isBoolKind A false _or_ A B isBool A false _or_ A B and isBool B isBoolKind B false _or_ A B isBool B false _or_ A B isBoolKind B false _isEqualTo_ U U and isS U isSKind U false _isEqualTo_ U U' U61 and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U' U false if_then_else_fi true U U' and isS U' isSKind U' false if_then_else_fi true U U' and isS U isSKind U false not_ A and isBool A isBoolKind A false U101 tt A B _xor_ _and_ A B _xor_ A B false _isEqualTo_ U U U71 and isS U isSKind U false _isNotEqualTo_ U U' and isS U' isSKind U' false if_then_else_fi true U U' U141 and and isS U' isSKind U' and isS U isSKind U U false _and_ x y _and_ y x U21 tt A B C _and_ A C U21 tt A B C _and_ A B _and_ x _and_ y z _and_ x y _and_ x _and_ y z _and_ _and_ x y z _and_ A _xor_ B C U21 and and isBool A isBoolKind A and and isBool B isBoolKind B and isBool C isBoolKind C A B C true Failed! NaTT certifiable-1.6